戸谷 洋志
倫理学年報 (ISSN:24344699)
vol.67, pp.219-232, 2018 (Released:2019-04-01)

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the concept of modern natural image in Hans Jonas’ works. Jonas is a 20th century German philosopher who is well known as one of the most influential pioneers in the field of bioethics and environmental ethics. His primary work The Imperative of Responsibility[1979]indicates the potentially catastrophic character of technological civilization and emphasizes the necessity of developing a new ethical theory in response. However, Jonas focuses not only on the individual danger of technological products, but also modern natural image as a cause. According to Jonas, this image is ontologically “worth-neutral” and can be characterized as an “Ethical Vacuum.” Jonas analyzes its historical origin and considers the fundamental danger of such ontology on human beings. These thoughts on the modern natural image should be regarded as a pilot study on new ethics in Hans Jonas’ works. However, it is difficult to understand these concepts completely because Jonas has not presented them systematically. He conducted this analysis not in a single work, but only in fragments. Few preceding studies on Jonas have focused on the modern natural image but it has not been clarified in totality. Since these thoughts should be regarded as a pilot study on new ethics in technological civilization, they inevitably need clarification to understand his ethical theory. Hence, this paper attempts to reconstruct his thoughts on modern natural image from related works and present it in entirety.
戸谷 洋志
倫理学年報 (ISSN:24344699)
vol.71, pp.189-201, 2022 (Released:2022-07-11)

The subject of this paper is to clarify the meaning of the concept of immortality in the ethical thought of Hans Jonas. Jonas is known for his work, The Imperative of Responsibility: In Search of an Ethics for the Technological Age( Das Prinzip Verantwortung. Versuch einer Ethik für die technologische Zivilisation), in which he founds the responsibility for future generations, but his problemsetting is already evident in the mythological thought discussed in The Phenomenon of Life: Toward a Philosophical Biology(Das Prinzip Leben. Ansätze zu einer philosphischen Biologie), where the concept of immortality is discussed as a central issue in such mythological thought. However, in previous studies, the role of immortality in Jonas’s ethical thought has not always been sufficiently discussed. From this point of view, this paper aims to elucidate the conceptual function of immortality in explaining the responsibility to future generations, referring mainly to The Phenomenon of Life, and thereby provide a more systematic interpretation of Jonas’s ethical thought. In this paper, I will review previous studies on the concept of immortality to clarify the problem of this paper, and then confirm the background to the discussion of immortality in The Phenomenon of Life, where immortality is characterized as the temporality of determination. Then, I will reconstruct the mythology presented by Jonas to make such immortality comprehensible and clarify the conceptual link between immortality and responsibility derived from it. In conclusion, based on the above considerations, this paper will be shown that Jonas’s concept of immortality, as presented by his mythological thought, functions as a concept that explains resistance to oblivion in the foundation of responsibility to future generations.
戸谷 洋
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.41, no.1, pp.39-47, 1968

ケニヤの首都Nairobiの北方に位置するAberdare山地の東および南東斜面の下半部には, Kikuyu族の小村落が異常な高密度で分布しており,周囲といちじるしい対照を示している.これら小村落の集中には,曽ての英国による植民政策も一役買っているが,自然条件を検討した結果,人口を支える主要な因子はこの場合,地形性降雨にあること,そして,その分布下限は年平均降水量1,000mm, 年800mm以上の降水信頼度が1955~62年についてきわめて高いこと,一方,その上限は年平均気温15°C (高度2,300m) であることが判明.同時に,両条件が齟齬することから,北東斜面や西崖下のKinangop台地に村落のないことも説明される.