山森 徹雄 植原 典子 清野 和夫 谷 信幸 島崎 政人 高橋 秀美 中原 元 斉藤 彰久 浅井 政一 長山 克也
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.40, no.2, pp.245-248, 1996-04-01 (Released:2010-08-10)
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It was attempted to apply barrel finishing to improve the surface texture of the basal surface of the complete denture. The effect of barrel finishing on the denture base resin of rough surface should be confirmed to understand the alteration of the basal surface of complete denture after barrel finishing, because it is corrugated. The denture base resin samples with standardized corrugated surface were made using a metal mold, then each sample was divided into halves. One of the halves was barrel finished following the manufacturer's instruction after masking the datum plane, whereas the other one was used as a control without finishing. Both samples were observed under the reading microscope, and the distances between the base line and the top of each corrugation or the bottom of each corrugation were measured. Observation under the scanning electron microscope was also made. The results were as follows:1. The scanning electron microscopic observations showed that the top of the corrugation was obviously made round and smooth by barrel finishing, and that the bottom of the corrugation was also made smooth but it was less smooth than the top of the corrugation.2. The cutting depth of the denture base resin was 218.13μm at the top and 3.53μm at the bottom of the corrugation.These findings suggest that there is no problem after barrel finishing of the basal surface of complete dentures even if attention was paid to the height of the bead established for the posterior palatal seal.
鵜飼 保雄 大澤 良 斉藤 彰 林 武司
Breeding science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.45, no.1, pp.139-142, 1995-03-01

核DNAの制限酵素断片長多型(RFLP)やランダム増幅多型DNA(RAPD)などのDNA多型を利用して,多くの作物で連鎖地図の作成が進められている.またDNA多型連鎖地図を利用して量的形質遺伝子座(QTL)の解析をおこなう方法がいくつか開発されている (Lander and Green1987,Lander and Botstein1989). 連鎖地図作成はDNA多型でも通常の形質の場合(Bai1ey1959)でも原理的には同じである.しかし,前者では利用できるマーカー数が著しく多いうえに,それらの同時分離データが得られるので,それらの情報を総合的に活用してきわめて詳細な連鎖地図を作成することが可能となっている.しかしマーカー数が多いので単にマーカー間で組換価を求めるだけでも莫大な計算量が必要となる.またマー力一の連鎖群内順序の決定などでは大行列の逆行列や固有値の計算が含まれる.さらにQTL解析には,収束した推定値を得るまでに大量の反復計算が要求される.このようなことからDNA多型利用による連鎖地図作成とその育種的利用にはコンピュータ支援が不可欠である.