新井 克明 青木 洋平 雨宮 貴洋 倉田 なおみ
一般社団法人 日本老年薬学会
日本老年薬学会雑誌 (ISSN:24334065)
vol.6, no.3, pp.59-63, 2023-09-30 (Released:2023-11-01)

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential benefits arising from pharmacists accompanying doctors during their rounds in long-term care insured facilities for the elderly. Based on the medical records, the pharmaceutical content provided to physicians, medication history of residents, and residents’ level of care were analyzed. There were 157 interventions related to drug reduction that contributed to polypharmacy decrease. These interventions were maintained for six months and led to a cost reduction of approximately 1.67 million yen. Furthermore, one year after these interventions, a trend toward positive correlation was recorded between the improvement in residents’ level of care and the decrease in the number of medications taken. Overall, this study highlighted that pharmacists attending consultant-led rounds at long-term care insured facilities for the elderly was advantageous with regards to reducing polypharmacy and pharmaceutical costs.
秋山 滋男 新井 克明 輿石 徹 石田 志朗 倉田 なおみ
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.20, no.4, pp.220-226, 2019-02-28 (Released:2019-03-21)

Objective: We conducted a survey on drug information accumulated by pharmaceutical companies about the adequacy of administration of crushed or simply suspended internal medicines through enteral feeding tube, examination methods to confirm adequacy and inquiries from medical institutions to pharmaceutical companies about the adequacy of these methods.Methods: We sent a questionnaire to 162 pharmaceutical companies that sell internal medicines to collect information. The survey was conducted from May 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017.Results: The questionnaire response rate was 61% (99 companies responded). Eighty and 90 percent of the companies possessed information about the drug crushing methods and simple suspension methods used for administration of internal medicines,respectively. The type of information and examination methods used varied among the companies, was very limited, and was often limited to new drugs. The information acquisition rate about crushing methods was 69.3% in original examination methods of pharmaceutical companies. On the other hand, 90.3% of the information about simple suspension methods was obtained by the unified method of Hand Book of Simple Suspension Method.Conclusions: In the future, medical practice and patients will benefit if examination methods to confirm the adequacy of crushing and administration through feeding tubes are commonly and consistently obtained by pharmaceutical companies. Furthermore, it would be very useful for information of crushing methods and simple suspension methods to be included in package inserts and interview forms.
米田 正明 土井 信幸 新井 克明 宮本 悦子 高橋 真吾 淺野 未代子 秋山 滋男
アプライド・セラピューティクス (ISSN:18844278)
vol.17, pp.49-58, 2022 (Released:2022-04-28)

地域包括ケアシステムの進展に伴い、在宅医療において薬剤の経管投与患者は今後増加することが予想され、経管投与患者・介護者への簡易懸濁法の指導および支援の重要性が高まると考えられる。本研究では、保険薬局の管理薬剤師を対象に、経管投薬支援料算定開始に伴う算定状況および経管投与患者への薬剤投与方法の実態を明らかにすることを目的に調査した。 結果、384薬局から回答を得た(回収率53.5%)、経管投薬支援料を算定しているのは2.1%(6/283薬局)と低く、簡易懸濁法の指導経験のある保険薬局も13.8%(47/341薬局)と低かった。患者に対して簡易懸濁法の指導経験のある保険薬局は、指導経験のない保険薬局と比較して、簡易懸濁法に不適切な薬剤に対して医師への処方提案を行った経験は14.9% (7/47)と有意に高かった。簡易懸濁法の習得方法は、「インターネット上のWebサイト」との回答が55.3 %と最も高い割合であった。Webサイト上の情報源は信頼性が低い場合があることに留意すべきである。今後、製薬企業がインタビューフォームやホームページなどで適正な情報開示を行うことが期待される。また、薬剤師が経管投与患者やその介護者に対し簡易懸濁法の適切な支援を行うためには、薬剤師会などが主体となり実技研修を行うとともに、信頼性の高い情報の集積と情報提供体制の強化を図り、実地研修の機会を増やすなどの対応が望まれる。
高橋 昌也 新井 克明 本間 真人 鈴木 勝 佐藤 信一 幸田 幸直
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.28, no.2, pp.172-175, 2002-04-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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To investigate the description of the expiration date and manufacturing number on the drug packages, “pillow” packages and “heat-seal” packages, the questionnairing was carried out to pharmaceutical companies. Fifty-six drugs consisting of three hundred thirty-seven items, with sales of over 10 billion yen in 1998, were investigated at the corresponding 26 companies. The recovery rate of the questionnaire from the company was 100%, and the answer for all questions was also perfect. Three hundred fourteen items (93%) have had description regarding the manufacturing number and/or the expiration date on the heat-sealed packages. The manufacturing number took precedence over the expiration date. Of 269 pillow packages, 69 items (26%) have had description of manufacturing number and/or expiration date on the pillow package. There were 41 products (12%) that the company did not guarantee an expiration date being described on the box container when the packages were taken out from the box container.As a result, the description of the manufacturing number and expiration date on the packages, “pillow” and “heat-seal”, is still not complete even though the companies guarantee the expiration date when the drugs were stored with these packages. Since the information of the expiration date is necessary for the appropriate management of tablet and capsule products, it is required to describe manufacturing number and expiration date on every drug package including “pillow” and “heat-seal” packages.
高橋 昌也 新井 克明 本間 真人 鈴木 勝 佐藤 信一 幸田 幸直
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.28, no.2, pp.172-175, 2002
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To investigate the description of the expiration date and manufacturing number on the drug packages, "pillow" packages and "heat-seal" packages, the questionnairing was carried out to pharmaceutical companies. Fifty-six drugs consisting of three hundred thirty-seven items, with sales of over 10 billion yen in 1998, were investigated at the corresponding 26 companies. The recovery rate of the questionnaire from the company was 100%, and the answer for all questions was also perfect. Three hundred fourteen items (93%) have had description regarding the manufacturing number and/or the expiration date on the heat-sealed packages. The manufacturing number took precedence over the expiration date. Of 269 pillow packages, 69 items (26%) have had description of manufacturing number and/or expiration date on the pillow package. There were 41 products (12%) that the company did not guarantee an expiration date being described on the box container when the packages were taken out from the box container. As a result, the description of the manufacturing number and expiration date on the packages, "pillow" and "heat-seal", is still not complete even though the companies guarantee the expiration date when the drugs were stored with these packages. Since the information of the expiratioh date is necessary for the appropriate management of tablet and capsule products, it is required to describe manufacturing number and expiration date on every drug package including "pillow" and "heat-seal" packages.