石田 志朗 本池 慶 岡本 育子 山川 和宣 渡辺 智康 安藤 哲信 鈴江 朋子 岡野 善郎
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.40, no.5, pp.285-290, 2014-05-10 (Released:2015-05-10)

Amitiza® is available as an oval, soft gelatin capsule containing 24 μg of lubiprostone dissolved in a medium-chain triglyceride. Lubiprostone is a chloride channel activator indicated for the treatment of chronic idiopathic constipation in adults. Although Amitiza® capsules should be swallowed whole and not broken apart or chewed, the capsules have been administered by a simple suspension method to recipients unable to ingest food or drugs orally. The administration of Amitiza® capsule suspension through nasoenteric feeding tubes has not been investigated. Therefore, we evaluated whether the capsules are appropriate for administration through nasogastric tubes. The capsules disintegrated and dispersed after 10 min in 30 mL of hot water at 55°C. The suspension was transferred into a syringe or suspension bottle and passed through nasoenteric feeding tubes (8 Fr) without obstruction. Lubiprostone levels in each sample were determined by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. More than 93% of the lubiprostone was contained in suspension with flash solution through the feeding tubes administered through both the tubes. In conclusion, this study suggests that Amitiza® capsules can be administered to patients by a simple suspension method through nasoenteric feeding tubes.
西田 史朗 高橋 豊 竹村 恵二 石田 志朗 前田 保夫
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.32, no.3, pp.129-138, 1993-07-31 (Released:2009-08-21)

琵琶湖周辺に位置する彦根市曽根沼, 比良山地の小女郎ヶ池湿原, 福井県鳥浜貝塚の湿原堆積層中で, 鬼界アカホヤ火山灰層の上位に存在する火山灰層について, 火山ガラスの主要元素組成と屈折率を測定したところ, それらが互いに対比できることが分かった. 一方, これらの測定値は, 伊豆半島カワゴ平火山を給源とするカワゴ平降下火山灰層の火山ガラスの主要元素組成と屈折率の測定結果ともよい一致をみる. すでに, カワゴ平降下火山灰層が東から西に飛んだ火山灰であると報告されていることから, 今回測定した火山灰層がカワゴ平降下火山灰層であると考えるに至った. カワゴ平降下火山灰層は3,000年BP前後の噴出と考えられるので, 伊豆半島から近畿地方にかけての地域で, 縄文時代後・晩期の有効なマーカーテフラの発見となる. 日本列島をおおう第四紀の広域火山灰層のほとんどは, その給源火山を分布域の西端近くにもつか, 西方に予想されてきたが, 上記の火山灰層については当てはまらない. カワゴ平降下火山灰層を西方に吹送するような日本列島に広く東風の吹く気圧位置として, 梅雨期と秋雨期, さらに本州沖を巨大台風がゆっくりと東進する場合が考えられる. 今回の気象条件は特定できないが, これらのいずれかとカワゴ平火山の噴火時期が一致して西方へ運ばれたと考えられる.
鈴木 寿志 石田 志朗
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.111, no.9, pp.565-568, 2005 (Released:2006-01-01)

The geochronologic units of Palaeogene and Neogene have long been described in Japanese as "Kodaisanki" and "Shindaisanki", which mean old and young Tertiary, respectively. The International Commission on Stratigraphy, however, recently proposes the revised geochronologic chart, demonstrating the subdivision of the Cenozoic Era into the Palaeogene and Neogene Periods instead of the Tertiary and Quaternary. The Japanese wording "Kodaisanki" and "Shindaisanki", therefore, should be reconsidered in terms of derivatio nominis of Palaeogene and Neogene. Here we review the Japanese usages of Palaeogene and Neogene in previous textbooks back to the end of the nineteenth century. It is concluded that the words "Koseiki", "Shiseiki" or "Kyuseiki" for Palaeogene and "Shinseiki" or "Kinseiki" for Neogene have already been proposed and described by Prof. Matajiro Yokoyama. These Japanese terms for Palaeogene and Neogene would be taken into consideration to write geological reports and papers in Japanese.
秋山 滋男 新井 克明 輿石 徹 石田 志朗 倉田 なおみ
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.20, no.4, pp.220-226, 2019-02-28 (Released:2019-03-21)

Objective: We conducted a survey on drug information accumulated by pharmaceutical companies about the adequacy of administration of crushed or simply suspended internal medicines through enteral feeding tube, examination methods to confirm adequacy and inquiries from medical institutions to pharmaceutical companies about the adequacy of these methods.Methods: We sent a questionnaire to 162 pharmaceutical companies that sell internal medicines to collect information. The survey was conducted from May 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017.Results: The questionnaire response rate was 61% (99 companies responded). Eighty and 90 percent of the companies possessed information about the drug crushing methods and simple suspension methods used for administration of internal medicines,respectively. The type of information and examination methods used varied among the companies, was very limited, and was often limited to new drugs. The information acquisition rate about crushing methods was 69.3% in original examination methods of pharmaceutical companies. On the other hand, 90.3% of the information about simple suspension methods was obtained by the unified method of Hand Book of Simple Suspension Method.Conclusions: In the future, medical practice and patients will benefit if examination methods to confirm the adequacy of crushing and administration through feeding tubes are commonly and consistently obtained by pharmaceutical companies. Furthermore, it would be very useful for information of crushing methods and simple suspension methods to be included in package inserts and interview forms.
小池 克明 西山 孝 石田 志朗 藤田 和夫
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.29, no.5, pp.395-404, 1990
4 1

Facies analysis of sediments based on the boring database systems of the Osaka, Kyoto, and Kameoka basins situated in the central part of the Kinki district, Japan, have been carried out to correlate their subsurface sediments. The analytical method is the one which calculates the appearance percentage of clay, sand, and gravel at the same elevations and at 0.5m intervals in each of the basins, and then smooths these data using the moving average method for 21 terms. As a result, it has been revealed that the fluctuations in the appearance percentage of clay in the Osaka basin occur with a frequency very similar to the fluctuations of oxygen-isotope ratio in the upper part of core V28-239 raised from the Solomon Rise at lat 3°15′N, long 159°11′E from a depth of 3, 490m. Furthermore, the fluctuation patterns of the appearance percentage of gravel in each of the basins are similar to one another, which suggests a common sedimentation related to the global paleoclimate in the basins of the same drainage system.<br>Spectral analysis using the Maximum Entropy Method (MEM) reveals that the appearance percentage of clay and sand in the Osaka basin each have a preeminent period of about 30m, while gravels in the northern part of the Kyoto basin and the Kameoka basin have a 12-13m period in common.
小畠 信夫 千地 万造 池辺 展生 石田 志朗 亀井 節夫 中世古 幸次郎 松本 英二
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.4, no.2, pp.49-58_2, 1965-09-30 (Released:2009-08-21)
4 12

In the circumference of the Ôsaka region, there are widely distributed Plio-Pleistocene deposits, the Ôsaka group. In September of 1964, nearly complete, but without some limbs and tail bones, skeletons of a fossil crocodile were excavated from the upper part of the Ôsaka group, at the ground of the Ôsaka University, Machikaneyama, Shibahara, Toyonaka City, Ôsaka Pref.. The horizon was the fresh water sandy clay bed which lay between the 8th marine clay above and the 7th marine clay below, of that group. Thus, the geological age of this horizon is estimated to be the Early Pleistocene. It was the first discovery of the crocodile fossil in Japan, and then, this long snout crocodile was named as Tomistoma machikanense Kamei et Matsumoto (n. sp.).