前野 深 新堀 賢志 金子 隆之 藤井 敏嗣 中田 節也 鎌田 桂子 安田 敦 青柳 正規
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.84, no.4, pp.271-289, 2010-03-29

Burial process of Roman Villa on the northern flank of Mt. Vesuvius, Italy, was reconstructed based on sedimentation processes of laharic deposits newly discovered during 2006-2008 for the extended excavation site in NE to E parts of the Roman Villa. The laharic deposits are distributed on the lower level of the excavation site. The deposits are divided into four subunits, G1-MfL1, G1-DfL1, G1-MfL2, G1-DfL2, based on their sedimentary facies (Mf and Df facies). Mf is characterized by massive and matrix-supported facies, indicating en masse deposition from a laminar flow process, and Df is characterized by stratified and clast supported facies, indicating grain-by-grain aggradation from suspension or traction process. These different types of facies are partially transitional and attributed to variations of sediment/water ratio and internal stress condition inside flows, and may be resulted from an evolutional process, like a flow transformation, of a single debris flow. These laharic deposits directly overlie pyroclastic fallout deposits (G1-Af) in the initial phase of the AD 472 eruption, but are eroded and covered by epiclastic deposits (G1-Mf1, 2, 3, 4 and G1-Df) derived from later- and larger-scale laharic events related to the same eruption. The later laharic deposits include more amounts of basement lava of Mt. Somma, compared with the newly discovered deposits. Characteristics and interpretation of the deposits suggest that lahars just after the 472 eruption came from the north to bury the lower level of buildings and have experienced various types of sedimentation processes. An erosion of the edifice of Mt. Somma may have mainly acted in the later laharic events.
新堀 賢志 長井 雅史 金子 隆之 Fujii Toshitsugu Nakada Setsuya Yoshimoto Mitsuhiro Yasuda Atsushi Aoyagi Masanori
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.82, no.2, pp.119-178, 2007

An archaeological excavation site at the northern foot of Mt. Vesuvius in Italy provided a three-dimensional outcrop with a height of 8m to study its volcanic succession. Through a stratigraphical study of sediments and chemical analyses of juvenile materials, the timing and the sequence of the burial processes of the villa, which is attributed to Emperor Augustus, have been revealed. The sediments filling the villa can be divided into five stratigraphical units (Group1, Group2, Group3A, Group3B, and Group3C) by the presence of soil. The lowermost unit (Group1) directly covering the partially collapsed Roman building includes air-fall deposits, surge deposit, and epiclastic flow deposits. One of charcoals found in this unit give an age of 1500yBP, and the juvenile scoria have the same compositional range as ejecta of the AD472 Sub-plinian eruption, and differ from ejecta of major eruptions. The next three units (Group2, Group3A, and Group3B) include thick epiclastic flow deposits interbedding air-fall deposits. The uppermost unit (Group3C) consists of alternating scoria and ash-fall layers and an overlying ash-fall layer. The petrographical features and the composition of juvenile materials coincide with those of the AD1631 Sub-plinian eruption. From these geological and geochemical features, the burial process of the Roman villa is described as follows. When the AD472 eruption started, the villa had partially collapsed. This damaged building was mantled by an air-fall deposit a few tens of centimeters thick. The remaining building was soon struck by several phases of lahars, and was buried up to a height of 5m. The villa experienced at least five eruptions, and their ejecta and subsequent lahars buried the building further. The last eruption, which completely buried the villa, was the AD1631 eruption. This reconstructed scenario suggests lahars generated just after the eruptions were major agents in the burial of the Roman villa.
吉本 充宏 藤井 敏嗣 新堀 賢志 金野 慎 中田 節也 井口 正人
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017

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