馬場 章 藤井 敏嗣 千葉 達朗 吉本 充宏 西澤 文勝 渋谷 秀敏

将来起こりうる火山災害を軽減するためには,過去の噴火推移の詳細を明らかにすることが重要である.特に西暦1707年の宝永噴火については,富士火山では比較的例の少ない大規模爆発的噴火の例として,ハザードマップ作成でも重要視されている.宝永噴火は基本的にプリニー式噴火であったとみなされているが,火口近傍相の研究は多くない.また,宝永山については,脱ガスしたマグマの貫入による隆起モデルが提唱されており(Miyaji et al.,2011),さらにはマグマ貫入による山体崩壊未遂の可能性と,予知可能な山体崩壊の例として避難計画策定の必要性が指摘されている(小山,2018).本発表では,宝永噴火の火口近傍相の地質調査・全岩化学組成分析・古地磁気測定などから新たに得られた知見をもとに,宝永山の形成過程について考察する.富士火山南東麓に位置する宝永山は,宝永噴火の際に古富士火山の一部が隆起して形成されたと推定されてきた(Tsuya,1955 ; Miyaji et al.,2011).しかし,赤岩を含む宝永山には多種多様な類質岩片は認められるものの,主には緻密な暗灰色スコリア片、火山弾から構成され,斑れい岩岩片や斑れい岩を捕獲した火山弾も認められる.それらの鏡下観察・全岩化学組成分析・古地磁気測定から,赤岩を含む宝永山は,Ho-Ⅲでもステージ2(Miyaji et al.,2011)に対比され ,マグマ水蒸気爆発による火口近傍の降下堆積物ないしサージ堆積物と推定される.また,宝永第2・第3火口縁,御殿庭の侵食谷側壁は,宝永噴火の降下堆積物で構成されており,ステージ1のHo-Ⅰ~Ⅲ(Miyaji et al.,2011)に対比される.侵食谷の基底部に白色・縞状軽石層は現時点において確認できないものの,下位から上位にかけて安山岩質から玄武岩質に漸移的な組成変化(SiO2=62.8~52.2wt%)をしている.そして,宝永第1火口内の火砕丘,宝永山山頂付近,御殿庭の侵食谷から得た古地磁気方位は,古地磁気永年変化曲線(JRFM2K.1)の西暦1707頃の古地磁気方位と一致する.これらの新たな知見に加えて,宝永噴出物のアイソパック(Miyaji et al.,2011),マグマ供給系(藤井,2007 ; 安田ほか,2015)と史料と絵図(小山,2009)も考慮し,宝永噴火に伴う宝永山の形成過程を推定した.宝永山はわずか9日間で形成された宝永噴火の給源近傍相としての火砕丘である.1.玄武岩質マグマがデイサイト質マグマに接触・混合したことで白色・縞状軽石が第1火口付近から噴出し,偏西風により東方向に流された(12月16日10~17時頃,Miyaji et al.,(2011)のUnit A,Bに相当).2.火口拡大に伴って第1火口の山体側も削剥され,多量の類質岩片が本質物と共に東~南方向に放出し,宝永山を形成し始めた(12月17日未明,Miyaji et al.,(2011)のUnit C~Fに相当).3.第1火口縁の地すべりによる火口閉塞ないし火口域の拡大により,噴出中心は第2火口に移行した(12月17~19日、Miyaji et al.,(2011)のUnit G~Iに相当).4.火口閉塞した類質岩片が噴出されることにより,噴火中心は第1火口に遷移し,断続的なマグマ水蒸気爆発により宝永山(赤岩)が形成された(12月19~25日、Miyaji et al.,(2011)のUnit J~Mに相当).5.噴火口が第1火口に限定されることで類質岩片の流入が止み,玄武岩質マグマによるプリニー噴火が6日間継続したのち,噴火が終了した(12月25~30日,Miyaji et al.,(2011)のUnit N~Qに相当).
馬場 章 藤井 敏嗣 吉本 充宏 千葉 達 渋谷 秀敏
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.67, no.3, pp.351-377, 2022-09-30 (Released:2022-10-27)

Mt. Hoei (Hoei-zan) is a protuberance on the southeastern flank of the Fuji volcano, Japan. The lateral cone was formed during the Hoei eruption in AD 1707. However, the geological map of the Fuji volcano assigns the material of the protuberance to an older unit in the Hoshiyama Stage (100 to 17 ka); this is because the Akaiwa deposits around the summit have been altered in the same manner as rocks in the Hoshiyama Stage. This assignment has led to a model, unique in the context of modern volcanology, in which Mt. Hoei is an uplifted bulge caused by the intrusion of degassed magma that occurred at the time of the eruption; it thus led us to reinvestigate the geology of Mt. Hoei for the first time since Tsuya (1955). In addition to a geological survey, we obtained paleomagnetic directions from the Akaiwa and fallout deposits in the Goten-niwa erosional valley at the base of Mt. Hoei and compared the former with directions from the spatter cone that formed in the first Hoei crater during the final stage of the Hoei eruption. All the directions agreed well with each other and the archeomagnetic directions reported as corresponding to AD 1707, clearly indicating that the Akaiwa is not a part of the Hoshiyama Stage. We also performed petrographic and whole-rock chemical analyses of the deposits and found a gradual upward compositional change from dacite to basalt corresponding to the distal tephrostratigraphic units Ho-I to Ho-IV. This result shows that the Akaiwa deposits corresponded to the rocks of unit Ho-III, and both paleomagnetic and petrologic investigations strongly suggest that the former formed contemporaneously with the eruption. Therefore, the protuberance is not a bulge caused by the magmatic intrusion but a pyroclastic cone from the Hoei eruption.
前野 深 新堀 賢志 金子 隆之 藤井 敏嗣 中田 節也 鎌田 桂子 安田 敦 青柳 正規
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.84, no.4, pp.271-289, 2010-03-29

Burial process of Roman Villa on the northern flank of Mt. Vesuvius, Italy, was reconstructed based on sedimentation processes of laharic deposits newly discovered during 2006-2008 for the extended excavation site in NE to E parts of the Roman Villa. The laharic deposits are distributed on the lower level of the excavation site. The deposits are divided into four subunits, G1-MfL1, G1-DfL1, G1-MfL2, G1-DfL2, based on their sedimentary facies (Mf and Df facies). Mf is characterized by massive and matrix-supported facies, indicating en masse deposition from a laminar flow process, and Df is characterized by stratified and clast supported facies, indicating grain-by-grain aggradation from suspension or traction process. These different types of facies are partially transitional and attributed to variations of sediment/water ratio and internal stress condition inside flows, and may be resulted from an evolutional process, like a flow transformation, of a single debris flow. These laharic deposits directly overlie pyroclastic fallout deposits (G1-Af) in the initial phase of the AD 472 eruption, but are eroded and covered by epiclastic deposits (G1-Mf1, 2, 3, 4 and G1-Df) derived from later- and larger-scale laharic events related to the same eruption. The later laharic deposits include more amounts of basement lava of Mt. Somma, compared with the newly discovered deposits. Characteristics and interpretation of the deposits suggest that lahars just after the 472 eruption came from the north to bury the lower level of buildings and have experienced various types of sedimentation processes. An erosion of the edifice of Mt. Somma may have mainly acted in the later laharic events.
荒牧 重雄 藤井 敏嗣
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山.第2集 (ISSN:24330590)
vol.33, no.SPCL, pp.S297-S306, 1988-06-30 (Released:2018-01-15)

Detailed characterization of the whole rock composition of the ejecta of the 1986-1987 eruption of Izu-Oshima volcano by the XRF technique (FUJII et al., 1988) clearly indicates that the ejecta from the central crater of Miharayama (Crater A) are different from those erupted from the fissures (Fissures B and C) on the caldera floor and on the outer slope of the main stratovolcano. This suggests that the conduits which led the A and B, C magmas to the surface were separated physically from each other down to a certain depth. The ejecta from A crater resemble closely to those erupted during the past 1300 years (Y magmas) while the ejecta from B and C fissures are unique in composition among the Izu-Oshima magmas. The A and Y magmas are Fe-enriched island arc type tholeiites that must have been derived from the primary tholeiite magmas through crystal fractionation of olivine, pyroxenes and plagioclase. The B and C magmas can be derived simply through crystal fractionation of A or Y magmas leading to Fe-enriched basaltic andesites, andesites and dacites. This strongly suggests that an isolated pocket of magma starting with a composition of Y underwent strong fractionation to produce volatile enriched ferroandesitic magma. This body of magma was probably activated by the sudden depressurization caused by shattering and fissuring of the crust to form a 1500 m high fire fountains and to produce a sub-Plinian scoria fall deposit. The vent of A crater must have been stable at least during the last 1300 years and directly, or through the subsidiary magma chamber(s), connected to the main chamber above the Moho, where an extensive crystal fractionation has been taking place to produce Y magma from the parent tholeiitic magma. Marked ground depression and extension and migration of seismicity observed during the eruption suggest a possibility that a substantial amount of additional magma was intruded to form a NW-SE trending dike during the peak phase of the eruption. This is in harmony with the Nakamura’s model of the volcano with the NW-SE trending dike swarm which is controlled by the regional compressional stress field. However, gravity and some other grophysical data suggest that the deformation could have been the result of underground cracking without magma injection. Our model is not conclusive on this matter and the expectation that this eruption will eventually lead to the large-scale activity that has been recurring in every 130±50 years is yet to be tested.
早川 由紀夫 荒牧 重雄 白尾 元理 小林 哲夫 徳田 安伸 津久井 雅志 加藤 隆 高田 亮 小屋口 剛博 小山 真人 藤井 敏嗣 大島 治 曽屋 龍典 宇都 浩三
火山. 第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.29, pp.S208-S220, 1984-12-28

Stratigraphy and thickness distribution of the pyroclastic fall deposits formed during the eruption of Miyakejima volcano on October 3-4, 1983, were studied immediately after the deposition. Of the total mass of 20 million tons erupted, 8.5 million tons were ejected as basaltic scoria to form a complex set of air-fall deposits east of the fissure vents. One million tons of the latter were ejected from the upper fissures as fire-fountain products. The rest was the product of phreatomagmatic explosions which occurred in the lower fissures where ground water chilled the magma to form dense scoria blocks which devastated villages. Explosion craters and a tuff ring were formed along the N-S trending lower fissures. Account of the general distribution of the deposits, nature of the constituents, mutual stratigraphic correlation and correlation with observed sequence are given.
安田 敦 馬場 章 藤井 敏嗣 外西 奈津美
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.64, no.2, pp.83-101, 2019-06-30 (Released:2019-07-06)

Gabbroic inclusions newly found in the Yakeno lava flow, erupted about 1300 years ago on the northwestern flank of Fuji volcano, are divided into two groups; one consists of troctolite and the other consists of olivine gabbronorite and gabbronorite. Troctolite fragments are considered to originate from shallow dykes because of their mineral composition and high porosity. On the other hand, estimated equilibrium conditions of gabbronorite and olivine gabbronorite are 1020-1050°C and 250-380MPa, showing their deep origin; probably they had been caught in the Yakeno magma (i.e. the magma erupted as the Yakeno lava flow) at differentiated small magma bodies just above a substantial basaltic magma chamber of Fuji volcano. Pre-eruptive temperature and water content of the Yakeno magma are evaluated by olivine-liquid thermometer and plagioclase-liquid hygrometer to be 1090°C and 2.8wt%, respectively. So the viscosity of the Yakeno magma is calculated to be several tens Pascal second. Therefore the minimum ascent velocity required to lift the gabbroic fragments is ca.10m/h, implying that the Yakeno lava flow had ascent without significant pause en route to the surface.
藤井 敏嗣
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.97, no.3, pp.209-213, 1988-06-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
藤井 敏嗣 吉本 充宏 石峯 康浩 山田 浩之

山小屋の屋根構造の落石や噴石などの岩石の衝突に対する強度を明らかにするために、富士山の山小屋で使用されている杉の野地板を用いた屋根構造に噴石を模した飛翔体を衝突させる実験をH28年度に引き続き実施した。屋根構造の簡易的な強化策を検討することを目的に、杉板2層を重ね合わせた構造を検討することとした。衝突実験は、H28年度と同様に防衛大学校所有の圧縮空気によって飛翔体を噴射させる高速投射型衝撃破壊試験装置を使用した。飛翔体は昨年度と同様にビトリファイド砥石(2421 ㎏/m2)、直径90mm、質量2.66kgを使用した。本実験では、飛翔体の質量を固定したため、速度を変化させることで運動エネルギーを変化させた。飛翔体速度は20m/s~50m/s(衝突エネルギーは約1000J~3600J)の範囲で行った。基本構造は、杉板2層を重ね合わせた表面に、防水シート(厚さ約1mm)とガルバリウム鋼板(厚さ約0.4mm)を取り付けたものに垂木を組み合わせた。杉板の重ね合わせ方は、1枚目と2枚目を直交させるように重ね合わせるクロス型と平行に重ね合わせるスタッカード型の2種類を作成した。実験結果より杉板の貫通限界エネルギーは、板厚15mmのクロス構造において2100~2700J、板厚15mmのスタッガード構造において1200~1900J、板厚18mmのクロス構造において2500~3000J、板厚18mmのスタッガード構造に1300~2400J付近と求めることができた。すなわち、板厚に関わらず、クロス構造はスタッガード構造に比べて高い衝突エネルギーにおいて貫通の境界が現れた。そのため、杉板を2枚重ねて木造建築物屋根を作製する場合、クロス構造の方が噴石衝突に対する木造建築物の安全性が高いといえる。
藤井 敏嗣
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.61, no.1, pp.211-223, 2016

The main stream of the researches for prediction of volcanic eruption in Japan has been promoted through the national program which was established in 1974. The research has been advanced based on the development of basic volcanology and on the accumulation of practical knowledge obtained through the occasional volcanic eruptions. As it was shown in the review of the recent volcanic eruptions in Japan and the measures taken to mitigate the disasters caused by these eruptions, the prediction of volcanic eruptions in Japan is, however, on the stage of empirical pattern recognition. It is still far away from prediction based on the models of the underlying dynamics of volcano. Even in such situation, public society asks when and where eruption will occur, and how long the eruption will continue. It is difficult to answer these questions; however it is necessary to provide useful information based on the monitoring of eruption and the application of the available knowledge for the mitigation of volcanic disaster. In this context, several issues which might be concerned in the research of prediction of volcanic eruption and in developing the measures to mitigate volcanic disasters are described.
吉本 充宏 藤井 敏嗣 新堀 賢志 金野 慎 中田 節也 井口 正人
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017

富士山周辺の市町村では、火山防災行政担当者は2〜3年で異動する。これらの担当者は、異動当初の数日の引き継ぎのみで、基礎的な知識等については、火山防災パンフレットや短時間の講演会を聴講するのみである。そのため、知識の伝達や対策の継続性がしばしば滞ることがある。これまでも研修会や図上訓練などを実施することにより、火山防災担当者のスキルを向上させる試みは数多く行われているが、効果が上がっていない場合も多い。図上訓練の効果を上げるには、さまざまな個々の火山や火山防災特有の知識を必要とするが、それらを簡単に提供できる仕組みもない。本研究では、行政担当者が、継続的に知識を取得し、共通課題を共有し、地元の火山噴火に的確に対応できる人材育成を目指した研修プログラムを構築することを目的とする。関係機関へのヒアリングを基に研修プログラム案を作成し、平成29年1月に試験的に研修会を実施した。プログラムの内容は火山噴火や災害の基礎知識、実際の噴火災害対応に関する知識、現行の富士山火山広域避難計画を学び、それらを振り返るための演習(図上訓練)で、実施時間は半日、他の業務と連携して行えるように富士山火山防災会議協議会山梨県コアグループ会議に合わせて開催した。研修会の運営はNPO法人火山防災機構に依頼し、研修会には、オブザーバーを含め50名が参加した。演習としては、「噴火警戒レベルに応じて実施する対策」と題してワールドカフェ形式の図上訓練を行い、最後に全体討論会として班毎の発表と講評、アンケートを実施した。 アンケートの結果、総じて定期的な火山防災研修を望む声が多く、年に1~2回程度実施し、2回の場合は担当者が新規に入れ替わる4月と秋頃に各1回程度、火山防災協議会開催時と同時期に行うのが望ましいとの情報が得られた。開催時間は演習100分程度を含め半日程度が望ましく、内容としては今回実施した内容に加えて「火山防災情報」や「住民等への広報」等の内容が必要とされる。運営面では、別途予算の確保は必要となるが、持続的に実施する場合においては担当者が変わらない民間事業者等の支援を受けることも有効だと考えられる。 本研究は、東京大学地震研究所と京都大学防災研究所の拠点間連携共同研究によって行われたものである。
中田 節也 長井 雅史 安田 敦 嶋野 岳人 下司 信夫 大野 希一 秋政 貴子 金子 隆之 藤井 敏嗣
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.110, no.2, pp.168-180, 2001-04-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
41 43

The 2000 eruption of Miyakejima volcano started with a submarine eruption of basaltic andesite on the morning of June 27, which occurred following earthquake swarms during the previous night. The main phase of the summit eruption began, being associated by a sudden subsidence of the summit area on July 8. Continuous collapsing of the summit area that had continued until midAugust, resulted in the formation of a caldera with the volume of about 0.6 km3. Phreatic (or phreatomagmatic) eruptions took places during the growth of the caldera, although the total volume of eruptives was about 11 million m3. which is smaller by one magnitude than the caldera volume. Eruptives are enriched with hydrothermally altered materials such as smectite and kaolinite.The manner of the first collapse suggests the existence of a large open space under the summit just before the subsidence. Judging from geophysical observation results, the open space may have ascended in the manner of stoping. Successive formation of open spaces at deeper levels is likely to have caused the continuous collapse of the summit area. These open spaces may have been generated by magma's migration from under Miyakejima to the west. The migration is considered to have continued by August 18.It is likely that an inflow of underground water to the open spaces generated a hydrothermal system, where the open spaces acted as a sort of pressure cooker that built up overpressure of eruptions. The hydrothermal system was broken by the largest eruption on August 18, and the eruption column rose about 15 km above the summit. A boiling-over type of eruption occurred on August 29, whereby sufficient overpressure of steam was not built up, resulting in the generation of low-temperature ash cloud surges moving very slowly.
藤井 敏嗣
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山.第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.23, no.2, pp.117-130, 1978

約半世紀にわたる実験岩石学的研究により,主要なマグプの生成に関する物理化学的条件については,かなり解明されたと言ってもよいであろう. しかし,マグマ生成の物理化学的条件が分っただけではマグマの成因を理解したことにはならない. マグマカミ生成し,地表あるいは地殻浅部に到達するまでのメカニズムを理解して,はじめてマグマの成因が分ったと言える. このためにも,マグマの物理的性質についての知識は重要である. 本稿では,マグマの物理的性質のうち,移動現象に関係のある粘性と密度とをとりあげる.
宇井 忠英 隅田 まり 大学合同観測班地質班 荒牧 重雄 大島 治 鎌田 桂子 小林 武彦 小屋口 剛博 佐藤 博明 中川 光弘 中田 節也 藤井 敏嗣 藤縄 明彦 古山 勝彦 三宅 康幸 横瀬 久芳 渡辺 一徳
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.38, no.2, pp.45-52, 1993-07-01

Small-scale pyroclastic flows due to the collapse of the lava dome have been frequently generated during the 1991-93 eruption of Unzen Volcano. We have recorded video footages which show the generation of pyroclastic flows during January-March 1992. Two types of phenomena have been observed : deformation of the lava dome due to flowage ; and a sudden discharge of gas and ash through fractures and peeling-off of rock fragments from the surface of cooling lava blocks. Pyroclastic flows were generated only in places on the lava dome where these precursory phenomena were frequently observed.