石橋 秀巳 岩橋 くるみ 安田 敦 諏訪 由起子 長崎 志保 外西 奈津美
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.66, no.2, pp.119-129, 2021-06-30 (Released:2021-07-27)

Recent studies proposed empirical equations describing the relations between amphibole single-phase chemistry and the pressure-temperature-compositional conditions of the coexisting melt. These methods are called amphibole single-phase thermometer, barometer, and melt-chemometer, and have been used in the previous ten years to investigate magma reservoir processes of subduction-related volcanoes. Here, the three methods are briefly introduced with their reliabilities. Then, we review the applications of these methods to clarify magma reservoir processes, chiefly using as examples three volcanoes of Kyushu, i.e. the Tsurumi-dake, Aso and Unzen volcanoes. The pressure-temperature-SiO2 content conditions of the melts estimated from amphiboles enable us to determine physicochemical conditions of the end-member melts of magma mixing, even for cases in which the mixed melt is perfectly homogenized and/or the end-member melt is chemically similar to the mixed melt. We could further identify a phenocryst mineral-melt disequilibrium in a magma, which is usually difficult to recognize from petrography and is a potential factor of misinterpretation for magma reservoir processes, based on the results. Furthermore, the estimated pressures constrain the depth conditions of magma plumbing systems, which can be cross-checked by the results of geophysical observations. These results demonstrate the usefulness of the methods for investigating magma reservoir processes.
前野 深 新堀 賢志 金子 隆之 藤井 敏嗣 中田 節也 鎌田 桂子 安田 敦 青柳 正規
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.84, no.4, pp.271-289, 2010-03-29

Burial process of Roman Villa on the northern flank of Mt. Vesuvius, Italy, was reconstructed based on sedimentation processes of laharic deposits newly discovered during 2006-2008 for the extended excavation site in NE to E parts of the Roman Villa. The laharic deposits are distributed on the lower level of the excavation site. The deposits are divided into four subunits, G1-MfL1, G1-DfL1, G1-MfL2, G1-DfL2, based on their sedimentary facies (Mf and Df facies). Mf is characterized by massive and matrix-supported facies, indicating en masse deposition from a laminar flow process, and Df is characterized by stratified and clast supported facies, indicating grain-by-grain aggradation from suspension or traction process. These different types of facies are partially transitional and attributed to variations of sediment/water ratio and internal stress condition inside flows, and may be resulted from an evolutional process, like a flow transformation, of a single debris flow. These laharic deposits directly overlie pyroclastic fallout deposits (G1-Af) in the initial phase of the AD 472 eruption, but are eroded and covered by epiclastic deposits (G1-Mf1, 2, 3, 4 and G1-Df) derived from later- and larger-scale laharic events related to the same eruption. The later laharic deposits include more amounts of basement lava of Mt. Somma, compared with the newly discovered deposits. Characteristics and interpretation of the deposits suggest that lahars just after the 472 eruption came from the north to bury the lower level of buildings and have experienced various types of sedimentation processes. An erosion of the edifice of Mt. Somma may have mainly acted in the later laharic events.
田島 靖久 及川 純 小林 哲夫 安田 敦
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.67, no.1, pp.45-68, 2022-03-31 (Released:2022-04-26)

Shinmoedake is the compound volcano in Kirishima Volcano and the most active volcano in Japan, having recorded frequent magmatic eruptions during 1716-1717, 2011, and 2018. The three geological active periods of Shinmoedake in the last 8 ka were recorded by a geological survey (Tajima et al., 2013a). The geological eruptive time category of Shinmoedake is divided into long-term, middle-term, and short-term activities. Short-term activity is captured by monitoring and covers a period of several years or more. The magma eruption rates during middle-term activities were estimated to be several times higher than the long-term magma eruption rate. Moreover, the centers of magma eruptions within each middle-term period had stabilized in terms of location. Additionally, the magma eruption rates during each period of middle-term activity were not constant. Therefore, knowledge regarding the variation in the magma production of Shinmoedake during geologically short-term, middle-term, and long-term activities is required to understand its development and plumbing system. In this paper, we compile recent geological investigation results of Shinmoedake and propose a rational conceptual model of its current state supported by petrological and geophysical data. A well-known conceptual plumbing model of Kirishima Volcano was proposed by Kagiyama et al. (1997). The seismic attenuation spot (reservoir A) is located at a depth of 4-5 km below Karakunidake (Oikawa et al., 1994), and a wide P-wave velocity anomaly area (reservoir W) is situated at a depth of 10-15 km below Kirishima Volcano (Yamamoto and Ida, 1994). Recently, geophysical observations have indicated that magma was supplied from a depth of 8-10 km (reservoir B) to the western area of Shinmoedake during the 2011 magmatic eruption (Nakao et al., 2013). In addition, petrological analysis suggested two different sources of silicic magma from a level of reservoir A and mafic magma from a level of reservoir B (Suzuki et al., 2013a). Therefore, reservoir B might have been connected to reservoir A, where magma mixing occurred during the 2011 eruption. Furthermore, analysis of the deep low-frequency (DLF) earthquake of the 2011 eruption of Shinmoedake revealed that the DLF activities at a depth of 20-27 km (reservoir L1) in the eastern part of Kirishima Volcano were involved (Kurihara et al., 2019). Reservoirs L1 and B may also be connected. These results support the increasing activities of Kirishima Volcano revealed by the geological survey (Tajima et al., 2013a). It is concluded that the complex magma plumbing system of Shinmoedake may cause different magma eruption rates during periods of middle- and long-term activities.
武尾 実 大湊 隆雄 前野 深 篠原 雅尚 馬場 聖至 渡邉 篤志 市原 美恵 西田 究 金子 隆之 安田 敦 杉岡 裕子 浜野 洋三 多田 訓子 中野 俊 吉本 充宏 高木 朗充 長岡 優
海洋理工学会誌 (ISSN:13412752)
vol.24, no.1, pp.45-56, 2018 (Released:2018-08-30)

Nishinoshima is an andesitic stratovolcano located in Ogasawara Islands, Japan. In November 2013, island-forming eruption started. Before the eruption, Nishinoshima was a small island of the area of 0.29 km2 and elevation of 25 m but it had a huge edifice rising 3,000 m from the sea floor. By March 2016, area and elevation reached 2.7 km2 and 140 m, respectively. We conducted various types of geophysical observations at this “difficult-to-access island” (950 km from Tokyo taking 90 min by Jet plane, or 24 h by ship). In June 2016, we conducted airborne observations using unmanned helicopter, collecting 250 grams of scoria and detailed 4K images of lava flows. OBSs (Ocean Bottom Seismometers) were deployed around Nishinoshima in four periods. From February 2015 to May 2017, characteristic waveforms dominated at 4–8 Hz band were frequently observed. Comparisons with infrasonic records and video images revealed that the 4–8 Hz seismic signals were associated with eruptions at pyroclastic cone. The number of seismic signals of this type declined from July 2015, and disappeared in November 2015, suggesting that the eruptive activity started declining in July 2015 and ceased in the middle of November 2015. In October 2016, we landed and deployed a broadband seismometer and an infrasonic sensor in the old Nishinoshima, collecting a lot of new lava, deposits, and ash samples. We demonstrated a capacity of remote-island volcano monitoring system for one day test navigation circling around Nishinoshima. After one and a half year quiescence, a new eruptive phase started in April, 2017. Our on-land seismic sensor detected precursory signals as early as April 17. The seismometer also recorded characteristic waveforms during the very early stage of the new eruption phase before data transmission was terminated on April 21.
田島 靖久 林 信太郎 安田 敦 伊藤 英之
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.52, no.4, pp.151-171, 2013-08-01 (Released:2013-09-28)

霧島火山の新燃岳では2011年に軽石を伴う噴火を起こした.新燃岳は,最近1万年間内に3回の軽石噴火をしているが,2011年噴火はこれらより短い間隔をもって噴火した.また,新燃岳の火口壁には複数の溶岩の露出が知られていたが,その噴出年代は解明されていない.そこで,新燃岳の長期的活動史を理解するために野外調査・年代測定・全岩化学分析を行い,テフラと溶岩の関係を考察した.その結果,既知のテフラ以外に4.5,2.7,2.3 cal ka BPにテフラ噴出があったことが新たに判明した.また,溶岩はテフラとの関係より牛のすね火山灰以前,新燃岳-新湯テフラ以前,新燃岳-享保テフラ以前,およびそれ以降に分けられる.新燃岳は,少なくとも 5.6~4.5 ka, 2.7~2.3 ka, 18世紀以降の3回の活発にマグマを噴出する活動的な期間と静穏な期間を繰り返しており,現在は活動的な期間に位置づけられる.
杉山 芙美子 長谷中 利昭 安田 敦 外西 奈津美 森 康

阿蘇-4巨大噴火(89 ka)と阿蘇-3噴火(123 ka)の間には,何枚かのテフラ(A, B, C, D, , , M, N, α,β,,,η)が記載されている(小野ほか,1977).このうちAso-ABCDテフラは最上位に位置し,一連の噴火の産物だと考えられている.長橋ほか(2007)はAso-ABCDテフラ年代を97.7 kaと見積もっている.テフラの等層厚線から給源は阿蘇カルデラ内・中央火口丘群の南側に推定され(小野ほか,1977),噴出物の体積は3.5km3と見積もられている(町田・新井,1992).阿蘇-4火砕噴火の直前には大峰火砕丘の噴火とそれに伴う高遊原溶岩の流出が起こった.溶岩とそれを覆う阿蘇-4テフラの間に土壌を挟まないので,大きな時間間隙は考えられない.噴出物の体積は2 km3である.阿蘇-4後の中央火口丘群の活動中,最大の珪長質マグマの噴火は3万年前の草千里ヶ浜火山の軽石噴出で,体積は1.4km3(宮縁ほか,2003)に過ぎないので,阿蘇-4噴火前にある程度の大きさの噴火が続いたことがわかる.阿蘇カルデラ東方約20 kmの大分県竹田市荻町野鹿の露頭で阿蘇-4火砕流堆積物直下に層厚3mの降下軽石層と降下火山灰層の互層として露出するAso-ABCDテフラの軽石および火山灰を採集し,岩石記載および全岩XRF分析,鉱物のEPMA分析および鉱物中のメルト包有物のFT-IR分析をした.斑晶鉱物組合せは斜長石,斜方輝石,単斜輝石,マグネタイトで,阿蘇-4に普通にみられる普通角閃石は含まれなかった.軽石の全岩化学組成(SiO2= 63-66 wt.%)はKaneko et al. (2007, 2015) の阿蘇-4ではなく阿蘇-3組成トレンド上にプロットするものが多かった.斜長石や輝石に含まれるメルト包有物組成はSiO2=70-72 wt.%に集中し,Aso-3の組成とほぼ一致した.斑晶鉱物のコアの組成は,斜長石An40-64,斜方輝石Mg# =70-74,単斜輝石Mg#= 74-81であった.ホストの鉱物組成がAn40-61,斜方輝石Mg#=73-76,単斜輝石Mg#=76-79に対応するメルト包有物の含水量は1.0-4.8 wt.%と見積もられた.ホスト単斜輝石組成と含水量から見積もられる温度は860-950℃,圧力は1.1-2.7 kbar(Putirka,2008)であった.マグマ溜りの深度は地表から約3-9 km下となり,この深度は須藤ほか(2006)の草千里マグマ溜り深度6kmと一致する. 古川ほか(2006)は阿蘇-3,阿蘇-4間のテフラ組成,推定温度,推定含水量,推定酸素分圧が漸次変化していくことを示したが,本研究ではAso-ABCD組成はAso-3の組成に近いことが分かった.阿蘇-4噴火の9千年前にはAso-4組成のマグマ溜りはまだ存在していなかったか,あるいはAso-ABCDとは独立して相互作用なく成長していたことが考えられる.
安田 敦 馬場 章 藤井 敏嗣 外西 奈津美
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.64, no.2, pp.83-101, 2019-06-30 (Released:2019-07-06)

Gabbroic inclusions newly found in the Yakeno lava flow, erupted about 1300 years ago on the northwestern flank of Fuji volcano, are divided into two groups; one consists of troctolite and the other consists of olivine gabbronorite and gabbronorite. Troctolite fragments are considered to originate from shallow dykes because of their mineral composition and high porosity. On the other hand, estimated equilibrium conditions of gabbronorite and olivine gabbronorite are 1020-1050°C and 250-380MPa, showing their deep origin; probably they had been caught in the Yakeno magma (i.e. the magma erupted as the Yakeno lava flow) at differentiated small magma bodies just above a substantial basaltic magma chamber of Fuji volcano. Pre-eruptive temperature and water content of the Yakeno magma are evaluated by olivine-liquid thermometer and plagioclase-liquid hygrometer to be 1090°C and 2.8wt%, respectively. So the viscosity of the Yakeno magma is calculated to be several tens Pascal second. Therefore the minimum ascent velocity required to lift the gabbroic fragments is ca.10m/h, implying that the Yakeno lava flow had ascent without significant pause en route to the surface.
種田 凌也 石橋 秀巳 安田 敦 外西 奈津美

Plagioclase-melt compositional relations sensitively depend on temperature, T, and water content, XW, of melt. Therefore, the relations are formulated as functions of T and XW and used as geothermohygrometer (e.g., Putirka, 2008). Plagioclase-melt equilibrium is postulated for applying the thermohygrometer models. However, validity of the assumption is unobvious for microlite crystallization driven by degassing and/or cooling during eruption. Can we apply the thermohygrometers to the plagioclase-melt pairs formed by dynamic crystallization? To examine the issue, the cooling crystallization experiments of the high-Al basaltic melt were carried out and textural and chemical analyses were performed the run samples.We used the high-Al basalt lava from Waianae, Hawaii Oahu as the starting material for the cooling crystallization experiments. This experiment was conducted using the 1atm fO2-controlled furnace at University of Hawaii at Manoa. After 3 hours pre-heating at 1180℃, ~30K higher than the liquidus, the samples were cooled at cooling rates, Rc, of 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, and 10K/min, and then quenched in water at four target temperatures, Tq, of 1150, 1120, 1090, and 1060℃. We used FE-EPMA (JEOL-JXA-8530FPlus) and EPMA (JEOL8800R) at Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, for textural and chemical analyses of the run samples.As Rc and/or Tq increase, the abundance and size of plagioclase crystals decrease. As Rc increases, the shape of plagioclase changes from euhedral to dendritic. The Rc-dependent shape change is more obvious at lower Tq. Pyroxene crystallization was suppressed in the run samples coolied at higher Rc. In addition, melt boundary layers are observed around pyroxene in the samples cooled at 0.3-1K/min, quenched at 1090℃ and cooled at 0.3-3K/min, quenched at 1060℃, and around plagioclase in the samples cooled at >3K/min, quenched at <1120℃. Lower diffusivity of Al2O3 compared to those of FeO and MgO is responsible for lower threshold cooling rate of melt boundary layer formation around pyroxene.The maximum An# [=100Ca/(Ca + Na)] of plagioclase was almost the same among all run samples. We applied both plagioclase liquidus and plagioclase-melt An-partitioning thermometers of Putirka (2008) to the pairs of plagioclase rim-boundary layer melt (BLM) and plagioclase rim-far field melt (FFM) to estimate temperatures recorded in their phase compositions. At Tq=1150℃, the estimated temperatures well represent Tq for both BLM and FFM. However, at lower Tq, both of the thermometers estimate temperatures higher than Tq; difference between estimated temperature and Tq, ΔT, increases as decreasing Tq. The two thermometers estimate similar temperatures for each sample, and the differences between the two estimated temperatures do not depend on Rc. These results suggest that the plagioclase-melt partition coefficient of An component does not depend on the Rc. Therefore, the increase of ΔT at lower Tq is not due to the Rc-dependence of the partition coefficient. It is attributed to the kinetic delay of the crystal growth at lower temperature. On the other hand, the coincidence between calculated temperatures and Tq at 1150℃ suggests that kinetic delay of plagioclase crystal growth is small at near liquidus temperature.Present results show that plagioclase-melt thermometers can be applied regardless of the Rc at higher temperatures, while magmatic temperature tends to be overestimated due to kinetic delay of crystal growth at lower temperature.
池永 有弥 前野 深 安田 敦

伊豆大島では, 1777年から15年間にわたり安永噴火と呼ばれる大規模な噴火が発生し, 溶岩の流出と数億トンにのぼるスコリアおよび火山灰の噴出が起きた(小山・早川, 1996). 地質調査や歴史記録の解析(Nakamura, 1964; 一色, 1984; 津久井ほか, 2009)によって, 噴火はスコリアの放出(基底スコリア)から始まり, 溶岩を流出させた後, 数年間の火山灰期を経て噴火が終息したと考えられている. このように噴火の大枠は明らかになっているが, 溶岩は様々な方向に複数回流出しており, 基底スコリアも広範囲に分布しているため, 噴火様式および推移と堆積物との対応については未解明な部分が多い. 基底スコリアについては, 層準により粒子の特徴に違いがあることが本研究でわかってきた.伊豆大島において, 安永噴火の降下火砕堆積物および溶岩の観察を行った. その結果, 基底スコリア層が大きく下部の斜長石斑晶に乏しい層(Unit A)と, 上部の斜長石斑晶に富む層(Unit B)の2層に分けられることがわかった. さらにUnit Aのスコリア(Aスコリア)は島の西側を除く広範囲に堆積している一方で, Unit Bのスコリア(Bスコリア)は島の東側の狭い範囲にのみ堆積していることがわかった. このことから, 層準によって噴煙の特徴が異なっていた可能性が高く, 複数の方向へ流下した溶岩と基底スコリアの前後関係を理解する上で, 溶岩に接する基底スコリアの斜長石斑晶量が鍵となることがわかった.次にA・Bの各スコリア, および溶岩について全岩組成分析を行ったところ, 分析値がNakano and Yamamoto(1991)などで示されている斜長石濃集トレンドに乗り, Bスコリアが最も高いAl2O3量を示した. 溶岩のAl2O3量は最も低く, AスコリアについてはBスコリアと溶岩の間の値になった. ただしAスコリアのうち最下部のものについては, Al2O3量がUnit Aの他の層準のスコリアよりもさらに低く, 溶岩に近い値を取るという特徴がある. 伊豆大島の山頂火口から噴出するマグマは, マグマだまり内での斜長石の浮上・濃集により斜長石に富むという考えがあり(荒牧・藤井, 1988), この説に基づけば噴火初期に斜長石に富むマグマが噴出することが予想される. しかし安永噴火の基底スコリアは山頂火口から噴出したと考えられているにもかかわらず, 露頭観察および岩石学的分析から, 噴火初期には斜長石に乏しいマグマが噴出し, その後斜長石に富むマグマが噴出した.EPMAを用いて斜長石の分析を行ったところ, 基底スコリアに含まれる斜長石斑晶のコア組成については, Aスコリアに比べてBスコリアのAn値が有意に高くなる傾向が見られた. 溶岩についてはAスコリアに近い値となった. また溶岩およびAスコリアの石基にのみ斜長石微結晶が多く含まれるが, Aスコリアの中には石基に微結晶をほとんど含まない粒子も多くある.このように安永噴火の噴出物は層序毎に特徴がかなり異なることが明らかになったが, 単一のマグマだまり内での斜長石濃集のみでマグマプロセスを説明できるかどうかや, マグマ上昇プロセスがユニットにより異なる可能性など, 噴出物の特徴に違いが生じる原因の解明については今後の課題である.
中田 節也 長井 雅史 安田 敦 嶋野 岳人 下司 信夫 大野 希一 秋政 貴子 金子 隆之 藤井 敏嗣
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.110, no.2, pp.168-180, 2001-04-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
41 43

The 2000 eruption of Miyakejima volcano started with a submarine eruption of basaltic andesite on the morning of June 27, which occurred following earthquake swarms during the previous night. The main phase of the summit eruption began, being associated by a sudden subsidence of the summit area on July 8. Continuous collapsing of the summit area that had continued until midAugust, resulted in the formation of a caldera with the volume of about 0.6 km3. Phreatic (or phreatomagmatic) eruptions took places during the growth of the caldera, although the total volume of eruptives was about 11 million m3. which is smaller by one magnitude than the caldera volume. Eruptives are enriched with hydrothermally altered materials such as smectite and kaolinite.The manner of the first collapse suggests the existence of a large open space under the summit just before the subsidence. Judging from geophysical observation results, the open space may have ascended in the manner of stoping. Successive formation of open spaces at deeper levels is likely to have caused the continuous collapse of the summit area. These open spaces may have been generated by magma's migration from under Miyakejima to the west. The migration is considered to have continued by August 18.It is likely that an inflow of underground water to the open spaces generated a hydrothermal system, where the open spaces acted as a sort of pressure cooker that built up overpressure of eruptions. The hydrothermal system was broken by the largest eruption on August 18, and the eruption column rose about 15 km above the summit. A boiling-over type of eruption occurred on August 29, whereby sufficient overpressure of steam was not built up, resulting in the generation of low-temperature ash cloud surges moving very slowly.
金子 隆之 安田 敦 青木 陽介

新正 裕尚 折橋 裕二 安田 敦

スラブ融解メルトとマントルかんらん岩の反応について理解を深めることを目的として,スラブ融解に関連すると考えられる高温の沈み込みがあった場所の火成岩の研究と,高温高圧実験による研究を行なった.そして以下のような成果があった.(1)マントル最上部に相当する1GPaの条件下でカンラン石とデイサイト質メルトとの反応実験を行なった.そして実験生成物の微量元素組成をレーザーアブレーションICP質量分析計(L、A・ICP・MS)を用いて測定した.50μm径を超える斜方輝石および単斜輝石を成長させることに成功し,斜方輝石および単斜輝石とデイサイト質メルト間の分配係数をおよそ25元素について決定した.斜方輝石については,軽希土類をはじめとする液相濃集元素の珪長質メルトに対する分配係数が苦鉄質メルトより大きいという従来指摘されていた組成依存性に反して,苦鉄質メルトと差がない分配係数を得た.(2)高温の四国海盆の沈み込みに関連した,西南日本弧の海溝寄り地域の中新世火成岩について研究を行なった.ザクロ石が安定な高圧下での融解により形成された珪長質火成岩が広域的に分布することを見出すとともに,海溝に近接した場所での大量のS-type花こう岩質マグマの成因について議論した.(3)南米アンデス弧の中でも,Chile Riseの沈み込む場所に近接する,Southern Volcanic Zoneの第四紀フロント火山の全岩化学組成の島弧伸長方向の変化傾向について研究を行い,火山弧下のスラブ年齢が古くなるにつれて,沈み込む堆積物由来成分のマグマソースへの寄与が大きくなることを明らかにした.(4)ジルコンをはじめとする鉱物のレーザーアブレーションICP質量分析法による微小領域分析について鉱物間の分配係数の決定や年代測定法について成果があった.