工藤 奈織美 山本 春江 杉山 克己
青森県立保健大学雑誌 (ISSN:13493272)
vol.6, no.2, pp.1-7, 2005-03-31

国立情報学研究所の「学術雑誌公開支援事業」により電子化されました。The amount of exercise of 29 people in the snowfall period and non-snowfall period was investigated in Aomori City to clarify the influence of "Snow crearing" on the amount of exercise in the snowfall period and to clarify the difference season in the amount of exercise and the number of steps. The results were as follows : 1) The season and the weather such as the snowfall and snow did not influence people who took regular exercise, and the amount of exercise and the number of steps were the same in the snowfall period. 2) "Snow crearing" contributed to the amount of exercise and the number of steps in the snowfall period. 3) "Snow" did not influence the amount of exercise and the number of steps of people who took regular exercise so much. 4) A significant correlation was seen between the amount of the exercise or the number of steps, and daily activity, such as shopping on foot.
山下 匡将 早川 明 伊藤 優子 杉山 克己 志水 幸 武田 加代子
名古屋学院大学論集 社会科学篇 = THE NAGOYA GAKUIN DAIGAKU RONSHU; Journal of Nagoya Gakuin University; SOCIAL SCIENCES (ISSN:03850048)
vol.53, no.4, pp.171-185, 2017-03-31

工藤 奈織美 山本 春江 杉山 克己
青森県立保健大学雑誌 = Journal of Aomori University of Health and Welfare (ISSN:13493272)
vol.6, no.2, pp.1-7, 2005-03

The amount of exercise of 29 people in the snowfall period and non-snowfall period was investigated in Aomori City to clarify the influence of "Snow crearing" on the amount of exercise in the snowfall period and to clarify the difference season in the amount of exercise and the number of steps. The results were as follows : 1) The season and the weather such as the snowfall and snow did not influence people who took regular exercise, and the amount of exercise and the number of steps were the same in the snowfall period. 2) "Snow crearing" contributed to the amount of exercise and the number of steps in the snowfall period. 3) "Snow" did not influence the amount of exercise and the number of steps of people who took regular exercise so much. 4) A significant correlation was seen between the amount of the exercise or the number of steps, and daily activity, such as shopping on foot.
坂野 純子 菊澤 佐江子 的場 智子 山崎 喜比古 杉山 克己 八巻 知香子 望月 美栄子 笠原 麻美
岡山県立大学保健福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:13412531)
vol.17, pp.19-25, 2010
