大竹 昭裕
青森県立保健大学雑誌 = Journal of Aomori University of Health and Welfare (ISSN:13493272)
no.11, pp.103-110, 2010-12

2004(平成16)年の行政事件訴訟法改正により、抗告訴訟の類型として新たに義務付けの訴え、差止めの訴えが規定されると同時に、仮の救済制度として、仮の義務付け、仮の差止めの制度が設けられた。本稿では、生活保護申請が却下されたことに対して生活保護の開始を仮に義務付けた事例を取り上げ、仮の義務付けの要件に関する裁判所の判断の検討を行った。この事例は、生活保護の分野で仮の義務付けが認められた最初のケースであり、貴重な先例となるものである。本稿では、裁判所の決定は立法趣旨に沿った妥当なものといえること、「償うことのできない損害を避けるための緊急の必要」が認められる範囲に関する判断は今後への指針となること、また、「本案について理由があるとみえる」か否かについてどの程度まで審理すべきかという問題が残されていること、などを述べた。With the amendment of the Administrative Case Litigation Act in 2004, motions for rulings and for injunctions were provided as new types of protest suit, and at the same time, systems for preliminary rulings and preliminary injunctions were established as systems to give preliminary relief. This paper takes as its subject a case in which a ruling for the commencement of public assistance was preliminarily handed down with regard to a rejection of an application for public assistance, and reviews the court's judgment concerning requirements for preliminary rulings. The case in this example was the first in which a preliminary ruling was approved in the field of public assistance and thus constitutes a significant precedent. The points raised in this paper include the following: that the court's decision can be said to be reasonable and in line with the legislative intent; that the judgment provides guidelines for future judgments concerning the circumstances under which courts will accept the existence of an "urgent need to avoid a loss that cannot be made good"; and that there still remains the issue as to what extent should a trial consider whether "the present case has merit."
藤井 博英 伊藤 治幸 角濱 春美 清水 健史 村松 仁 森 千鶴 石井 秀宗 中村 恵子 田崎 博一
青森県立保健大学雑誌 = Journal of Aomori University of Health and Welfare (ISSN:13493272)
vol.10, no.1, pp.27-34, 2009-06

今日、精神科医療においては、これまでの入院中心の精神医療から地域での生活を支えるための支援が行われている。なかでも精神科訪問看護は、精神障がい者の地域生活をサポートする上で重要な役割を果たしている。そこで、本研究では、質問紙開発のために、精神科訪問看護師が認知する精神科訪問看護のアウトカムを明らかにすることを目的とし、文献概観および北東北3県で訪問看護を実施している施設で訪問看護に従事する看護師49名を対象に半構造化面接を実施し内容分析を行った。面接の内容は、1)患者の観察点、2)実施した看護内容、3)患者の変化や効果、4)症状悪化のサインについてである。精神科訪問看護師が認知する訪問看護のアウトカムを文献概観および内容分析の結果をカテゴリー分類した結果59項目23カテゴリーに分類された。本研究の結果と文献検索から得られたアイテムとはほとんど整合していた。本研究の特徴的な事としては、利用者本人のケアだけではなく、家族ケアにも視点を置かれていた。centered mind medical care. Above all, the psychiatric home visiting an important role when there is it, and mentally-handicapped persons supports the local life of the person. Therefore, in this study, I was aimed at clarifying the outcome of the psychiatry home visiting at home that community mentally psychiatric visiting nurses visit recognized and I carried out a half posture Creator interview for 49 nurses who engaged in documents general view and the temporary nursing at home of the institution which carried out temporary nursing at home in three prefectures of North Tohoku and performed a content analysis. The contents of the interview about 1)the patient of the observation 2)practice content 3) a change and the effect patients, 4) a sign of symptom aggravation. Documents surveyed the outcome of the temporary nursing at home that nurse psychiatry visit recognized and it was classified the results of the content analysis in 23result 59 items categories that were similar for a category. I almost adjusted it with the item provided from document retrieval as a result of this study. When it is decided that this study is characteristic, the knowledge at the action level that I compare it with there being the thing which put a viewpoint for the family care as well as the care of the user person himself, an existing study and depend, and is concrete is a provided point.
工藤 奈織美 山本 春江 杉山 克己
青森県立保健大学雑誌 = Journal of Aomori University of Health and Welfare (ISSN:13493272)
vol.6, no.2, pp.1-7, 2005-03

The amount of exercise of 29 people in the snowfall period and non-snowfall period was investigated in Aomori City to clarify the influence of "Snow crearing" on the amount of exercise in the snowfall period and to clarify the difference season in the amount of exercise and the number of steps. The results were as follows : 1) The season and the weather such as the snowfall and snow did not influence people who took regular exercise, and the amount of exercise and the number of steps were the same in the snowfall period. 2) "Snow crearing" contributed to the amount of exercise and the number of steps in the snowfall period. 3) "Snow" did not influence the amount of exercise and the number of steps of people who took regular exercise so much. 4) A significant correlation was seen between the amount of the exercise or the number of steps, and daily activity, such as shopping on foot.
羽入 辰郎
青森県立保健大学雑誌 = Journal of Aomori University of Health and Welfare (ISSN:13493272)
vol.11, pp.21-28, 2010-12

ソクラテスはなぜアテナイ市民から死刑判決を受け、殺されたのであろうか?魂は何度となく生まれ変わっているのであり、だから何が真理であるかを魂は実は全て知っているのであり、ただ忘れているだけなのである。だから、それを思い出させてやればいいだけなのである、というソクラテスの想起説がもし本当に正しかったとするならば、なぜソクラテスは対話相手から憎悪されたのであろうか?ソクラテスは自分が真理と思っているものを相手に無理に押しつけたわけではない。真理は元々相手の心の中にあったのである。ソクラテスはそれを引き出したに過ぎない。鍵は、忘れていたかったことを思い出させたということにある。忘れたという形で覚えているというこの微妙な自己欺瞞にある。本稿ではキルケゴ−ルの『哲学的断片』を用い、なぜソクラテスは相手から憎悪を引き出してしまったのか、この問題を探る。Why was Socrates executed? In this paper I consider this problem with reference to Kierkegaard's "Philosophical Fragment". If Socrates' theory of recollection was correct, it is difficult to understand why Socrates was hated by his partner in dialogue after helping to remember the truth which was only sleeping in his mind. Here Kierkegaard's point that man opposes the truth is very helpful. Manforgets the truth because he wants to forget it. But Socrates compels him to remember the truth, so the partner is angered by Socrates who breaks the good balance of remembrance and forgetting. Perhaps, strange as it may sound, man has to remember the truth in order to forget it. In order to forget the truth, man always needs to watch it carefully so that it may not rise to the surface of hisconsciousness. Even Socrates had a fear of the fury of his partner, but Socrates endured it and continued his dialogue. Usually we learn to hold our tongue to tell the truth in front of the subtle angry look which comes over the partner's face. It is a social rule of mankind. But Socrates disregarded this fundamental rule, so he was sentenced to death.
千葉 敦子 石田 賢哉 大西基喜 小笠原 メリッサ 宮川 隆美 木村 美穂子 水木 希 澤谷 悦子 梅庭 牧子 奥村 智子
青森県立保健大学雑誌 = Journal of Aomori University of Health and Welfare (ISSN:13493272)
vol.17, pp.23-28, 2017-03

保健協力員は県民の健康増進の担い手としてその活動が期待されている。しかし,青森県では保健協力員の活動は行政が中心となり,主体的な活動が十分には行えていないという課題や,担い手不足による固定化と高齢化が指摘されている。そこで,保健協力員活動の活性化策を検討するために,A保健所管内の保健協力員を対象に無記名自記式質問紙調査を行い,活動の主体化およびヘルスリテラシーの現状を明らかにした。 その結果,主体化評価指標の総合得点は市町村間で有意な差はないことがわかった。このことから,保健協力員の質は合同研修等により一定の水準が保たれていることが考えられ,県民全体の健康増進の向上という面からは望ましい結果であると考えられた。ヘルスリテラシー尺度得点と個人属性との関連では,年齢が高い者,健康状態が良好な者,他の役割がある者でヘルスリテラシー得点が統計的に有意に高いという結果が得られた。固定化や高齢化を強みとして保健協力員の活動の強化に活かすことが可能であることが示唆された。
浅田 豊 山本 春江 竹森 幸一 神 美保 石岡 幸子 三上 淨子 秋田 敦子 白戸 江美子 福嶋 真樹
青森県立保健大学雑誌 = Journal of Aomori University of Health and Welfare (ISSN:13493272)
vol.5, no.1, pp.53-61, 2004-03

The purpose of this study is to develop a new educational model : the TYA method 2002 for public health education, and to investigate the learning process of the participants in the salt restriction class held in S village in Aomori Prefecture. The subjects were 42 people in the class above mentioned. The model developed, the TYA method, means Try Angle : in other words, a trial to construct new theory, policy and strategy in health education. This method has the following two original features : 1) participants start and continue their learning based on a scenario, that is a story about one couple's daily life in which some problems of lifestyle are included. The learning process is self-directed. The learning comes from each participant's ideas and speech in group discussion, that is to say, from their rich knowlege and life experiences. 2) the learning is supported by a tutor who supports the learners' independent learning. Through this TYA method, the self-directed learning process of the participants was observed. The main results were that, in the learning process, 1) participants could learn through problem solving based on the scenario. 2) with the suppot of the tutor, participants could learn through independence and cooperation. 3) participants could learn because the contents of the scenario were closely connected to real life habits.
Kavanagh Barry
青森県立保健大学雑誌 = Journal of Aomori University of Health and Welfare (ISSN:13493272)
vol.8, no.2, pp.283-292, 2007-12

Contrastive analysis is the systematic study of the linguistic systems of two languages with a view to identifying their structural differences and similarities. Examining the phonetic inventories of the languages of Japanese and English this paper will first define and give descriptions of the phonemes of the two languages highlighting how this contrastive analysis may bring benefits or otherwise within the EFL classroom.