小林 加奈理 長戸 有希子 青井 暢之 L.R. ジュネジャ 金 武祚 山本 武彦 杉本 助男
公益社団法人 日本農芸化学会
日本農芸化学会誌 (ISSN:00021407)
vol.72, no.2, pp.153-157, 1998-02-01 (Released:2009-02-18)
80 87 3

L-テアニンは緑茶の葉中および抽出液中に含まれているアミノ酸の一種で,カフェインによる興奮を抑制することが知られている.また,ラットへのL-テアニンの経口投与により,脳内のセロトニンが減少し,カテコールアミンの増加ずることが知られている. L-テアニンは動物実験で安全なことがすでに確認されている. 筆者らはL-テアニン服用による脳波への影響について検討した結果,リラックスをもたらすことを確認した. L-テアニンの影響を不安程度の異なる精神状態で調べるため, MAS法に従って段階I(高不安域群)の4名と段階V(低不安域群)の4名の計8名の女子学生を被験者に選定した. その結果, L-テアニン200mgを含む水100ml服用によって後頭部・頭頂部にα波の出現が認められた.α波出現は服用後40分後に観測され,少なくとも2時間は持続すると考えられる.α波の出現によるリラックス作用は,段階Vの低不安域群より段階Iの高不安域群の方が優れていた. L-テアニン服用後,被験者は眠気を感じず,十分なリラックスを感じた.また,指先が暖かくなったとの体感を感じた被験者もいた. 今回の研究により, L-テアニンは新しいタイプの添加物として食品や飲料に応用される可能性が示唆された.今後はさまざまなL-テアニン含有食品についての効果を検討するつもりである.
杉本 助男
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.1, no.2, pp.27-34, 1986-03-31 (Released:2016-11-18)

Mental processes of twelve subjects who underwent thee days of sensory restriction were analyzed upon their self-reports and behaviors emitted during the experiment. Five categories of subject's reaction to the environment of sensory restriction, thinking and fantasy, perceptual experience, emotional state, emitted behavior and posture, and alpha frequencies of EEG, could be better information to estimate the degree of subject's mental deterioration. In order to search the critical point of tolerance for sensory restriction, three types of reaction style, emotion expression, regression-stability and reality coping, were classified. It was suggested that occurrence of impulsive emotion for emotion expression style, recollection of child days in a half-day long for regression-stability style and strong expression of unplesant emotion for reality coping style might be critical for sensory restriction.
杉本 助男
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.1, no.2, pp.27-34, 1986

Mental processes of twelve subjects who underwent thee days of sensory restriction were analyzed upon their self-reports and behaviors emitted during the experiment. Five categories of subject's reaction to the environment of sensory restriction, thinking and fantasy, perceptual experience, emotional state, emitted behavior and posture, and alpha frequencies of EEG, could be better information to estimate the degree of subject's mental deterioration. In order to search the critical point of tolerance for sensory restriction, three types of reaction style, emotion expression, regression-stability and reality coping, were classified. It was suggested that occurrence of impulsive emotion for emotion expression style, recollection of child days in a half-day long for regression-stability style and strong expression of unplesant emotion for reality coping style might be critical for sensory restriction.
杉本 助男
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.50, pp.361-374, 1967-03

第五十集記念号実験 : その方法実験 : 結果の総合In space flight, the lack of sensory stimulation is one of the unavoidable problem to be solved. The study in author's laboratory, therefore, is carried out on analyzing the psychological and physiological alteration which may be produced by isolation from, or less exposure to, the sensory stimulation, particulary on the effect of long lasting application of weak and monotonous visual and auditory stimulation. It seems, however, that the suitable indicators for the experimental analyzing have not been established yet. In this paper, a summarized view of this problem is made refering our studies so far done, especially subjects' behavioral and electroencephalographic changes. Seven male university students were placed individually in a cylinder shaped isolation chamber for a period of three days. The behavior of the subjects was monitored at all times by a closed-circuit television system. Electroencephalographic records were taken by eight channel machine for two minutes every fifteen minutes during sensory deprivation experiment. It was found by every subjects that ego control level were gradually lowered in experiment progressing. In forty hours going by, logical thinking was broken off and hallucinations were occured by some subjects. And finally severe motivational losses were observed. EEG activity is also changed corresponding with behavioral impairments. It must be emphasized that EEG patterns in sleep showed marked differences between the first night and the last night during sensory deprivation.