杉浦 崇夫 的場 秀樹 村上 悳
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.32, no.1, pp.17-24, 1983-02-01 (Released:2010-12-10)

Sex difference in enzyme activities of the skeletal muscle were examined in rats aged 10 and 35 weeks. At 10 and 35 weeks of age, animals were anesthetized with ether and weighed. M, gastrocnemius, m.extensor digitorum longus and m.soleus were removed from both legs under pentobarbital anethesia and weighed. These muscles were used for the determination of myosin ATPase activity, phosphofruktokinase (PFK) activity, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity and non-collagenous protein (NCP) content.The results were summarized as follows:1) Thirty-five week-old rats had heavier body and muscle weights than 10-weekold rats in both sexes and males had significantly heavier body and muscle weights than females at both 10 and 35 weeks of age.2) Similar tendency was observed with regard to total NCP content. Furthermore, it was found that total NCP content was positively correrated to muscle weight (r=0.871, r=0.909 and r=0.871 in m. gastrocnemius, m.extensor digitorum longus and m.soleus, respectively) . However, no significant difference in NCP content per wet weight was found between both sexes and between different age groups.3) Myosin ATPase activity tended to be lower at 35 weeks of age than at 10 weeks of age, the tendency being the most prominent in the gastrocnemius muscle of male rat (p<0.05) . However, no significant sex difference in myosin ATPase activity was observed in three muscle examined in both age groups.4) Although not statistically significant, mean PFK activity was slightly lower in 35-week-old rats than in 10-week-old rats, and there was no sex difference in PFK activity at both weeks of age.5) SDH activity was significantly lower in 35-week-old rats than in 10-week-old rats except that there was no significant age difference in the gastrocnemius muscle of males. There was no significant sex difference in SDH activity in both age groups with an exception of the extensor digitorum longus muscle from 35-week-old rats, where males had significantly higher SDH activity than females.
入来 正躬 小坂 光男 村上 悳 村田 成子
一般社団法人 日本老年医学会
日本老年医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009173)
vol.12, no.3, pp.172-177, 1975-05-31 (Released:2009-11-24)
3 2

65歳以上の男子943名, 女子1671名, 計2614名について腋窩温を測定した. 測定時刻は午後1時より4時の間, 測定時間は30分である. 同時に血圧, 身長, 体重を測定した. 被検者のうち, 独力で普通の日常生活の不可能なもの, 身体の異常を強く訴えるものを除き男子875名, 女子1595名, 計2470名について統計学的検討を行なった. この結果より結論づけることができるのは次の諸点である. 比較のために成人腋窩温についての田坂ら (1957)の報告を用いた.1) 老人腋窩温分布は正規分布に近い分布を示し, その平均値は36.66℃, 標準偏差は0.42℃である.老人腋窩温の平均値は成人腋窩温の平均値36.89℃に比し0.23℃低い.老人腋窩温の標準偏差は, 成人腋窩温の標準偏差0.34℃より大きく, 老人腋窩温の個人によるバラツキが成人のに比し大きいことを示している.2) 男子老人腋窩温は平均値36.55℃, 標準偏差0.41℃であるのに, 女子老人腋窩温は平均値36.72℃, 標準偏差0.42℃である. 男子老人腋窩温の平均値は女子のに比較して0.17℃低い. 成人の腋窩温では男子は女子より高いので, 老人と成人の男女差は逆の傾向を示す.3) 老人腋窩温と最高血圧, 最低血圧, 平均血圧との相関関係は有意ではない. しかし, 老人腋窩温は体型により左右され, 身長, 体重, 比体重と逆の相関関係が成り立つ. 比体重の大きい, すなわち肥満型の人ほど腋窩温が低い.なお本統計は, 独力で普通に生活している老人の日常生活にあらわれる時間的な一断面における腋窩温について述べたもので, 長期間臥床を保っているような条件の老人にこの数値をただちにあてはめることはできないかと考えられる.