林田 賢史 村上 玄樹 高橋 裕子 辻 一郎 今中 雄一
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.67, no.1, pp.50-55, 2012 (Released:2012-03-07)
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Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine which of the two groups have higher lifetime medical expenditures; male smokers or male nonsmokers. We conducted this investigation using a Japanese single cohort database to calculate long-term medical expenditures and 95% confidence intervals. Methods: We first constructed life tables for male smokers and male nonsmokers from the age of 40 years after analyzing their mortality rates. Next, we calculated the average annual medical expenditures of each of the two groups, categorized into survivors and deceased. Finally, we calculated long-term medical expenditures and performed sensitivity analyses. Results: The results showed that although smokers had generally higher annual medical expenditures than nonsmokers, the former’s lifetime medical expenditure was slightly lower than the latter’s because of a shorter life expectancy that resulted from a higher mortality rate. Sensitivity analyses did not reverse the order of the two lifetime medical expenditures. Conclusions: In conclusion, although smoking may not result in an increase in lifetime medical expenditures, it is associated with diseases, decreased life expectancy, lower quality of life (QOL), and generally higher annual medical expenditures. It is crucial to promote further tobacco control strategically by maximizing the use of available data.
林田 賢史 村上 玄樹 高橋 裕子 辻 一郎 今中 雄一
日本衞生學雜誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.67, no.1, pp.50-55, 2012-01-15

Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine which of the two groups have higher lifetime medical expenditures; male smokers or male nonsmokers. We conducted this investigation using a Japanese single cohort database to calculate long-term medical expenditures and 95% confidence intervals.<br> Methods: We first constructed life tables for male smokers and male nonsmokers from the age of 40 years after analyzing their mortality rates. Next, we calculated the average annual medical expenditures of each of the two groups, categorized into survivors and deceased. Finally, we calculated long-term medical expenditures and performed sensitivity analyses.<br> Results: The results showed that although smokers had generally higher annual medical expenditures than nonsmokers, the former's lifetime medical expenditure was slightly lower than the latter's because of a shorter life expectancy that resulted from a higher mortality rate. Sensitivity analyses did not reverse the order of the two lifetime medical expenditures.<br> Conclusions: In conclusion, although smoking may not result in an increase in lifetime medical expenditures, it is associated with diseases, decreased life expectancy, lower quality of life (QOL), and generally higher annual medical expenditures. It is crucial to promote further tobacco control strategically by maximizing the use of available data.<br>
ICU 機能評価委員会 今中 雄一 林田 賢史 村上 玄樹 松田 晋哉
一般社団法人 日本集中治療医学会
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13407988)
vol.17, no.2, pp.227-232, 2010-04-01 (Released:2010-10-30)
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ICU入室患者の治療成績を向上させるには,患者の重症度評価と予後に関するデータ蓄積が必要不可欠である。そこで,全国のICUの実態・治療等に関する松田班調査が2006,2007,2008年度に行われた。各年度の10月の1ヵ月間にICUに入室した患者を対象に,Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II(APACHE II)スコアを用いた重症度評価と予後,各施設のICU運用状況等を調査した。今回は2007年度の調査結果を検討した。ベッド数は6床が最も多く,中央値は8床であった。午前10時に専任の医師がいない施設が21%あり,夜間にはさらに増加した。APACHE II スコアは11,12点が最も多く,実死亡率はAPACHE II スコアから予測される死亡率より低かった。今後は治療に関与する因子を特定し,わが国ICUの治療成績向上を目指す必要がある。そのためには,恒常的なデータ収集システムの構築が必須である。