東 敏徳
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1986, no.54, pp.15-27, 1986-11-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

Most parents and teachers maintain views on moral education, but these are based on scarcely established knowledge, especially when it comes to moral education. This paper examines the problem, “What should be the basic principle in teaching moral education ?”. For this purpose the characteristic features of R. S. Peters' theory of moral education are studied.R. S. Peters is one of the most influential philosophers of education in Great Britain today. He considers the question of the content of moral education in terms of principles derived from rational ethical judgement and from an analysis of some human activities described by way of his transcendental theory.This article is divided into three sections. In the first, I deal with the merits and demerits of theories of moral education of the past, including the child-centered view and the traditional discipline-centered view of moral education. In the second section, I try to clarify Peters' theory by comparing it with other theories of moral education. Thus it becomes clear that Peters discusses the principle of freedom, equality and respect for others as the principles necessary for the moral judgement answering the question, “Why do this rather than that ?”. In the third section I consider the concept of rational judgement which constitutes the foundation of Peters' theory taking its clue from the philosophy of science.
東 敏徳
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.124, pp.139-156, 2010-03

東 敏徳
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.105, pp.137-154, 2000-12

投稿論文はじめにI. 問題の所在 : アリストテレスにおける徳と知II. アリストテレスの発達論と徳の習得III. 経験εμπεριαについてIV. 経験と徳の形成まとめThe revival of virtue approach to ethics has been accompanied by aconcern with the notion of community. The wide spreaded assumption of a link between community and virtue may be due to Aristotelian roots of virtue ethics. Aristotle emphasizes the fundamentally social notion of virtue which is the way in that particular forms of life are linkes withparticular virtues. I wish to explore some of the possible links between virtue and social life. Especially I wish to indicate the relation betweem Virtue and experience which people aquires in a social life. Εμπερια, experience is key term in order to understand the foundamental franework of Aristotelian way of thought especially about education. Because εμπερια gives the each person the understanding how to behave in each circumstance. First, I wish to suggest the differnce which was made by Aristotle between ηθικηs virtue and diavounos virtue and then to argue the role of εμπερια, experience, in the aquiring of virtuous life, especially in order to make people progress from ηθικηs virtue to διανοτικοs virtue. And finally I conclude that εμπερια, experience, in Aristotelian moral philosophy is important in moral education in order to make people virtuous.