松橋 崇史
拓殖大学経営経理研究 = Takushoku University research in management and accounting (ISSN:13490281)
vol.117, pp.75-88, 2020-03-26

本研究の目的は,株式会社広島東洋カープと広島市,株式会社楽天野球団と宮城県・仙台市の連携を対象に,各地方公共団体がどのような制度整備を行い,そのことが球団経営や地域経済に与えた影響について明らかにすることである。本研究では,民間事業者が中心となって地域活性化等に波及効果を生み出す「地域イノベーション」と,民間事業者の新たな価値の創造実現を可能にする公的な条例や規則の制定や改正,その運用としての「政策イノベーション」の相互作用という分析枠組みを仮説的に設定し,両事例における球団と自治体の関係を分析することにする。両球団,および,宮城県,仙台市,広島市の関係者に対するヒアリング調査および文献調査から次のことが明らかになった。まず,両球団は自治体との間に連携協定を結び,自治体が有するスタジアムの管理者として,既存の制度的制約にとらわれない球場管理/経営を行っている。例えば,球団による球場の改修等が可能になり,飲食物販や球場内のスポンサーからの売り上げの多くを球団が得ることが可能になった。2010 年代に入ってからの両球団の経営的成功は自治体との間に結んだ連携協定に大きな影響を受けていることが明らかとなった。地元地域においても年間200 万人前後の誘客力を持つ球団によって雇用効果,経済効果がもたらされ,球場周辺の都市開発が進む現状も生じた。本論で用いた分析枠組みは,他球団や他種目の事例に適応しながら分析を行い,「地域イノベーション」と「社会イノベーション」の関係をパターン化していくことが求められる。
松橋 崇史 金子 郁容
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.17, no.2, pp.39-55, 2007-09-30 (Released:2010-07-27)
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This study examines the potential importance of what we call "local community strategy" in the realm of management for professional sports clubs. In particular, we focus on J League (soccer) clubs since the year 2000. Activities corresponding to the "local community strategy " are supposed to consist of the following five components.(1) Providing services to a local community through sports(2) Participating in festivals and other similar events of a local community and visits to local shopping malls and other places(3) Creating a system for receiving community volunteers(4) Creating a system for obtaining goods and services form community businesses(5) Establishing rules for obtaining funds from the community This study analyzes data acquired from a questionnaire survey sent to all J League clubs belonging to division 1 (J1) and division 2 (J2), and from interviews with several key clubs. We show that the local community strategy is becoming, explicitly and/or potentially, one of the more important elements of J League club management. For the analysis, we classify J League clubs into three groups, roughly speaking, in accordance with the size of the annual sales of the club. We first show, based on our survey and interviews, the level of activities of each club targeted to a local community. We find that each of the three groups has good reasons for taking local community strategy seriously, and that the reasons, ranging from urgent needs for survival to a risk hedge to deal with uncertainty, differ depending on the group.
松橋 崇史 斎藤 和真 岩月 基洋 玉村 雅敏
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.25, no.2, pp.2_201-2_215, 2015 (Released:2015-11-12)

This study examined the means to encourage collaboration strategy with various local community actors through public sports facility management organizations. Such a collaboration strategy is aimed at activities which consist of local contribution activities provided by public sports facility management organizations and activities that stimulate the local community support for the local contribution activities. This strategy should make it possible to improve the operation of public sports facilities.    The study focused on two baseball fields of comparable scale, located in neighboring cities and managed by a local company that specializes in farm equipment sales. We conducted semi-structured interviews with the following informants: (1) the president and staff of the managing company, (2) administrative officers of the cities, (3) staff members at the two baseball fields, and (4) various local community actors who collaborate with the company.    The major findings were as follows: First, it is important for local governments to adopt appropriate policies, such as granting partial management responsibility for public sports facilities to organizations experienced in facilities management to ensure flexible, competent management based on a collaboration strategy with the various local community actors. Second, collaboration strategy with the local community various actors is important for producing two desirable outcomes: (1) it can reduce costs by building relationships of trust with local community various actors, and (2) it can also thereby build trust with the local government and can have a positive effect on public sports facility management organizations.