Blumer Harbert George 桑原 司 山口 健一
経済学論集 (ISSN:03890104)
no.66, pp.41-55, 2006-11
桑原 司 山口 健一
九州地区国立大学教育系・文系研究論文集 = The Joint Journal of the National Universities in Kyushu. Education and Humanities (ISSN:18828728)
vol.1, no.1, pp.No.14, 2013-10-01

この論文は「経済学論集」(第80号2013年p115-125)に掲載された論文を査読により加筆修正し、「九州地区国立大学教育系・文系研究論文集」Vol.1, No.1(2013/10)に採択されたものである。
"シブタニ タモツ 木原 綾香 奥田 真悟 桑原 司"
Discussion papers in economics and sociology (ISSN:1347085X)
vol.1301, (Released:2016-10-28)

"タモツ・シブタニ著, 木原綾香, 奥田真悟, 桑原司訳"
桑原 司 木原 綾香 Kuwabara Tsukasa Kihara Ayaka
地域政策科学研究 (ISSN:13490699)
no.7, pp.237-249, 2010-03

Since 1960s,Symbolic Interactionism (SI) has come to the forefront as an alternative sociological and social psychological perspective not only in American Sociology,but also in Sociology of the world. In the beginning,many scholars in the field drew fundamental ideas mainly and approvingly from Blumer's works,especially,from his 'three premises.' However 1970s and 1980s have brought many criticisms of the perspective. Therefore,SI needed to reconsider and re-develop its perspective and method in response to the criticisms. Among those criticisms,two of those have become common and popular as the labels characterizing both Blumer's SI and SI as a whole. That is,on the one hand,SI has been seen as one of the subjectivist theories,and on the other hand,it has been called micro-sociology by its very nature. In sum,there are four challenges facing Blumer's SI: i) theorizing the influences of social structures on self-interaction; ii) theorizing the influences of self-interaction on social structures;iii) theorizing the social structure itself; and iv) consideration of the 'approach from "the positions of the actors'" in relationship to the macro-sociological version of SI's perspective. The main purpose of this paper is to examine Blumer's SI and to show the way in which his perspective (and method) should be reconsidered.
桑原 司 油田 真希
経済学論集 (ISSN:03890104)
no.76, pp.1-13, 2011-03

The main purpose of this study is to examine the theory of Symbolic Interactionism formulated by Herbert Blumer, from the following viewpoints: a) How does Symbolic Interactionism explain the concept of socialization, i.e., the process in which hominids become human beings? b) How does Symbolic Interactionism explain the concept of Vergesellschaftung (Simmel, G.), i.e., the process or mechanism through which people construct human society? c) Why is human society to be considered to be a changeable process? After careful examination, the following findings were made: i) Blumer regards socialization as the process in which the two frameworks or perspectives (schemes of definition and generalized roles) that have been acquired by an actor through interactions with groups of others guide his/her interpretations/definitions. ii) In Blumer's theory, society is seen to be possible only when each of the actors in interactions can properly grasp the two standpoints (that of the other and one's own standpoint in the eyes of the other) by doing a kind of self-interaction (i.e., taking into account of taking into account; the concept taking into account of taking into account is the famous terminology used by N. Luhmann, but it was originally formulated by Blumer himself in 1953). iii) Because of the nature of others (black boxness), all the actors interacting with others are seen to be necessarily forced to revise their interpretations/definitions continually. For this reason, society must be regarded as a changeable process. Finally, we have tried to review critically the research method of Symbolic Interactionism (i.e., the approach from the standpoint of the actor) on the basis of the conception of man and society that has been clarified in the earlier chapters of this paper. Our review provides evidence for the two additional points listed below: iv) in doing the approach from the standpoint of the actor, only an individual can be included into the category of the acting unit. v) the standpoint of the actor perceived by researchers must never be seen as the standpoint in the raw but has to be seen as a kind of reconstruction of constructions created by researchers. We finally have confirmed that testing this conception of man and society (i, ii, and iii noted above) empirically, based on the points iv and v, would (and must) be one of our important tasks in future. In addition, this paper is the 'corrected' edition of the next article: Tsukasa Kuwabara, 2001, Introduction to a sociological perspective of Symbolic Interactionism (3)(The Summary of a doctoral dissertation, Tohoku University) KEIZAIGAKU-RONSHU~ OF KAGOSHIMA UNIVERSITY, 54.
桑原 司 木原 綾香
研究論文集-教育系・文系の九州地区国立大学間連携論文集- (ISSN:18828728)
vol.6, no.1, 2012-10

本稿は、『桑原 司・木原綾香.社会問題研究とリアリティ.経済学論集=Journal of economics and sociology, Kagoshima University/ 鹿児島大学法文学部 [編]. 2011, vol.77, p.71-99』に対する査読の結果、『九州地区国立大学教育系・文系研究論文集. 2012, vol.6, no.1』に採択、掲載されたものである。
桑原 司 Kuwabara Tsukasa
Discussion papers in economics and sociology (ISSN:1347085X)
vol.203, 2002-09-03

The Chicago School of Symbolic Interactionism (one trend of the "Chicago Renaissance") represented by the works of Herbert Blumer, has been seen to be major alternative to functionalism and and social system theory in American Sociology. In addition, this approach also has been important in sociology as a critique of positivism. Furthermore, according to T. Shibutani, "it is too early for a final assessment of Blumer's work. That will have to wait until the twenty-first century, when future historians will be able to see what remains of current Sociology. It seems likely that many of his view will prevail." So far, We have done many reviewing about Blumer's Symbolic Interactionism. The results which could be gotten as the result are summarized in the following paper [Tsukasa Kuwabara, 2001,"Introduction to a sociological perspective of Symbolic Interactionism(3) (The Summary of a doctoral dissertation, Tohoku University), "KEIZAIGAKU-RONSHU- OF KAGOSHIMA UNIVERSITY (ISSN=0389-0104) :No.54, The Economic Society of Kagoshima University, pp.69-86]. In this article, we are trying to clarify theaspects which compose the reason why Blumer's Symbolic Interactionism is generally categorized as one trend of the "Chicago Renaissance".
桑原 司
研究論文集-教育系・文系の九州地区国立大学間連携論文集- (ISSN:18828728)
vol.6, no.2, 2013-03

本論は、「シンボリック相互作用論の方法論的立場」鹿児島大学法文学部紀要『経済学論集』第79号iに対する査読の結果、『九州地区国立大学教育系・文系研究論文集』Vol.6 no.2に掲載されたものである。
木原 綾香 桑原 司
経済学論集 (ISSN:03890104)
no.77, pp.71-99, 2011-10
桑原 司 油田 真希
研究論文集-教育系・文系の九州地区国立大学間連携論文集- (ISSN:18828728)
vol.5, no.1, 2011-11

The main purpose of this study is to examine the theory of Symbolic Interactionism formulated by Herbert Blumer, from the following viewpoints: a) How does Symbolic Interactionism explain the concept of socialization, i.e., the process in which hominids become human beings? b) How does Symbolic Interactionism explain the concept of Vergesellschaftung (Simmel, G.), i.e., the process or mechanism through which people construct human society? c) Why is human society to be considered to be a changeable process? After careful examination, the following findings were made: i) Blumer regards socialization as the process in which the two frameworks or perspectives (schemes of definition and generalized roles) that have been acquired by an actor through interactions with groups of others guide his/her interpretations/definitions. ii) In Blumer's theory, society is seen to be possible only when each of the actors in interactions can properly grasp the two standpoints (that of the other and one's own standpoint in the eyes of the other) by doing a kind of self-interaction (i.e., taking into account of taking into account; the concept taking into account of taking into account is the famous terminology used by N. Luhmann, but it was originally formulated by Blumer himself in 1953). iii) Because of the nature of others (black boxness), all the actors interacting with others are seen to be necessarily forced to revise their interpretations/definitions continually. For this reason, society must be regarded as a changeable process. Finally, we have tried to review critically the research method of Symbolic Interactionism (i.e., the approach from the standpoint of the actor) on the basis of the conception of man and society that has been clarified in the earlier chapters of this paper. Our review provides evidence for the two additional points listed below: iv) in doing the approach from the standpoint of the actor, only an individual can be included into the category of the acting unit. v) the standpoint of the actor perceived by researchers must never be seen as the standpoint in the raw but has to be seen as a kind of reconstruction of constructions created by researchers. We finally have confirmed that testing this conception of man and society (i, ii, and iii noted above) empirically, based on the points iv and v, would (and must) be one of our important tasks in future. In addition, this paper is the 'corrected' edition of the next article: Tsukasa Kuwabara, 2001, Introduction to a sociological perspective of Symbolic Interactionism (3)(The Summary of a doctoral dissertation, Tohoku University) KEIZAIGAKU-RONSHU~ OF KAGOSHIMA UNIVERSITY, 54.
"桑原 司"
Discussion papers in economics and sociology (ISSN:1347085X)
vol.902, (Released:2016-10-28)
桑原 司 木原 綾香
研究論文集-教育系・文系の九州地区国立大学間連携論文集- (ISSN:18828728)
vol.5, no.2, 2012-03

本稿は、桑原司,木原綾香. シンボリック相互作用論の根本問題:ハーバート・ブルーマーを起点として. 経済学論集=Journal of economics and sociology, Kagoshima University/ 鹿児島大学法文学部 [編]. 2011, vol.77, p.57-70 に対する査読の結果、『研究論文集-教育系・文系の九州地区国立大学間連携論文集-. 2012, vol.5, no.2』に掲載されたものである。