倉石 精一 梅本 堯夫 安原 宏 奥野 茂夫 村川 紀子 百名 盛之 添田 信子
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.6, no.3, pp.23-31,67, 1969-10-15 (Released:2013-02-19)
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この研究の目的は, 数学学力の発達的な変化を, 知能との関係において分析することにあった。そのためまず小4, 小6, 中1, 中3, 高2の計491名の被験者に, 算数数学学力検査と京大NX知能検査を行なった。算数数学学力検査は学習指導要領に従って, 小中学校では数概念, 量概念, 図形概念, 関係概念, 実務, 問題解決の6下位検査からなり, 高校では数量概念, 図形概念, 関係概念, 問題解決の4下位検査からなるものを作成した。まずこのテストの内部関係を求めたところ, かなり高い相関係数がえられたが, 特に関係概念のテストは内部相関も総点との相関も高かった。また相関の比較的低いテストは低学年では実務, 高学年では図形概念のテストであつた。ついで知能検査の因子分析の結果に従い, 各生徒の因子点を算出し, この因子点と算数数学学力テストとの相関を発達的に検討した。その結果小4, 小6, 中1までは言語因子と数学学力テストの相関関係が密接にみられたが, 中3, 高2ではむしろ, 言語因子以外の因子と数学学力テストとの相関が高かつた。また知能偏差値と言語因子点の差によってGP分析を行なつたが, やはり小4, 小6では言語型群の方が算数学力テストの成績がよかったが, 中3, 高2ではむしろ非言語型群め方が数学学力テストの得点は高い傾向がみられた。これらの事実から知能と数学学力との関係は, 単に知能偏差値または知能指数と数学学力テストの総点との単純な相関では一見して発途的になんら変化しないように見えるが, 両者を分析して質的に考察をすれば, 小学校では知能のうちの言語因子と算数学力との相関が高く, それが中学, 高校となるにつれてしだいに言語因子以外の因子と関係が深くなると結論された。
梅本 堯夫
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.21, no.2, pp.23-28, 1951
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In this study the writer has determined the association values of 1016 Japanese two syllable nonsense words. These syllables were divided into four groups, and each group was read to two classes of Ss in reversed order. Ss were 404 high school students. After giving sufficient information on the nature of the association performance, the E reads the syllables at the rate of one syllable per five seconds. Ss were instructed to write down any associated word, while attending to the experimenter's reading. When there was no time to write down any, Ss had to mark a circle on the syllable. When they found the word impressive, though not meaningful, Ss had to mark a triangle. The association values ranged from 82% (o-pe) to 3% (pu-nu), the average was 26.02%. The reliability was tested by caliculating the coefficients of correlation between the results of two classes of Ss, performed on the same list, and between boys and girls in the same class. These values were r=0.49 and r=0.76 respectively.
vol.14, pp.91-105, 1989
梅本 堯夫
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.21, no.2, pp.23-28, 1951 (Released:2010-07-16)
2 7

In this study the writer has determined the association values of 1016 Japanese two syllable nonsense words. These syllables were divided into four groups, and each group was read to two classes of Ss in reversed order. Ss were 404 high school students. After giving sufficient information on the nature of the association performance, the E reads the syllables at the rate of one syllable per five seconds. Ss were instructed to write down any associated word, while attending to the experimenter's reading. When there was no time to write down any, Ss had to mark a circle on the syllable. When they found the word impressive, though not meaningful, Ss had to mark a triangle. The association values ranged from 82% (o-pe) to 3% (pu-nu), the average was 26.02%. The reliability was tested by caliculating the coefficients of correlation between the results of two classes of Ss, performed on the same list, and between boys and girls in the same class. These values were r=0.49 and r=0.76 respectively.
梅本 堯夫 森川 弥寿雄 伊吹 昌夫
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.26, no.3, pp.148-155, 1955 (Released:2010-07-16)
17 42

A table of Japanese nonsense syllables was already standardized by Umemoto in 1950 (1). But association values of Umemoto's table are generally too low, and it is very difficult to memorize a list taken from the table. So we measured anew the association value and meaningfulness of all possible Japanese two-letter pure-sound syllables. As our new tables contain many meaningful words, we thought it would be more convenient to express the index as 100-association value, and we called it non-association value. Furthermore the number of associated words per syllable were computed, and we called this the index of meaningfulness of the syllables. This index is the same as that of Noble (2).Subjects were 975 boys and girls of high schools in Kyoto city. The time allowed for association task was ten seconds per syllable. 1892 syllables were divided into 40 subtables. One and same control list was given to all groups of Ss for testing the homogeneity of groups, and according to the results some conversions were made.To test the validity of these tables, and experiment was conducted. Materials were three lists of seven pairs each, with alphabet capitals on the stimulus side and the syllables from our tables on the response side. The non-association values of response syllables were 0-4, 25-29 and 50-54. Ss were university students. Exposure time was two seconds. Anticipation method was used. Results showed as in Fig. 3 and Table 5, that the higher the non-association values, the more trials were needed to reach the criterion.