藤森 勉
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.12, no.4, pp.302-325,378, 1960-08-30 (Released:2009-04-28)
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Tamano City of Okayama Prefecture, as a case of studies in industrial area, is treated here. The city is a mono-industrial city centering at Mitsui ship-building yard and grew up through it. To begin with, it unexpectedly began to show germination of growth as a local city since Mitsui ship-building yard was established in March of Taisho 8 (1919); though habitants of this area had been engaged in farming and fishing, by that time, by using limited plain and its back hilly land of granite on the Inland Sea of Seto. Main factor in the location of ship-building yard seems to have been various economic conditions that based on the policy of management in Mitsui Capital, and the natural and cultural conditions in this region. After that, in accordance with the changes of international and internal economic situation, prosperity and decay in turn had successively occurred according to the growth of ship-building. These situations also were related directly to the growth of Tamano city. Peculiarities of production structure that ship-building had in itself, soon became to reflect on Tamano mono-industrial city just as it was. Houses of workers were built up, and having these dwelling houses as their object, some shopping streets were formed, for many work-men were gathered around the village which was once out-of-the-way. And then, road-repairing and road-project were so smoothly and rapidly performed that the land features were in comparatively a short time changed village into town, town into city. With the progress of settlement, a bigger change was seen on the interior structure. Among the present population of 60, 000, for instance, ten per cents of the population are exployed in this ship-building yard. Bearing this fact in mind, you can easily understand that this city forms a close relation with ship-building business.If you consider the relations of all the kinds of correlated and subcontract industries and temporary workers and out-side workers characteristic in ship-bluilding, this relations will be more emphaticaly recongized. Prosperity and depression of ship-building business immediately mean those of Tamano city itself. Well, in the case of such mono-industrial city, there are also many faults exist for its too much acute reliance on ship-building: for good examples, the growth of correlated industries is stagnant, and the classification of labor structure in the ship-building makes its appearance in the order of civic social life as it is etc. In Japan, it is not too much to say that most of the local industrial cities have more or less similar phenomena. The author considers that these kinds of studies have to be made more actively, for the regional structure in Japanese industry must be more widely understood.
初田 亨 中森 勉
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.379, pp.102-111, 1987-09-30 (Released:2017-12-25)
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This study intends to clarify the historical changes and characteristics of the building ordinances for the fire prevention of the cities in Toyama Prefecture in Meiji Era. The summary of this paper follows : 1) The first building ordinance for the fire prevention of cities in Toyama Prefecture was enacted as the prefecture ordinance number 48 in 1887. 2) After several times of amended of the building ordinance for the fire prevention of cities in Toyama Prefecture, then the almost completed prefecture ordinance was enacted as the ordinance number 51 in 1899. 3) As the results of the ordinance number 51 in 1899, the streets with Dozo-Zukuri houses with fire protection construction were built in Toyama-shi, Takaoka-shi and Fushiki-machi.
入口 晴香 森 勉 甲斐 裕介 長田 真由美 大垣 敏弘 佐藤 孝臣
vol.2009, pp.214, 2009

【はじめに】<BR> 左片麻痺を呈しながらも主婦として家事全般に取り組んでいる女性(以下、A氏)と出会った。A氏は高い能力を持ちながらも、生活や人生に対して悲観的であり、背景に「効率の良い家事ができていない。」という質に対する不満を抱いていることが伺えた。<BR> そこで、家事動作の質の向上を目標とした環境作りや心身機能の促進を行い、活動・参加の質の向上に繋げることができた。さらに、このことが希望を持って前向きに生きるきっかけとなり、様々なことに挑戦を始めるという良い循環を作ることができた。以下、経過をふまえ事例報告をする。<BR>【事例紹介】<BR> 60代女性。H20.2脳梗塞を発症し左片麻痺を呈する。K病院、Y病院を経てH20.7自宅退院。要介護1の認定を受け、H20.9より当施設利用開始(2回/週)。夫・息子と3人暮らしの現役主婦。以前より多趣味で洋裁・踊りなどをしていた。地区の民生委員を務めるなど社会参加も活発であった。<BR>【利用開始時評価】<BR> BRS(Rt):下肢-上肢-手指:VI-VI-II。Mental:認知症なし。感情失禁あり。「誰とも会いたくない」「迷惑がかかる」と悲観的な思考・発言多い。移動は両側金属支柱付き短下肢装具・T-cane使用にて自立だが立位・歩行時の不安定さあり。5m歩行:23.59秒。3m折り返し歩行:24.59秒。立ち上がり10回:24.59秒。握力:右18.5kg。FIM:107/126点。<BR>【経過と変化】<BR> 利用初期より意図的に、脳卒中後遺症を呈する主婦や障害受容の進んでいる利用者と過ごし意見交換、共感、叱咤激励を受けられるよう環境設定をした。そのような環境の中で、A氏は徐々に自己の障害と向き合い、希望を口にするようになった。同時に立位・歩行の安定性向上を目指した運動を取り入れ、まずは家事動作においての上肢の自由度向上に繋げることを目標とした。半年後、身体機能に関しては5m歩行:9.44秒。3m折り返し歩行:18.4秒。立ち上がり10回:10.63秒。握力:右25kg。と向上し、屋内移動が両側金属支柱付き短下肢装具使用での独歩自立となり、立位・歩行も安定した。上肢の自由度も増し家事における速度や効率が向上し、「皿洗いがしやすくなった。」「中腰で草取りをしている。」などの報告が聞かれた。更に現在、発症以前に行っていた洋裁、友人との散歩などを楽しまれている。また、「今後したいこと」として自らの生活をまとめた冊子作り、ミシンがけなどが挙げられている。<BR>【考察】<BR> 今回A氏は、まず利用者との関わりで希望を持つきっかけができた。加えて、活動性の向上により、実際の家事場面において効率が上がったことを実感した。そして現在、生活の多岐に渡り工夫を凝らしながら前向きに取り組み、できることを増やしつつある。今後、A氏との出会いによってまた新たな希望が生まれていくことを期待している。A氏の生活の質の向上が、脳卒中片麻痺を呈する主婦の方々の希望となることがA氏の望みでもある。