森谷 裕美子
国文学研究資料館紀要 文学研究篇 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:18802230)
no.45, pp.183-200, 2019-03-15

狐は歌舞伎と浄瑠璃によく登場する動物である。近世演劇において、狐はどのように登場し、どのような役割を果たしているのであろうか。拙稿では元禄期(宝永期を含む)を中心として、狐の関わる作品を概観しその特徴を考察する。狐の登場する作品は、元禄期を通じて頻繁に舞台にかけられている。作品を概観すると狂言の「釣狐」系統の作品が多いことに気づく。「釣狐」は、観客にとっても馴染み深く、話の筋にもあまり影響をもたらさずに一場面に取り入れることができ、利用しやすかったのではないか。役者評判記の評文を見ると、狐は滑稽な場面によく登場している。所作、軽業で演じられることも特徴の一つである。そして、日本古来の狐ではない「殺生石」以外においては、悪い狐は少ない。歌舞伎役者、大和屋甚兵衛は、狐の演者として評価が高く、甚兵衛により、狐の演技の基盤が作られたと言えるかもしれない。一方、浄瑠璃作品においては、善狐が多いものの、滑稽な場面が少ない。「丹州千年狐」、「天鼓」においては、狐の親子の情愛が描かれ、それは人間の感情とは変わることがない。神の使いでもあり動物でもある狐は、聖俗の両面があり、観客はいろいろな狐の姿を楽しんだ。The Fox is an animal that often appears in Kabuki and Jōruri plays. How fox appears in the early modern theater and what kind of roles did he played?In this article, we stepped back and looked at the big picture of works performed in the Genroku period (including the Hōei period) in which fox appeared. The works in which fox appeared were frequently performed during the Genroku period. We noted that Tsuri-gitsune (one of the works of Kyōgen) have been adopted in many works. Tsuri-Gitsune would had been easy to use perhaps because the work could be incorporated into a scene without affecting the story and since the audiences back then were familiar with the work. According to a review in the Yakusha-hyoban-ki (Reputation notes of Kabuki actors), foxes are commonly appearing in ridiculous scenes. They are also characterized by poses and movements almost danced as well as acrobatics. The bad foxes are few, except Sessho-seki which is not an ancient Japanese fox. A kabuki actor, Yamatoya Jinbee had a high reputation as actor playing a fox. Jinbee might had laid the groundwork of the fox's acting.On the other hand, in Jōruri works, there are many good foxes, but there are less ridiculous scenes. In Tanshu-sennen-gitsune and Tenko, the affections of the fox parent and child are depicted which no difference from human sentiments.Since fox had double sides as a secular animal and as a holy creature, the audiences must had enjoyed the various appearances of the fox in those days.
森谷 裕美子
国文学研究資料館紀要. 文学研究篇 = The bulletin of the National Institute of Japanese Literature. 人間文化研究機構国文学研究資料館 編 (ISSN:18802230)
no.45, pp.183-200, 2019-03

狐は歌舞伎と浄瑠璃によく登場する動物である。近世演劇において、狐はどのように登場し、どのような役割を果たしているのであろうか。拙稿では元禄期(宝永期を含む)を中心として、狐の関わる作品を概観しその特徴を考察する。狐の登場する作品は、元禄期を通じて頻繁に舞台にかけられている。作品を概観すると狂言の「釣狐」系統の作品が多いことに気づく。「釣狐」は、観客にとっても馴染み深く、話の筋にもあまり影響をもたらさずに一場面に取り入れることができ、利用しやすかったのではないか。役者評判記の評文を見ると、狐は滑稽な場面によく登場している。所作、軽業で演じられることも特徴の一つである。そして、日本古来の狐ではない「殺生石」以外においては、悪い狐は少ない。歌舞伎役者、大和屋甚兵衛は、狐の演者として評価が高く、甚兵衛により、狐の演技の基盤が作られたと言えるかもしれない。一方、浄瑠璃作品においては、善狐が多いものの、滑稽な場面が少ない。「丹州千年狐」、「天鼓」においては、狐の親子の情愛が描かれ、それは人間の感情とは変わることがない。神の使いでもあり動物でもある狐は、聖俗の両面があり、観客はいろいろな狐の姿を楽しんだ。The Fox is an animal that often appears in Kabuki and Jōruri plays. How fox appears in the early modern theater and what kind of roles did he played?In this article, we stepped back and looked at the big picture of works performed in the Genroku period (including the Hōei period) in which fox appeared. The works in which fox appeared were frequently performed during the Genroku period. We noted that Tsuri-gitsune (one of the works of Kyōgen) have been adopted in many works. Tsuri-Gitsune would had been easy to use perhaps because the work could be incorporated into a scene without affecting the story and since the audiences back then were familiar with the work. According to a review in the Yakusha-hyoban-ki (Reputation notes of Kabuki actors), foxes are commonly appearing in ridiculous scenes. They are also characterized by poses and movements almost danced as well as acrobatics. The bad foxes are few, except Sessho-seki which is not an ancient Japanese fox. A kabuki actor, Yamatoya Jinbee had a high reputation as actor playing a fox. Jinbee might had laid the groundwork of the fox's acting.On the other hand, in Jōruri works, there are many good foxes, but there are less ridiculous scenes. In Tanshu-sennen-gitsune and Tenko, the affections of the fox parent and child are depicted which no difference from human sentiments.Since fox had double sides as a secular animal and as a holy creature, the audiences must had enjoyed the various appearances of the fox in those days.
望月 康恵 大形 里美 森谷 裕美子 田村 慶子 織田 由紀子
