横井 毅
公益社団法人 日本薬理学会
日本薬理学雑誌 (ISSN:00155691)
vol.134, no.6, pp.334-337, 2009 (Released:2009-12-14)

チトクロムP-450(CYP)を中心とした前臨床試験スクリーニング系の発達により,第II相代謝酵素で触媒される候補化合物が増加傾向にあると言われている.ヒトにおける代表的な第II相代謝酵素は,グルクロン酸抱合酵素(UGT)であり,近年多くの研究成果が集積されてきている.しかし,CYPと比べ前臨床試験スクリーニングへの応用は進んでいない.UGTのヒトin vivo代謝反応の予測系の確立は,UGTの様々な特性が原因で進展していない.特異的阻害薬が無いこと,活性化が認められること,さらに抱合代謝物によるUGT阻害などが試験系を難しくしている.さらに,種差および肝外臓器における情報は極めて少ない.グルタチオン抱合や硫酸抱合代謝物は,排出型トランスポーターの影響を受けるが,体内動態に及ぼす影響の検討が必要である.今後,CYP等の第I相と第II相酵素反応を同時に考慮できる評価系の構築が期待されている.
横井 毅 織田 進吾
公益社団法人 日本農芸化学会
化学と生物 (ISSN:0453073X)
vol.55, no.6, pp.412-420, 2017-05-20 (Released:2018-05-20)

横井 毅
日本トキシコロジー学会学術年会 第35回日本トキシコロジー学会学術年会
pp.16, 2008 (Released:2008-06-25)

小児期は生体機能が年齢とともに大きく変化するため、各年齢における薬物動態の特徴に基づいた薬物療法が必要である。経口薬の消化管吸収については、新生児の胃液のpHが高いことや、生後数ヶ月から半年は胃内容排泄時間が長いため、脂溶性の薬物を除いて一般に吸収が悪い傾向にある。腸管吸収率も新生児では低い。薬の体内分布については、血清蛋白量が低いため、蛋白結合率が低いが、生後1~3年で成人レベルになる。代謝活性は生後速やかに発達し、一般に2~3年で成人レベルになるが、例外も多く知られている。CYP3A7の活性は生後直後に活性が高いために、基質となる薬のクリアランスに大きく影響する。抱合酵素活性については、硫酸抱合の発達は速く、グルクロン酸抱合の発達は遅い。グルクロン酸転移酵素(UGT)分子種でも、UGT1A1やUGT2B7は生後3ヶ月程度で成人のレベルになるが、UGT1A6、UGT1A9やUGT2B7は数年から10年かかる。小児の酵素誘導能についての確かな報告はないが、CYPおよびUGTのいずれも成人よりも酵素誘導を受けやすいことが示唆されている。肝代謝については、小児は体重当たりの肝重量が大きく、肝重量当たりの肝血流量が大きいことの影響を十分に考慮する必要がある。薬の腎排泄能は新生児で未発達であり、生後2, 3ヶ月までは成人の半分以下であるため、有効量と中毒量の幅が狭いことに注意する必要があるが、生後1年程度で成人レベルになる。糸球体ろ過量は新生児では低いが、その後急速に高くなり、1年で成人の2倍になりその後減少する。以上、乳児、幼児や小児における薬物動態は個々の薬によって発達との関係が異なっているために、一様に論ずることはできない。個々の薬において薬物動態のデータに注意をした適切な薬物療法が安全性の確保には必要である。
有吉 範高 布谷 憲一 高橋 由紀 宮本 昌美 醍醐 聡 梅津 有理 横井 毅 木村 寛三 Philippe BEAUNE 鎌滝 哲也
The Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics
薬物動態 (ISSN:09161139)
vol.15, no.1, pp.57-61, 2000 (Released:2007-03-29)

CYP2A6 has been characterized as a coumarin 7-hydroxylase in humans. A large interindividual difference in the activity of coumarin 7-hydroxylation suggested an existence of genetic polymorphism of this enzyme. In fact, CYP2A6*2 variant allele which has T→A substitution, leading to amino acid change from Leu160 to His160, has been found in Caucasian population as the most frequent mutation in poor metabolizers (PM) of coumarin. Although several drugs used clinically or under development such as fadrozole, losigamone and methoxyflurane are recognized at present to be good substrates of CYP2A6, no specific substrate of this CYP isoform has been known until we found a drug, SM-12502. In the phase I trial, 3 out of 28 Japanese subjects were classified as PM of the drug. In vitro studies demonstrated that CYP2A6 played a major role on the metabolism of the drug. Genomic analysis revealed that the PM phenotype was caused by the presence of a novel CYP2A6 gene variant which lacks the entire region of open reading frame encoding the enzyme in the PM. Thus, we designated the variant as “deletion-type” allele. We examined the frequency of individuals carrying homozygous deletion by a genotyping method established in our laboratory. Thus, the frequency was estimated to be 3-4% in Japanese. We found another CYP2A6 gene variant whose 60 bp in the 3'-untranslated region was substituted by the corresponding region of the CYP2A7 pseudogene. This variant was designated as “conversion-type” allele. We found that the allele frequency of the conversiontype was comparable to that of wild-type, CYP2A6*1 allele in Japanese. We also compared the frequency of the CYP2A6*2 allele as well as the deletion and the conversion alleles between Japanese and Caucasian. Consequently, a marked interracial difference in the frequency of the genetic variants of the CYP2A6 gene was observed. These results give an interesting insight into racial difference in response to drugs and evolution of the CYP2A gene subfamily in humans.
横井 毅 山本 優衣 柴田 文佳 鈴木 美紀恵 島田 典招 若杉 隆伸 山木 光男 山守 育雄 中島 美紀 山崎 浩史
The Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics
薬物動態 (ISSN:09161139)
vol.15, no.supplement, pp.126-127, 2000 (Released:2007-03-29)

Troglitazone, a new oral antidiabetic drug, has been reported to cause idiosyncratic hapatitis in certain individuals. The mechanism for hepatic failure was investigated with comparison between troglitazone and its metabolites and other thiazolidinedions. Oxidation pathway of troglitazone to a qunone-type metabolite was catalyzed mainly by CYP2C8 and CYP3A4 in human liver microsomes. Inhibitory effects of troglitazone and its metabolites on drug oxidation activities of human CYPs were not potent. Autoimmune antigen was identified in patients with idiosyncratic hepatitis. Hepatic toxicity did not appear in troglitazone treated rats after modifications of sulfotransferase, gluclonosyl-trasferase, or glutathione S-transferase activities. Treatment of HepG2 cell lines with troglitazone and a quinone type-metabolite showed time- and concentration-dependent cytotoxicity. Troglitazone induced apoptotic cell death in HepG2 cells. Taking these results into consideration, the causal factor(s) for idiosyncratic hepatitis in human remained unclear.
横井 毅 山本 優衣 柴田 文佳 鈴木 美紀恵 島田 典招 山木 光男 若杉 隆伸 山守 育雄 中島 美紀 山崎 浩史
The Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics
薬物動態 (ISSN:09161139)
vol.16, no.2, pp.145-150, 2001 (Released:2007-03-29)

Troglitazone, a new oral antidiabetic drug, has been reported to cause idiosyncratic hepatitis in certain individuals. The mechanism for the hepatic failure was investigated with comparison between troglitazone and its metabolites and other thiazolidinediones, pioglitazone and rosiglitazone. Hepatic toxicity did not appear in rats in troglitazone-administered study after modifications of sulfotransferase and glucuronosyltrasferase activities and glutathione concentration. Oxidation pathway of troglitazone to a quinine-type metabolite was catalyzed mainly by CYP2C8 and CYP3A4 in human liver microsomes. Inhibitory effects of troglitazone and its metabolites on drug oxidation activities of human P450s would not be potent, based on its low blood concentrations and high protein binding ratio. An autoimmune antibody against aldolase B was identified in two patients with troglitazone-induced idiosyncratic hepatitis. However, this antibody was also detected in some other hepatic diseases, in spite of no cases in health control subjects. Treatment of HepG2 cell lines with troglitazone and a quinone type-metabolite showed time and concentration-dependent cytotoxicity. Troglitazone induced apoptotic cell death in HepG2 cells characterized by internucleosomal DNA fragmentation and nuclear condensation. Taking these results into consideration, the causal factor (s) for idiosyncratic hepatitis in human remained unclear.