立木 圭吾 竹中 洋 後藤 違也 西山 康之 水越 治 西村 武重
The Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan, Inc.
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.92, no.1, pp.37-45, 1989

We experienced 102 cases of facial bone fracture during 16 months of 1986 to 1987. These cases were analyzed statistically concerning causes, age and locations of the fracture.<br>These fractures have increased rapidly in number. The causes were classified into three types; occurrence during sport, traffic accident and fighting, which were equal in number. There were 85% males and 15% females in the patient cohort, which were concentrated at the ages of 10-20 years. A large part of the fractures was mostly consisted of maxillo-facial components (95%). These trends were similar to the previous report of our clinic (1972-1979). On the other hand, not only severe dysfunctioning cases but also complicated cases increased in number, so that the several clinical aspects were reported.<br>Case 1 : 17-year-old male presented with retraction of left cheek caused by Rugby foot ball, whose maler bone was dislocated backward and anticlockwise, was treated with oroantral reduction and with the intermaxillary packing of silicon blocks.<br>Case 2 : 10-year-old boy with complaint of double vision occured by head blow to right eye. Pure type blowout fracture of the orbital floor was presented, which was reconstructed by silicon plate from the incision of the lower eyelid.<br>Case 3 : 59-year-old male presented with 6 month history of diplopia and retraction of left eye ball, had been under the conservative care by an eye doctor. X-ray examination showed the intraorbital soft tissue was blown out into the ethomoidal sinus.However the transethomoidal reduction was performed, the result was not satisfactory.<br>Case 4 : 17-year-old female visited emergently with facial destruction by traffic accident. Bilateral mid-third fracture of the face and fractures of the mandibullar processes were found. In order to pull out the maxilla, silicon blocks were packed into the maxillary sinus and intermaxillary fixation with bite plate was tried.However, the maxilla was receded backward and "dish face" deformity was appeared.
水越 治 斉藤 等 浅野 登
vol.16, no.5, pp.265-266, 1973 (Released:2010-04-30)
中江 進 水田 康雄 八木 美知 平杉 嘉昭 水越 治
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.72, no.11, pp.1469-1477, 1979

Five patients with a congenital deafness caused by maternal rubella infection during pregnancy visited our clinic in 1977. The ages ranged from 3 to 11 months. The diagnosis of deafness was made mainly by Brain Stem Response, partly startle response and C. O. R.<br>Case 1 was diagnosed as a typical congenital rubella syndrome, because of the high HI titer, congenital deafness, PDA+ASD, retinochoroidal degeneration, thrombocytopenia, and hepatosplenomegaly. Case 4 whose HI titer was high was accompanied by microphthalamia and anophthalamia with a positive response at 40dBSL in BSR the left ear and 50dBSL in the right ear.<br>We conclude that congenital deafness should be determined by Brain Stem Response as early as possible so that an early diagnosis of hearing impairment can be made.