永田 耕司
紙パ技協誌 (ISSN:0022815X)
vol.65, no.1, pp.58-61, 2011

2009年,日本製紙は,オーストラリアを本拠地とする世界有数の紙専門商社PPX社の子会社であるオーストラリアンペーパー社の全株式を取得する株式売買契約をPPX社と締結し,同年6月に株式取得完了,オーストラリアンペーパー社は日本製紙グループの一員となった。<BR> オーストラリアンペーパー社は,オーストラリア最大の印刷用紙メーカーとして50年以上の歴史を持つ。主力ブランドであるコピー用紙「Reflex&reg;」は,オーストラリアにおいて約60%のシェアを有している。そのメアリーベール工場は,オーストラリア大陸南東部のビクトリア州にあり,メルボルンの東約160kmに立地している。現在,洋紙生産能力は5台の抄紙機で年産約57万t(日産約1,600t),パルプ生産能力は,LBKPとNUKP,NSSCの3系列で日産約1,400tである。パルプ製造設備は,約3億4千万豪ドル(約270億円)を投じた生産能力増強を含む大規模工事が2008年12月に完成したばかりで,LBKP工程はオゾンECF漂白を採用した最新設備が導入された。
半澤 節子 石原 和子 永田 耕司 黒岩 かをる
長崎大学医学部保健学科紀要 (ISSN:09160841)
vol.15, no.1, pp.75-80, 2002-06

従来,模擬患者(Simulated Patient=SP,以下SPと略す)を導入した演習は,医学生による医療面接や看護学生による看護場面など個別に試みられてきている.今回本学では,SPを導入した看護学生と医学生による合同演習を初めて試みた.SPの面接場面には,父親の癌について母親から情報を受けた長女が,医療スタッフに父親の病状を確認する場面を設定した. 演習終了後アンケート結果の自由記載欄の記述から,看護学生は長女の気持ちを汲み取り,理解のある態度で接することが大切であると記載したものが多かった.一方,医学生はその場面を観察し,家族の気持ちを理解しながらも,データに基づいて現時点での治療方法について科学的に説明する必要があると記載したものが多かった.
永田 耕司
活水論文集. 健康生活学部編 (ISSN:18807720)
vol.54, pp.13-34, 2011-03-31

There is a remark voluntarily said for the nutritional therapy and treatment from the employee when the health is guided as an industrial physician. For instance, the person who has high blood pressure says,"It is necessary to cut back on salt", the person of obesity says,"it is the overeating. it is necessary to refrain from fat.", the person with hyperlipidemia says,"it refrains from fat, and botanical fat is better than animal fat". The person with a high blood sugar says,"it is necessary to do the meal limitation. It is necessary to refrain from the calorie. The person with osteoporosis says,"You should take a lot of milks". These are thought as common sense. In addition, if a high blood sugar doesn't fall even if the nutritional therapy is done, it is said,"It is necessary to go to the hospital, and to get the medicine". This time, it is in the examination whether common sense concerning such a nutritional therapy and the lifestyle disease treatment has established as a really clear evidence or the common sense is correct. Conclusion 1) It turned out that the effect of lowering was the blood pressure larger for slimness, and taking a lot of included DASH food such as potassium and to reduce salinity. 2) It has been understood that taking the high-carbohydrate diet from foods with low-calorie content and the high fat chow causes obesity. Moreover, it was thought that it was an obesity factor to eat fast, and to eat supper late. 3) It was clarified that the trans fatty acid improved the risk of the heart disease. 4) At total cholesterol count 240-259mg/dL(160-180 in case of LDL-cholesterol mg/dL), a total mortality rate was the lowest, and it was clarified that you should refrain from the active intervention of the drug therapy. 5) The diabetic is a cause due to mineral shortages such as chrome and manganese. As for the cause of severe complication of the diabetic, not the one that caused in hyperglycemia but the possibility of causing in the execution of the drug therapy of the diabetic was suggested. 6) It was clarified that the cause of osteoporosis and the fracture was too intakes of milk and meat.
永田 耕司 太田 美代 西川 智子
活水論文集. 健康生活学部編 (ISSN:18807720)
vol.52, pp.83-100, 2009-03-31

A questionnaire survey concerning lifestyle and mind/body symptoms was administered to 7000 5th grade elementary students, and 7000 2nd grade Jr. High school students of Nagasaki prefecture in July, 2007. 10% of elementary and Jr. High school students were not eating breakfast every day. One in three children who were eating breakfast only ate rice, bread and a drink. Rice was about 50% of breakfast, and bread 40%. The most reported reason for not eating breakfast was "no appetite." Next highest was "no time for eating." 8% of elementary students and 12% of Jr. High school students said the reason was because breakfast wasn't prepared for them. More than half of all students ate between meals 4 - 5 times a week. Many, in the following order of choice: chocolate, candy, and chewing gum. Less than half ate fish once or twice a week. Nearly half ate midnight snacks. Many, in the following order of choice: ice cream, snack food (e.g. potato chips), fruits, jellies, puddings and yogurts. 60% of elementary students and 80% of Jr. High school students reported that their body sometimes felt "heavy." 75% of elementary students and about 90% of Jr. High school students sometimes felt tired. 50% of elementary students sometimes felt headaches. 50% of elementary students, and 68% of the Jr. High school students sometimes felt insufficient energy to complete tasks. 50% of elementary children and 60% of Jr. High school students sometimes felt "irritated" and unable to think or concentrate. 40% or more of all students sometimes felt easily angered or frustrated. Reports of "lack of sleep," "less than 30 minutes to get to school after waking up," "don't eat breakfast," "only eat staple food for breakfast," "eating bettween meals every day,""don't eat vegetables every day," "don't eat fish," and "eat midnight snacks" all influenced symptoms such as "feel tired," and "not enough energy to complete tasks," and "easily angered or frustrated."
石原 和子 鷹居 樹八子 半澤 節子 永田 耕司 黒岩 かおる
長崎大学医学部保健学科紀要 (ISSN:09160841)
vol.14, no.2, pp.85-92, 2001-12

看護学科の「カウンセリング特論」授業において,模擬患者(Simulated Patient:SP)を導入し看護面接場面を3場面設定しロールプレイ演習を行った.演習の評価を,半構成的質問紙調査により把握した結果,次のように要約された. 1.SPとのロールプレイ演習において,「傾聴と共感」,「チューニング」,「アンカリング」,「ポジティブ・メッセージ」といったコミュニケーション技法が効果的に使用された. 2.SPからのフィードバックは,演習に参加した学生にとってプラスの動機付けとなった. 3.自由記載欄をKJ法により内容分析を行った結果,「看護方法の学び」,「参加した感想」,「これからの授業に対する要望」の3分野と8つの内容に分類された.8つの内容は,「看護者からの質問の仕方」,「患者の奥にあるものに触れること」,「意欲や希望への働きかけ」,「大丈夫,頑張ってという励ましの働きかけ」,「具体策を考えるということ」,「看護者の基本的態度」,「沈黙をどう考えるか」,「SPの気持ちから」であった. 4.参加した感想では,「客観的に看護面接場面を評価できたので良かった」,「客観的に場面を観てどうすれば良いかを考える機会になった」,「これから看護職として仕事をする上で大変参考になった」等の効果があった. 5.SPを授業に取り入れることや看護面接演習を臨地実習の前に要望していた.