池谷 健
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.21, pp.46-54, 2003-10-05 (Released:2018-02-01)

Organ transplants receives scant social approval if the persons who offer to donate their organs are the weak. Acceptance that a brain dead patient is a dead person does not take root in Japan, and as of May 31, 2002 the number of liver transplants from brain dead persons is only 18 cases from 16 donors. On the other hand, the number of liver transplants from living donors has already exceeded 2000 cases albeit the registry of such cases is not exhaustive. The Japanese people recognize the donation from a living person as proper because the organ is transplanted from a healthy person to a weak one, but actually one third of the liver transplants from living donors is said to be transplants from a child to one of its parents. Thus whether or not the principle of "from the strong to the weak" is followed in all cases must be checked continuously. An ethical problem occurs in the case of the donation from the child to its parent, especially in the case of a young child who is living together with its parents. There were a few reported examples of such liver transplants : for example recently the offer from a 20-year-old daughter to her father was reported. The operating surgeon said that if the donor is over 20 years old, the organ donation is made by the free will and hence becomes possible legally. The surgeon further asserted that if the donors are under 20 years old, it is sufficient to wait until they become 20 years old. But the premise that parents are always the child's best advisers does not hold good under all conditions ; the decision-making of 20-year olds needs an environment where no social, economic, and religious pressure is exerted. When such an environment is lacking, the rational choice of an organ donation to one's parent is not guaranteed.
池谷 健
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.19, pp.126-135, 2001-10-20 (Released:2018-02-01)

Compared with the first Kochi case in March 1999, information about two other cases, the second case in Tokyo in May and the third case in Miyagi in July, decreased drastically. This restriction may be due to the infringement on privacy in the first case. It is important to discuss at the time of the transplants, whether their brain death was unavoidable, or was there some way to save the patient. It is indispensable not only to promote organ transplantation from brain dead persons, but also to advance emergency treatment procedures for the people who first administer treatment. In these 3 cases, as for the persons in charge of emergency treatment of the donors, ant the persons who diagnosed the preceding clinical and legal brain deaths of the donors, we have no information except for the first case. As for the details of the donorcard, it was reported only in the second case. The background diseases were explained immediately only in the third case which was a traffic accident. The family's comments about the organ-donation and each transplant result, weren't reported except in the second case, one year later. Perhaps the coordinators of the Japan Organ Transplant Network (JOTNW) could not establish good relations with the families. The mass media, JOTNW, and the MHW (Ministry of Health and Welfare) must put these problems in order, disclose them, and entrust the result to the good sense of the national public. Without accurate information, the donor families cannot freely talk about their thoughts to the public. Now the MHW has enforced a new committee in a perfectly locked room to verify organ transplantation, as if the leakage of the information were the problem. As a result, the right of the people to know, to discuss, and to decide is deprived, and donor's families cannot express their thinking about the process of organ transplantation.
池谷 健 本田 勝紀 西河内 靖泰
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.17, pp.106-117, 1999-10-01 (Released:2018-02-01)

A 62 year old man died of SAH at an Okinawan hospital in Dec. 1996, and his kidneys were transplanted after his death by consent of one daughter. Afterwards other members of his family, i. e. his wife, his son and his three other daughters, went to court over the inappropriate therapy and donation. We were asked to check a copy of his clinical chart tendered by the hospital, the letter of complaint of his family members, and the questionnaire to the hospital and answers from the director of the hospital. We pointed out 3 major issues : (1) Did he receive reasonable treatment? Was his brain death diagnosed correctly?, (2) Was the informed-consent of his family members for his organ transplantation stated clearly?, and (3) Did the co-ordinators give adequate information and make valid agreement? Did they confirm the donor's will? Did they confirm consensus of the family for donation? We cannot find out rational answers to the questions above. The patient was a mentally handicapped person, and the doctors abandoned his treatment soon after his arrival to the hospital. Once the opinion of his organ donation was made by one daughter 3 days after his admission, the doctors ignored any wish against donation by other family members. We believe that the happiness of the donor family is one of the most essential factor for organ transplantation to plant its roots in Japan. In this case, the family got no happiness but serious confusion. This case could be an extraordinary case, but because we have only a few means to check up the adequacy of organ donation in this country, this might not be an exceptional case. The difficulty to access medical data by the family must be dissolved immediately.
久富 健介 加納 正規 池谷 健佑 片山 美和 三科 智之 相澤 清晴
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
映像情報メディア学会技術報告 38.51 (ISSN:13426893)
pp.17-20, 2014-12-05 (Released:2017-09-22)

本稿は,1台の赤外線プロジェクタと2台の赤外線カラーカメラで構成されたカメラアレーを用いて,被写体の奥行きを推定する手法を提案する.プロジェクタは赤外線のドットパターンを照射し,赤外線カラーカメラは,パターンが投影された赤外線画像とパターンのないカラー画像を同時に撮影する.奥行きは,赤外線ステレオ画像から生成したCost volumeに対して,Cross-based Local Multipoint Filter (CLMF)によるCost volume filteringで処理した上で推定する.この際,カラー画像はCost volume filtering処理のガイド画像として用いる.また,視差値を選択する際に,水平ライン毎のグラフカット処理を導入することにより,ベースラインの長いステレオ画像からの奥行き推定を安定化した.実空間で撮影した画像から奥行きを推定する実験を行い,提案手法の有効性を示す.
池谷 健佑 冨山 仁博 岩舘 祐一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. IE, 画像工学 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.105, no.611, pp.165-170, 2006-02-14
