沢田 善太郎
現代社会学 (ISSN:13453289)
no.3, pp.3-18, 2002

「あれが結婚に結びつくのであれば、ギーヴなど一年に五百回ぐらいは結婚式をあげねばなるまいよ」「例が極端すぎるのではないか」「例というものは極端なほうがわかりやすいからな」 ー田中芳樹『アルスラーン戦記』 日常生活で,わたしたちは極端な事例にもとづいてものごとを論じたり,事態を評価することがある。本稿ではこのような極端値が介在する社会過程のモデルづくりをこころみる。前半では極端値をあつかう統計学である順序統計の基礎を紹介する。後半では,マス・メディアの過剰報道の問題や「決定後の失望」の問題を話題にして,順序統計の社会分析への応用を論じる。 In our everyday life, we sometimes think and evaluate matters on the basis of their extreme cases. The purpose of this paper is to construct models of social processes which are involved with such extremes. In the first half of this paper,we will introduce a grounding of order statisticis, which is a statistics to treat the distributions of the extreme values. Then, in the latter half,we will discuss the applicabilities of the order statistics to the socal analyses. The main topics and key words of this part are "excessive reports of mass media","a paradox of sampling","a model of social monitoring", and"post-decision disappointments".
沢田 善太郎
現代社会学 (ISSN:13453289)
no.5, pp.3-24, 2004

沢田 善太郎
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.49, no.2, pp.318-324, 1998-09-30 (Released:2009-10-19)
沢田 善太郎
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.43, no.3, pp.3-18,146, 1999

Until Weber's study appeared, the most systematic thought on the bureaucracy was found in J. S. Mill's On liberty and Considerations on Representative Government. Though Mill's works were translated into Japanese in early Meiji era, his concept of bureaucracy was frequently misunderstood by the Japanese translators in those days. That is, where Mill discussed the troubles of the administrative bureaucracy as a whole body, the Japanese translators used to interpret them as being brought about by one or few influential who controlled the bureaucratic system arbitrarily.<br> Such a misunderstanding of the concept was also found in the petition submitted by Taisuke Itagaki, Taneomi Soejima, Shojiro Gotfi, Shinpei Eto and others to the government in 1874, proposing the establishmement of an elected house. Their zeal for the representative government and their criticism of the "Yushi Sensei" (the despotism of the administrative officers) were inspired by Considerations on Representative Government. However, the implications of the "Yushi Sensei" were rather different from Mill's discussions on the bureaucracy.<br> Probably, these misundestandings were brought about by the premature state of the administrative bureaucracy in early Meiji era and by the past tradition which was attached to the education of Chinese Confucian classics.
沢田 善太郎
現代社会学 (ISSN:13453289)
no.10, pp.3-25, 2009

ハーバーマスは1962年に『公共性の構造転換』を刊行した頃から,1960年代を通じて社会科学方法論の研究に力を入れ,認識主体の関与抜きに対象を認識しようとする実証主義の限界を意識するようになった。ドイツ実証主義論争の後,1967年に発表された「文献報告 社会科学の論理によせて」では,かれは,現象学的社会学,ウィトゲンシュタインの言語ゲーム論,ガダマーの解釈学などを検討し,生活世界の構成員による相互主観的な意味理解を重視する社会科学方法論を模索した。本稿ではこの論文を中心に,60年代のハーバーマスの著作をとりあげ,『コミュニケーション的行為の理論』にいたるかれのコミュニケーション的転回の端緒の時期の問題状況をあきらかにしたい。 During 1960s, Habermas spent much time to study methoologies of social sciences, since hehad written Structual Transformation Of Public Sphere in 1962. He suspected the positivisticthought to be limited, which assumed that we could recognize the object without our preconceptionabout it. After "the positivist dispute in German sociology", he published "On theLogic of the Social Sciences" in 1967. Therein he examined the phenomenological sociologies,Witgenstein's language-game theory, and Gadamer's hermeneutics, in order to construct themethodology of social sciences, focusing upon the intersubjective meanings of everyone in thelife-world. We will revisit the Habermas's works in 1960s, and bring out the problematics ofthe beginning of his "communicative turn".
沢田 善太郎
現代社会学 (ISSN:13453289)
no.9, pp.3-24, 2008

公共討議によって,異なる意見を持つ集団がどのようにして,どの程度まで合意に達するかは,討議民主主義論の鍵問題のひとつである。アメリカのコミュニタリアンは,公共討議による合意は,コミュニティ成員のあいだに共有価値が存在することによって可能になると考える。 コミュニタリアニズムの代表的な理論家の1人であるアミタイ・エチオーニは,個人の自由と権利の保障は,コミュニティが有効に維持されていることであるという視点から,アメリカ人は近年,個人の権利を強調しすぎており,個人の権利は縮小されるべきだと主張する。同時に,かれは日本のような権威主義社会や中国のような全体主義社会では,権利や自由の促進が課題になるという。なぜなら,エチオーニによると,人権は,たとえそれを求めるコミュニティの声は小さくても,また,たとえそれが歴史的に西洋に源を発するものであっても,全人類に向かって主張できる普遍的価値であり,西洋がこれらの価値を異文化に適用するときには,第3世界からの抗議によって阻止されてはならないからである。それゆえ,「コミュニティの内なるモラルの声」に耳をかたむけるというアメリカ社会におけるコミュニタリアンの提唱は,非西洋社会では西洋的価値を外部から押しつける普遍主義の思想に転じることになる。これをよくあらわすのは,エチオーニも賛同署名したアメリカのアフガン戦争擁護の意見広告『私たちは何のために戦うか:アメリカからの手紙』に見られる「正しい戦争(just war)」の思想であろう。 さらに,エチオーニは,コミュニティの協働を維持するために,コミュニティ内の諸集団の差異を強調するアイデンティティの政治を抑制することを提唱する。しかし,共有価値にもとづいて,諸集団が歩調をそろえるというコミュニタリアンの理想の背後にあるのは,コミュニティ内部には,たがいに異なる価値とアイデンティティをもち,ときには対立的な諸集団が存在するという事実認識であろう。これこそエチオーニが批判したアイデンティティの政治の基本認識ではあるまいか。 How and how much can public deliberations bring out the consensus among the groups of different thoughts? It seems a key question to the theory of deliberative democracy. Recent American communitarians would answer that the consensus is possible because the community members might share the common values of that community. Amitai Etzioni, one of the leading sociologists and communitarians, believes that the preservation of individual liberty and human rights depends on the maintenance of well integrated communities. Then, he points out that Americans have overemphasized individual rights in recent years, and proposes that individual rights should be curtailed. At the same time, he recommends more individual rights in authoritarian societies like Japan, or, toataltarian societies like China. It is because, according to him, human rights are not only Western value, but also a value that lays claims on all people, even if historically they arose in the West, and, even if the voice to call for human right may be very low and small in some authoritarian or totalitarian communities. Moreover, he contends, these rights should not be deterred by some third world protests when the West applies this validity of these claims. That is, American communitarians' proposals to listen to the moral voice in the community turns into universalism of the Western concept of individual right when applied in non-Western world, and results in enforcement of the Western value, irrelevant to the community in question. Such a view was also reflected in the theory of "just war" stated in "What We're Fighting for: A Letter from America" (2002), an advocacy ad. of Afgan war, to which Etzioni agreed and signed. Etzioni also proposes to limit identity politics, which tends to stress group differences and endanger the cooperation within a community. But, if we abandon the ideal of communitarians that purport subgroups within a community unite together on the basis of common value, we may find the reality of the theory of politics of identity/difference. That is, groups in a community are riven many times by various different group-identities, and the conflicts among the groups are almost inevitable.