洞口 治夫
経済志林 (ISSN:00229741)
vol.85, no.4, pp.381-402, 2018-03

This article discusses the relevance of three concepts from Hirschman's book, Exit, V oice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States, to the power structure of corporate management. When one adds the administration of the organization to the model, one can expect some internal action patterns to emerge in an organization in decline. When the administration needs to reduce the number of the organization's members, it will try to "exclude" some members and "disregard" them. In such organizations, these members are involved in repetitious routine, so they work with little motivation to improve their productivity. The administrative managers thus ought to deal with less motivated members. We call such situation "inertia." While exit, voice, and loyalty correspond to the voluntary intention of individuals who join the organization, exclusion, disregard, and inertia are collective action patterns on the part of the members of the administration that can be adopted in the organization's hierarchy. If such a pattern becomes prevalent, it is impossible to expect self-purification processes inside the organization even when the firm breaks the law, for instance, by engaging in faulty internal auditing, inadequately observing quality control standards, or neglecting the requirements of legal compliance.
洞口 治夫 柳沼 寿 松島 茂 金 容度 近能 善範 天野 倫文

洞口 治夫 松島 茂 福田 淳児 近能 善範 行本 勢基 松本 敦則 天野 倫文

洞口 治夫
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
no.21, pp.15-26, 2008-04-20

Combining Collective Knowledge with Collective Strategy gives new foundations for the theory of knowledge management. Theories of Collective Knowledge/Intelligence and Collective Strategy can be linked together and Symbiotic Knowledge emerges as a new type of knowledge created from one of Collective Strategy, Conjugate Strategy. Conjugate Strategy is to create direct collaborative work among people or organizations belonging to a different type of industry. Collective Knowledge is defined as knowledge created jointly by independent interacting groups or individuals. The new dimension is given as a result of inter-disciplinary collaboration to create a new discovery or devices. Symbiotic Knowledge thus brings about the possibility of establishing Genetic Theory of Innovation. Symbiotic Knowledge embodies a new dimension for problem solving by collaboration between different fields of expertise. The applicability of Symbiotic Knowledge is wider in product development, and collaborative research by business-university alliance is a typical example. In this paper, University-industry collaboration in Toyama Prefecture is exemplified from this perspective. Under the Intellectual Cluster Creation Project organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, the Toyama Medical Bio-cluster was launched under the direction of the governor of Toyama Prefecture. A university-launched venture was established through cooperation by the University of Toyama Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science, Toyama Industrial Technology Center, and local companies. They jointly developed cell chips to conduct research on lymphocyte and antibody gene analysis. The use of cell chips made it possible to obtain data from 250,000 micro-wells whereas the use of microscopy gave a single observable data. This new apparatuses were made out of Symbiotic Knowledge and they contributed to set forward a new dimension on the analytical method of lymphocyte.