清水 純子
慶應義塾大学日吉紀要. 英語英米文学 (ISSN:09117180)
no.64, pp.35-54, 2014-03

"Spy" is a person whose job involves secretly gathering and reporting information about another country, organization, group, or enemies without the consent of the information-holders. Espionage is a set of clandestine and constitutional activities carried out for government or commercial purposes. Yet, as a matter of course, spying is illegal and is punishable by law. Thus, espionage is almost always accompanied by danger; it is unavoidable that some risks will be run in this kind of work. In a word, spying is a mission that may jeopardize one's life. The duties of a spy are required most in wartime. During the 20th century, when many wars occurred, there was much demand for spying and espionage: the governments of many countries needed able spies, especially for military purposes.In the film world, spy films have always been quite popular because of their entertaining qualities: they contain thrilling action, suspense, and the seduction of beautiful women. Among countless spy films, the most popular is the 007 series, which premiered in 1964. 007 focuses on a British gentleman spy called James Bond. Although it is difficult to find female spy movies that can rank with the 007 series, the classic Mata Hari might just be a match for 007. It is said that beauty and charm are the merits of the female spy, while the man she seeks is at the center of power and holds confidential information. Through the so-called "honey trap"—the use of a seductive woman to tempt a man into passing highly classified information to her government or syndicate—female spies play an active role in the 1930s film world. Among several 1930s female spy films, this paper focuses on Dishonored and Mata Hari. I will examine the universal themes that these two movies encompass: the anxiety of excessive information management; concealment through the power of the government; and the importance of personal dignity, rights, and happiness.
清水 純子 伊藤 明子 山本 洋子 伊藤 雅章 本間 香 橋本 明彦
公益社団法人 日本皮膚科学会
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0021499X)
vol.114, no.7, pp.1277-1282, 2004-06-20 (Released:2014-12-13)

清水 純子
慶応義塾大学日吉紀要 英語英米文学 (ISSN:09117180)
no.53, pp.75-108[含 英語文要旨], 2008

A touch of the poet is one of the striking tragicomedies of Eugene O'Neill. Through A touch of the poet, O'Neill proves that he can not only write good tragedy but also excellent drama, which comically tasteful.The setting of A touch of the poet is from the morning till midnight of 27 July, 1828, in a forlorn tavern in the suburbs of Boston. Middle-aged Cornelius Melody is an immigrant from Ireland where he believes to have been a "gentleman". Although Melody is now degraded to a drunken owner of the dirty, cheap tavern, and actually supported by his hardworking wife and daughter, he refuses to realize his true self and narcissistically praises his manly, handsome self-image refl ected in the mirror. However, Melody's illusion of "being a gentleman" is shattered by the severe antagonism of the rich Harfords, of which his beautiful daughter, Sara, is going to be a member. Sara falls in love with Simon Harford, who is an heir to the rich Harford family."The uncanny" in Melody is "the repetition of the same thing", his recurrent illusion or self-deception of being a "gentleman". "Being a gentleman" is not uncanny, but what is uncanny is the difference between his present state as a shabby drunkard and his illusory past as a glorious, gallant gentleman. What is uncanny is elody's obsession with the past and his present state of being obsessed by the illusion of "being a gentleman".When the symbol of Melody's glorious past and male vanity, the beautiful English military uniform, is torn by Harford's subordinate men, Melody ultimately realizes that he was possessed of the past glory, void pride and illusion. Melody painfully learns that even in the U.S.A., a man without money or social status is not respected as a "gentleman". Deprived of all his pride, Melody is forced to recognize his poor social and financial status; however, instead of abandoning his aristocratic bravado, Melody is freed from the affectation of aristocracy and heroism and reveals his true self, that is, his easy bum nature. Despite Melody's sudden transformation incharacter, his faithful wife, Nora, proudly says, "I'll play any game he likes and give him love in it. Haven't I always? (She smiles.) Sure, I have no pride at all—except that". Eugene O'Neill depicts the foolishly old-fashioned dreamer, Cornelius Melody, with irony, humor and pathos.