近藤 真前 清水 謙祐 五島 史行 北原 糺 今井 貴夫 橋本 誠 下郡 博明 池園 哲郎 中山 明峰
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.75, no.6, pp.489-497, 2016-12-31 (Released:2017-02-01)
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Introduction: The vertigo symptom scale-short form (VSS-sf), which has three factors, the vestibular-balance symptom with long duration, the vestibular-balance symptom with short duration, and the autonomic symptom, was developed for measurement of the therapeutic effect in vestibular diseases. However, clinical use of the VSS-sf has not been reported in Japan, and there are very few analyses using scores of the factors or each item of the VSS-sf. The aims of this study is to report both clinical use of the VSS-sf in Japan and analyses using scores of the factors or each item of the VSS-sf. Methods: Participants included both adult inpatients and outpatients with either non-central dizziness/vertigo or vertebrobasilar insufficiency which occurred more than one month before, diagnosed by expert neuro-otologists. Participants completed three questionnaires: the VSS-sf, the dizziness handicap inventory, and the hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS). We conducted a multiple regression analysis with the scores of the three factors of the VSS-sf, to evaluate how much influence there was from vestibular and autonomic symptoms on any handicap due to dizziness. We analyzed the scores of each item of the VSS-sf to examine profiles of the symptoms in major vestibular diseases. Results: The results of 159 participants were analyzed. Standard partial regression coefficients of anxiety, depression, and the vestibular-balance symptom with long duration were significant, however, those of the vestibular-balance symptom with short duration and the autonomic symptom were not. Most frequent autonomic symptoms were headache, chill/flashes, and palpitation in Ménière's disease, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, vestibular neuronitis, and psychogenic dizziness. Conclusion: The VSS-sf can be conducted without major problems in Japan, and may be useful for patients with vestibular diseases, not only to measure therapeutic effect but also to analyze the influence of, or relation between the vestibular-balance symptom/autonomic symptoms and other clinical variables.
清水 謙祐 鳥原 康治 中山 明峰 福留 真二 佐藤 伸矢 東野 哲也
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.71, no.2, pp.96-102, 2012 (Released:2012-06-01)
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We report herein on psychiatric comorbidity in patients with dizziness in a psychiatric hospital with an otolaryngologist. Psychiatric comorbidity was revealed in 270 (68.9%) of 392 patients with dizziness. Of 270 patients with dizziness and psychiatric comorbidity, anxiety disorders were revealed in 149 (55.2%), mood disorders in 36 (13.3%), somatoform disorders in 5 (1.9%) and adjustment disorders or post-traumatic stress disorder in 15 (5.5%) but in addition organic mental disorders were also seen in 21 (7.8%) and schizophrenia in 15 (5.6%). Phobic postural vertigo was diagnosed in 30 (7.7%). These patients were not only treated by otolaryngologists, but also received psychiatric therapy or were prescribed psychotropic drugs. We believe that cooperation between psychiatrists and otolaryngologists in hospitals or regions can improve the mental condition and quality of life in patients suffering from dizziness with psychiatric comorbidity.
清水 謙祐 春田 厚 牧野 浩二 東野 哲也
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.42, no.5Supplement2, pp.880-885, 1996-09-20 (Released:2013-05-10)

他覚的不随意的筋性耳鳴の2症例を経験した. 5歳男子症例の耳鳴は2kHz付近にピークをもつクリック音で, 耳鳴に一致して鼓膜内陥, 中耳コンプライアンスの変化, 耳管の開放が観察された, また, 45歳女性症例の耳鳴は500Hz付近にピークをもち, 耳鳴に一致して軟口蓋の痙攣が観察された. これらの事により耳鳴の原因は, 症例1では口蓋帆張筋と鼓膜張筋, 症例2では口蓋帆挙筋の間代性痙攣によるものと推察された.