水野 恵司 蔭山 博之 渋谷 正徳 平井 康夫
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.36, no.3, pp.180-187, 2010 (Released:2012-03-09)

In 1997,PTP sheets containing tables were changed so that they could not be separated into individual doses since there had been several cases in which medicines had been swallowed in the PTP.As there are still cases of this happening,we felt the need to clarify the causes and devise a way of preventing them.Through interviewing 8 patients who had swallowed medicines in the PTP sheet and had them removed at Matsudo City Hospital in last 5 years,the causes of such accidents were being distracted when taking medication and separating medicines into individual doses for convenience.Armed with this knowledge,we questioned a large number of patients visiting community pharmacies on how they kept their medicines at home.Our findings showed that elderly patients and those prescribed multiple drugs tended to separate their medicines,accounting for 45.7% of 368 patients interviewed.There has also been an increase in the number of elderly patients with dementia who have swallowed medicines in the PTP sheet and have not been aware of this until they have had to undergo emergency surgery to remove the PTP when it has caused perforation of the gastrointestinal tract.To decrease the risk of swallowing the PTP sheet,we propose increasing its size so that patients are physically unable to swallow it,and print a pharmaceutical code and expiration date on each sheet.
末吉 孝一郎 吉岡 伴樹 船越 拓 鈴木 義彦 藤芳 直彦 森本 文雄 渋谷 正徳
一般社団法人 日本救急医学会
日本救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:0915924X)
vol.19, no.7, pp.434-439, 2008-07-15 (Released:2009-07-25)
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患者は60歳の女性。運動会で突然の心肺停止状態となり,bystander CPRが施行された。電気的除細動で心拍再開し当院へ救急搬送となった。冠動脈造影(coronary angiography; CAG)にて急性心筋梗塞(acute myocardial infarction; AMI)と診断し経皮的冠動脈インターベンション(percutaneous coronary intervention; PCI)を施行した。集中治療室(intensive care unit; ICU)へ入室し抗凝固療法が施行されたが,カテコラミン投与下にても循環動態は安定せず,貧血の進行と肝逸脱酵素の上昇を認めた。第2病日に施行した腹部造影CTでは肝右葉に被膜下血腫と実質損傷を認め,肝左葉実質の損傷も認めたためこれが出血源と考えられた。被膜下血腫により圧排された肝右葉は均一に造影されず,肝実質組織内圧上昇による血流障害を認め,肝コンパートメント症候群であると診断した。まず抗凝固療法を中止し,新鮮凍結血漿(fresh frozen plasma; FFP)及び濃厚血小板液(platelet concentrate; PC)投与による凝固能改善を図り,人赤血球濃厚液(red cells MAP; MAP)投与を行ったが循環動態の改善を認めなかったため,腹部血管造影を施行した。腹部血管造影では動脈相での明らかな造影剤の血管外漏出(extravasation)は認めなかったが,肝動脈塞栓術(transcatheter arterial embolization; TAE)を行うことで循環動態は安定した。以後,全身状態は改善したが,血腫の縮小を促進させるために穿刺ドレナージを行い,第73病日に独歩退院となった。肝コンパートメント症候群の報告例は極めて稀であり,肝虚血に対しては減圧による虚血の解除が必要であると報告されている。しかしながら本症例ではTAEにて保存的に治癒せしめることができた。
池添 泰弘 茂木 邦雄 鈴木 隆史 廣田 憲之 植竹 宏往 渋谷 正徳 中川 準 北沢 宏一
日本応用磁気学会誌 (ISSN:18804004)
vol.23, no.4, pp.1557-1560, 1999-04-15

We succeeded in making water levitate in air, using not an extreme by strong magnet such as a Bitter-type hybrid matnet, but a compact superconducting magnet. The levitated water ball had a spherical shape and levitated stably for over a day. We named this phenomenon "magneto-Archimedes levitation," because, to achieve it, we used gravitational and magnetic buoyancy forces in the presence of pressurized oxygen gas. In additon, our method enables paramagnetic substances to levitate in air, which has been considered to be impossible owing to the Maxwell relation, divB=0. We also succeeded in making paramagnetic aqueous copper sulfate levitate in air. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of stable levitation of paramagnetic substances in the atmosphere.