渡辺 守邦
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.14, pp.63-123, 1988-03-30

泉州信田の葛の葉狐の子が、母と生き別れて、天文博士に出世する安倍の童子の物語は、源を『簠簋抄』に発する。この話は、むしろ浄瑠璃、歌舞伎に入って以降おもしろみを倍増するのであるが、本稿は、反対に、この話を育んだ、暦数書の仮名注の世界を俳徊してみようとするものである。本題に入る前に、断っておかなければならないことがある。それは書名の読み。「簠簋」と書いて、〈ホキ〉と読む。『論語』公冶長篇に「瑚璉」の語があって、朱子の注に、宗廟に供える黍稷を盛る器、夏に〈瑚〉、商に〈璉〉、周に〈簠簋〉と称した、とする。本来は祭器である。が、貴重品を運んだり、納めておく器具とも考えられたらしく、次のような言い伝えもある。すなわち、釈迦如来像が百済から海を渡って本朝に運ばれたとき、簠簋に入れられて来た、それゆえ、釈迦をホトケと呼ぶ、ホトケはホキの転である―と。『法華経直談鈔』に載る名義譚。早くも話が中世説話の世界に入ってしまったようだ。 A story of Abe no doji who is a child of Kuzunoha (a name of white fox in legend) in Shinoda of Senshu, succeeded as a master of astrology after separating from mother came from "Hokisho"(簠簋抄). This story rather became twice as much as interesting after being taken up as a theme of Joruri and Kabuki, this article tries to wonder around the world of the kanchu (written in kana) of the Rekisusho (the number of years book) that created this story. Before getting to the main point, it is enough for me to say about the reading of the title of a book. "簠簋"is pronounced as "Hoki". There is a word "Koren"(瑚璉)in "The Analects of Confucius" edited by Koyacho, and it was explained: a container to pile millet to offer in the ancestral mausoleum, "Ko" for Hsia, "Ren" for Shang, "Hoki" for Zhou in a note of Shushi. It is originally ceremonial implement. However it seemed to be thought as an appliance which carry and put the valuables, there is the following legend, that is to say, when statue of Shaka Nyorai was put in "Hoki" and carried to our country across the sea from Kudara,that is why we refer to "Shaka" as "Hotoke". "Hotoke" is derivative of "Hoki". This is a "Myogitan" (名義譚)appears in "Hokkekyojikidansho" (法華経直談鈔). The story seems to have already entered the world of the narration in the Middle Ages.
渡辺 守邦
實踐國文學 (ISSN:03899756)
vol.78, pp.1-18, 2010-10-15
渡辺 守邦
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.15, pp.135-165, 1989-03-25

むかし、祖母の語った安倍の童子の咄は、歳月のベールに隔てられて、記憶もおぼろげである。それゆえであろうか、かすかな太棹の三味の音を伴って甦ってくる。この一話の世上への伝搬に『蘆屋道満大内鑑』のはたした功績の大きかったことは疑いないが、それだけではなかった。江戸時代を通じて、演劇とは双子の関係にあった小説の分野にあっても取り上げられ、数々の作品の刊行をみている。また、明治の御代にいたるまで盛んに行われた、仏教講釈の演目の内にも含まれていた、という。暦数書の注釈に発した清明伝承が、さまざまなジャンルに文芸化されたありさまと、作品相互の間の関りについて調べてみることは、われわれの持つ清明像の依ってきたる所以を明らかにすることにもなるはずである。 A memory of a story of Abe-no-doji (childhood name of Abe no Seimei) which my grandmother told me long time ago is vague separated by a veil of time. That may be why it is associated in my memory with the faint sounds of Futozao (broad-neck) shamisen. There is no doubt about the great achievements that "Ashiya Doman Oouchikagami"(蘆屋道満大内鑑)produced as for propagation of this story to a public, however this was not all. It was taken up for the field of novels which had a twin-like relation with field of the Dramatic Arts, many works were published. In addition, it is said to be included on the program of a Buddhism lecture carried out actively up to the reign of the Emperor Meiji. To investigate the state that a legend of Seimei which had its beginnings in explanatory notes of the Rekisusho (the number of years book) was changed into literary arts in various genres and to try to investigate about the mutual relation with each work should be going to clarify the reason of the image of Seimei that we have.
渡辺 守邦
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.14, pp.63-123, 1988-03-30

泉州信田の葛の葉狐の子が、母と生き別れて、天文博士に出世する安倍の童子の物語は、源を『簠簋抄』に発する。この話は、むしろ浄瑠璃、歌舞伎に入って以降おもしろみを倍増するのであるが、本稿は、反対に、この話を育んだ、暦数書の仮名注の世界を俳徊してみようとするものである。本題に入る前に、断っておかなければならないことがある。それは書名の読み。「簠簋」と書いて、〈ホキ〉と読む。『論語』公冶長篇に「瑚璉」の語があって、朱子の注に、宗廟に供える黍稷を盛る器、夏に〈瑚〉、商に〈璉〉、周に〈簠簋〉と称した、とする。本来は祭器である。が、貴重品を運んだり、納めておく器具とも考えられたらしく、次のような言い伝えもある。すなわち、釈迦如来像が百済から海を渡って本朝に運ばれたとき、簠簋に入れられて来た、それゆえ、釈迦をホトケと呼ぶ、ホトケはホキの転である―と。『法華経直談鈔』に載る名義譚。早くも話が中世説話の世界に入ってしまったようだ。 A story of Abe no doji who is a child of Kuzunoha (a name of white fox in legend) in Shinoda of Senshu, succeeded as a master of astrology after separating from mother came from “Hokisho”(簠簋抄). This story rather became twice as much as interesting after being taken up as a theme of Joruri and Kabuki, this article tries to wonder around the world of the kanchu (written in kana) of the Rekisusho (the number of years book) that created this story. Before getting to the main point, it is enough for me to say about the reading of the title of a book. “簠簋”is pronounced as “Hoki”. There is a word “Koren”(瑚璉)in “The Analects of Confucius” edited by Koyacho, and it was explained: a container to pile millet to offer in the ancestral mausoleum, “Ko” for Hsia, “Ren” for Shang, “Hoki” for Zhou in a note of Shushi. It is originally ceremonial implement. However it seemed to be thought as an appliance which carry and put the valuables, there is the following legend, that is to say, when statue of Shaka Nyorai was put in “Hoki” and carried to our country across the sea from Kudara,that is why we refer to “Shaka” as “Hotoke”. “Hotoke” is derivative of “Hoki”. This is a “Myogitan” (名義譚)appears in “Hokkekyojikidansho” (法華経直談鈔). The story seems to have already entered the world of the narration in the Middle Ages.
渡辺 守邦
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.15, pp.135-165, 1989-03-25

むかし、祖母の語った安倍の童子の咄は、歳月のベールに隔てられて、記憶もおぼろげである。それゆえであろうか、かすかな太棹の三味の音を伴って甦ってくる。この一話の世上への伝搬に『蘆屋道満大内鑑』のはたした功績の大きかったことは疑いないが、それだけではなかった。江戸時代を通じて、演劇とは双子の関係にあった小説の分野にあっても取り上げられ、数々の作品の刊行をみている。また、明治の御代にいたるまで盛んに行われた、仏教講釈の演目の内にも含まれていた、という。暦数書の注釈に発した清明伝承が、さまざまなジャンルに文芸化されたありさまと、作品相互の間の関りについて調べてみることは、われわれの持つ清明像の依ってきたる所以を明らかにすることにもなるはずである。 A memory of a story of Abe-no-doji (childhood name of Abe no Seimei) which my grandmother told me long time ago is vague separated by a veil of time. That may be why it is associated in my memory with the faint sounds of Futozao (broad-neck) shamisen. There is no doubt about the great achievements that “Ashiya Doman Oouchikagami”(蘆屋道満大内鑑)produced as for propagation of this story to a public, however this was not all. It was taken up for the field of novels which had a twin-like relation with field of the Dramatic Arts, many works were published. In addition, it is said to be included on the program of a Buddhism lecture carried out actively up to the reign of the Emperor Meiji. To investigate the state that a legend of Seimei which had its beginnings in explanatory notes of the Rekisusho (the number of years book) was changed into literary arts in various genres and to try to investigate about the mutual relation with each work should be going to clarify the reason of the image of Seimei that we have.

1 0 0 0 蔵書印提要

渡辺守邦 島原泰雄編
栗原 敦 上野 英子 棚田 輝嘉 西澤 美仁 渡辺 守邦 野村 精一 佐藤 悟
