渡邉 文之 布施 美穂 石井 隆明 星野 佳史 秦千 津子
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.40, no.2, pp.121-126, 2021-12-10 (Released:2022-02-08)

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether regular visits to community pharmacies to take medications contributes to the prevention of frailty in the elderly and whether it also contributes to the improvement of leftover medications. The patients showed a significant increase in the number of steps taken after interventions, and the frailty index using J-CHS criteria also showed a significant improvement after interventions. In addition, two patients were found to have leftover medications, but improvement was observed after interventions. In the post-intervention patient satisfaction survey, all seven patients responded positively to the following questions: “Effectiveness of medication management,” “Improvement in medication adherence,” “Improvement in physical condition,” “Increase in the number of outings,” “Increase in the amount of exercise,” and “Appropriateness of the number of visits.” On the other hand, two patients responded negatively to the following questions: “Improvement of sleep,” and “Improvement of diet.” As a result, it can be inferred that this initiative is beneficial for the prevention of frailty in elderly patients.
高橋 憲二 小島 健吾 中島 理恵 鈴木 達彦 渡邉 文之
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
pp.22-00079, (Released:2022-07-05)

Collaborations between hospital and community pharmacists play a key role in ensuring consistent continuation of pharmacotherapy within official medical care plans designed to promote community-based healthcare. A previous study conducted by the authors clarified the constructs of collaboration between the hospital and community pharmacists from the hospital pharmacist's perspective. In this study, a similar questionnaire was used to survey a group of pharmacies with 424 outlets nationwide, and 244 responses were collected. Factor analysis from the community pharmacists’ perspective extracted five latent factors comprising 18 variables, and structural equation modeling yielded a model with a high goodness-of-fit. In the latter model, variables representing “Organizational climate” and “Basic policy on collaboration” formed the foundation of the collaboration between hospital and community pharmacists, while variables representing “Understanding of healthcare policy,” “Resources for collaboration,” and “Community support systems” represented concepts that flexibly compensated for fluctuations in medical policy. These trends were similar to those of the constructs previously indicated by hospital pharmacists. We performed multiple regression analysis and structural equation modeling to confirm the impact of the inclusion of “Need for collaboration” as a dependent variable on the proposed constructs of hospital-community pharmacist collaboration using different analytical methods. Our results indicated that “Organizational climate,” “Basic policy on collaboration,” and “Community support systems” affected the “Need for collaboration”. Our findings indicate that future studies are needed to confirm and clarify the causal relationships demonstrated by the constructs of hospital-community pharmacist collaboration seen within the current study.
中島 理恵 沼尻 拓己 渡邉 文之 亀井 美和子
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.40, no.2, pp.80-86, 2021-12-10 (Released:2022-02-08)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the factor structure of the diversifying interpersonal work of pharmacists and its influential factors. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted for pharmacists registered with an internet research company. We collected data on respondents’ basic characteristics (gender and age), years of experience as a pharmacist, whether the respondents were certified as pharmacists, home-care experience, participation in study sessions and workshops, and experiences related to medication support. Factor analysis revealed three main factors from 26 items regarding pharmacists’ interpersonal work: Factor 1, “basic abilities of patient medication record management and medication counseling,” Factor 2, “clinical knowledge and assessment ability,” and Factor 3, “cooperation and support system.” Multiple regression analysis revealed a significant association between age and Factor 1 (β=−0.131, P<0.001). Home-care experience was associated with Factor 2 (β=0.076, P=0.013) and Factor 3 (β=0.115, P<0.001). Participation in study sessions and workshops were significantly associated with all the factors (Factor 1: β=0.103, P=0.001, Factor 2: β=0.247, P<0.001, Factor 3: β=0.238, P<0.001). This study clarified the factor structure of interpersonal work performed by community pharmacists. It is suggested that providing educational programs based on pharmacists’ ages and strengthening regional cooperation such as home medical care are necessary to standardize the quality of pharmacists’ interpersonal work.
渡邉 文之 篠原 久仁子 土橋 朗 天貝 賢二 原 和夫 倉田 香織 飯嶋 秀郎 島川 清 島田 匡彦 阿部 櫻子 武井 敬司 亀井 美和子
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.9, pp.1243-1254, 2016

&emsp;This study built a protocol for drug therapy management (hereinafter &ldquo;the protocol&rdquo;) that would enable continuous support from the decision making of smoking cessation therapy to the completion of therapy through the collaboration of physicians and community pharmacists, after which we evaluated whether the use of this protocol would be helpful to smoking cessation therapy. This study utilized the &ldquo;On the Promotion of Team-Based Medical Care&rdquo;, a Notification by the Health Policy Bureau as one of the resources for judgment, and referred to collaborative drug therapy management (CDTM) in the United States. After the implementation of this protocol, the success rate of smoking cessation at the participating medical institutions rose to approximately 70%, approximately 28-point improvement compared to the rate before the implementation. In addition to the benefits of the standard smoking cessation program, this result may have been affected by the intervention of pharmacists, who assisted in continuing cessation by advising to reduce drug dosage as necessary approximately one week after the smoking cessation, when side effects and the urge to smoke tend to occur. Additionally, the awareness survey for the intervention group revealed that all respondents, including patients who failed to quit smoking, answered that they were satisfied to the question on general satisfaction. The question about the reason for successful cessation revealed that the support by pharmacists was as important as, or more important than, that by physicians and nurses. This infers that the pharmacists' active engagement in drug therapy for individual patients was favorably acknowledged.<br>