森 健治 橋本 俊顕 原田 雅史 米田 吉宏 島川 清司 藤井 笑子 山上 貴司 宮崎 雅仁 西條 隆彦 黒田 泰弘
The Japanese Society of Child Neurology
脳と発達 (ISSN:18847668)
vol.33, no.4, pp.329-335, 2001

自閉症患児29例 (IQ50以上=6例, IQ50未満=23例) および正常小児19例において, 扁桃体~海馬を含む左, 右側頭葉内側部, 左小脳半球の3箇所にてproton magnetic resonancespectroscopy (1H-MRS) を施行し, 代謝物質の濃度を抑制されていない組織水を用いた内部標準法にて測定した.IQ50未満の自閉症患児においては, 扁桃体~海馬を含む左側頭葉内側部および左小脳半球にてN-acetylaspartate濃度が有意に低下していた.これは, これらの部位における神経細胞の減少や発達異常あるいは神経活動の低下を反映していると考えられ, 自閉症で報告されている神経病理学的所見および脳血流SPECTの所見とよく一致していた.1H-MRSは自閉症の病態解明に有用であると考えられる.
渡邉 文之 篠原 久仁子 土橋 朗 天貝 賢二 原 和夫 倉田 香織 飯嶋 秀郎 島川 清 島田 匡彦 阿部 櫻子 武井 敬司 亀井 美和子
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.9, pp.1243-1254, 2016

&emsp;This study built a protocol for drug therapy management (hereinafter &ldquo;the protocol&rdquo;) that would enable continuous support from the decision making of smoking cessation therapy to the completion of therapy through the collaboration of physicians and community pharmacists, after which we evaluated whether the use of this protocol would be helpful to smoking cessation therapy. This study utilized the &ldquo;On the Promotion of Team-Based Medical Care&rdquo;, a Notification by the Health Policy Bureau as one of the resources for judgment, and referred to collaborative drug therapy management (CDTM) in the United States. After the implementation of this protocol, the success rate of smoking cessation at the participating medical institutions rose to approximately 70%, approximately 28-point improvement compared to the rate before the implementation. In addition to the benefits of the standard smoking cessation program, this result may have been affected by the intervention of pharmacists, who assisted in continuing cessation by advising to reduce drug dosage as necessary approximately one week after the smoking cessation, when side effects and the urge to smoke tend to occur. Additionally, the awareness survey for the intervention group revealed that all respondents, including patients who failed to quit smoking, answered that they were satisfied to the question on general satisfaction. The question about the reason for successful cessation revealed that the support by pharmacists was as important as, or more important than, that by physicians and nurses. This infers that the pharmacists' active engagement in drug therapy for individual patients was favorably acknowledged.<br>