島岡 章 町田 和彦 熊江 隆 菅原 和夫 倉掛 重精 岡村 典慶 末宗 淳二郎
日本生気象学会雑誌 (ISSN:03891313)
vol.24, no.1, pp.3-8, 1987-04-01 (Released:2010-10-13)

Seasonal variation of basal metabolism was measured on seven young male (the Ground Self-Defence Force Officials) aged 19-26 for twelve months (from March 1983 through February 1984) at the Beppu Post in Oita. The results are as follows:The basal metabolism fluctuates like sine curve. The highest value (5.2% higher than the annual mean) is obtained in April and the lowest (5.8% lower) is in October. Therefore, the annual deviation in the basal metabolism was 11.0% from the annual mean. The annual mean basal metabolism corrected to twenties, is 39.9 kcal/m2/hr, and this value is 6.6% higher than the reference value (37.5 kcal/m2/hr) . In Japanese, it has been accepted that basal metabolism is lower in summer and higher in winter, and the reasons of the seasonal variation are explained by the wide range of the temperature throughout the year, and by the lower ratio in fat intake. Our results generally agree them.
松原 和夫 外山 聡 佐藤 博 鈴木 洋史 粟屋 敏雄 田崎 嘉一 安岡 俊明 堀内 龍也
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.131, no.4, pp.635-641, 2011-04-01 (Released:2011-04-01)
9 7

It is obvious that pharmacists play a critical role as risk managers in the healthcare system, especially in medication treatment. Hitherto, there is not a single multicenter-survey report describing the effectiveness of clinical pharmacists in preventing medical errors from occurring in the wards in Japan. Thus, we conducted a 1-month survey to elucidate the relationship between the number of errors and working hours of pharmacists in the ward, and verified whether the assignment of clinical pharmacists to the ward would prevent medical errors between October 1-31, 2009. Questionnaire items for the pharmacists at 42 national university hospitals and a medical institute included the total and the respective numbers of medication-related errors, beds and working hours of pharmacist in 2 internal medicine and 2 surgical departments in each hospital. Regardless of severity, errors were consecutively reported to the Medical Security and Safety Management Section in each hospital. The analysis of errors revealed that longer working hours of pharmacists in the ward resulted in less medication-related errors; this was especially significant in the internal medicine ward (where a variety of drugs were used) compared with the surgical ward. However, the nurse assignment mode (nurse/inpatients ratio: 1 : 7-10) did not influence the error frequency. The results of this survey strongly indicate that assignment of clinical pharmacists to the ward is critically essential in promoting medication safety and efficacy.
野田 敏宏 新敷 祐士 安西 恵子 川崎 啓子 栗原 智仁 高市 和之 髙野 紀子 中村 峰夫 西野 健三 山田 和也 平井 みどり 田崎 嘉一 松原 和夫 吉山 友二 井関 健
一般社団法人 日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会
日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌 (ISSN:21852928)
vol.36, no.2, pp.93-98, 2013 (Released:2013-07-01)
2 4

要 旨目的 : 本研究ではサプリメント類の利用に関して来局患者および薬剤師両者の意識および実態を明らかにすることにより, サプリメント類利用における薬剤師の関わり方を検討した. 方法 : 東京都・北海道内の14保険薬局にて来局患者1,253人を対象に, サプリメント類に関するアンケート調査を来局時に実施した. また, 薬剤師289人に対してサプリメント類に関する意識および情報収集の実態について, 保険薬局および北海道薬学大会 (2011年・札幌) においてアンケート調査を実施した. 結果 : 来局患者からの回答数1,253人のうち, 約50%は薬剤師にサプリメント類の安全性や効果についての情報提供を望んでいるものの, 実際には薬剤師が来局患者の疑問に答えている例は7.3%にしかすぎないことが明らかとなった.  一方で, 回答を得られた薬剤師289人のうち67.5%の薬剤師は自身がサプリメント類の情報提供者として来局患者に期待されていると認識しているものの, サプリメント類の情報収集に積極的に取り組んでいる薬剤師は約30%であり, さらにその情報内容もインターネット上の情報に頼っていることが示された. 結論 : サプリメント類の説明に対する患者の期待と薬剤師による説明の実態には, 大きな隔たりがあることが分かった. 来局患者の期待に応えるためにも, 薬剤師はサプリメント類に対し科学的根拠に基づく理解を深め, 医薬品との関連を含めた統合管理の必要性が求められる.
武者 利光 北原 和夫
公益社団法人 応用物理学会
応用物理 (ISSN:03698009)
vol.58, no.12, pp.1688-1695, 1989-12-10 (Released:2009-02-09)

本稿では, 1/f; ゆらぎの実験・理論の現状を概説するとともに,非平衡統計物理としての問題点を指摘する.特に,線形応答係数のエネルギー損失に関わる部分が1/fゆらぎをしていることに注目する.また, Hooge の式の解釈として,電子は独立にフォノンによって散乱されるが,フォノン自体は長距離相関をもって1/f ゆらぎをしていることを述べる.
中村 幸子 飯田 啓二 玉川 杏奈 日野 泰久 大原 毅 高橋 佳子 高橋 直人 千原 和夫
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.103, no.6, pp.1382-1384, 2014-06-10 (Released:2015-06-10)

鉱質コルチコイド反応性低ナトリウム(Na)血症(MRHE:mineralocorticoid-responsive hyponatremia of the elderly)は,脱水を伴った高齢者に発症することが多い疾患である.バソプレシン分泌過剰症(SIADH:syndrome of inappropriate secretion of anti-diuretic hormone)と臨床像が類似するが,治療法が異なるため鑑別が重要である.
倉掛 重精 中路 重之 菅原 和夫 岡村 典慶 大下 喜子 梅田 孝
日本衞生學雜誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.52, no.4, pp.667-676, 1998-01-15
1 2

This study attempted to measure the physical load on national high school baseball umpires during games played at Koshien stadium under extremely hot and humid conditions in the summer. Thirty-one umpires participated in this study. Thirteen of them were evaluated twice while eighteen were evaluated only once. The factors used to determine physical load were the following: body weight, oral temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and serum biochemical elements. These were measured before and after the games. Heart rate was measured at one-minute intervals.<br>The results were as follows.<br>1) All the games were played under conditions of extremely high temperatures…32.1 degress celsius drybulb, 27.0 degress celsius wet-bulb, 36.8 degress celsius black-globe, 29.5 degress…WBGT which are likely to cause heat-related illnesses.<br>2) The physical load of baseball umpires during the game showed a 1.69 percent decrease in average body weight due to perspiration, a 0.43°C increase in oral temperature and an increase in heart rate. An examination of the serum biochemical elements showed that muscle deviation enzymes changed due to muscular activity and blood condensed due to perspiration. The physical load levels of baseball umpires were influenced by extreme heat and physical activity during the game.<br>3) There were no observable differences in either the amount of physical activity or the extreme heat environment among the umpires of different field positions. But the chief umpire's physical load showed a greater decrease in body weght, more blood condensation due to perspiration as a result of the heavier equipment he wore, more muscular activity and higher energy consumption than his counterparts on the bases.<br>4) The umpire's heart rates were higher during games than before games. The moment they were on the playing field. Their heart rates rose to an average of 134. It remained above 115 for about two hours, apparently caused by physical activity and heart load.
早勢 伸正 岩山 訓典 大滝 康一 山下 恭範 粟屋 敏雄 松原 和夫
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.131, no.1, pp.161-168, 2011-01-01 (Released:2011-01-01)

Drugs are sometimes covered with oblate or agar jelly. It is said that the medicinal effect of drugs covered with oblate is slow, but no studies have reported results confirming this. Therefore, we examined the dissolution behavior when the drug was covered with oblate or agar jelly. Three types of commercially available formulations of benzodiazepine were used: medazepam sugarcoated tablets, prazepam uncoated tablets, and clorazepate dipotassium capsules. Dissolution tests were performed using solutions of pH 1.2 and 5.6 to simulate normal gastric juice and gastric anacidity, respectively. Drugs covered with oblate were tested by the paddle method, and those covered with agar jelly were tested using the rotating basket method. Dissolution of clorazepate capsules not covered with oblate increased by approximately 10% when the pH was adjusted from 1.2 to 5.6, while those of medazepam and prazepam tablets decreased by approximately 40-60%. In contrast, the dissolution decreased significantly at both pH values for each drug covered with oblate. Dissolution further decreased when the amount of oblate was doubled. No detectable dissolution of medazepam tablets or of clorazepate capsules occurred when the drug was covered with agar jelly. Dissolution of prazepam tablets covered with agar jelly was only about 10% at the end of the test. These results indicate that dissolution is slowed and prolonged when a drug is covered with oblate or agar jelly, permitting sustained release of the drug. But, it is necessary to improve a suitable method for the dissolution.
荻原 和夫
紀要 (ISSN:09114238)
vol.13, pp.149-156, 1990-03-31

清水 惠子 松原 和夫 浅利 優

小笠原 和夫
The Japanese Society of Snow and Ice
雪氷 (ISSN:03731006)
vol.27, no.6, pp.143-153, 1965-11-30 (Released:2009-09-04)

The energy of the Kurobe avalanche is about 108 watt in its momentary maximum while that of a typhoon visiting Japan is about 1016-1018. Therefore the former is very small compared with the latter. But the two energies differ in this that in the case of typhoon its energy is dispersed in a wide scope extending over 500-1, 000 kilometers in radius while in avalanche its energy is concentrated in a very narrow extent 30-50 meters in width and 200-500 meters in length. In the typhoon it scarecely happens that even in its momentary maximum wind speed goes beyond 70 meters per second while in the avalanche, as is shown in Table 1, it is quite simple that its blast passes the speed of sound (331m/sec. 0°C). This accounts for the destructive force of an avalanche as stated in (2 (1) ) - (2 (3) ) above.A snow slide has hitherto been considered as somehow or other a natural fall of a snow mass. It goes without saying that an avalanche, if viewed generally, is caused by conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy and it is quite to say so. But the energy of avalanche cannot be fully analysed by such ideological explanation. An avalanche is not a simple falling of a snow mass by gravitation, but it is rather a flow of a fluid, a mixture of snow and ice. Accordingly it shows a meandering movement resembling that of flowing water and unlike a solid body it can pass freely through narrow openings. However, it must be considered that it is not a mere gravitational movement of a fluid, but that the air contained in the snow suffers, in the process of sliding down, adiabatic compression, which greatly increases its internal pressure to give driving impetus to the avalanche.It must therefore be understood that an avalanche can cross the main stream 100 meters wide, instead of flowing into it, and rebounds at the foot of the mountain on the opposite bank comes from this that when the head of the avalanche reduces its speed the air contained in the snow that follows after, compressed adiabatically, increases its internal pressure to give driving force to the snow ahead. It has hitherto been argued that an avalanche jumping over a hill is the result of its first burying this side with snow and running over it. But no ! A big avalanche can skip over a hill.
粟屋 敏雄 長谷部 直幸 梶野 浩樹 石谷 麻里子 山田 武宏 小野 尚志 大滝 康一 山下 恭範 三好 敏之 田崎 嘉一 松原 和夫
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.35, no.9, pp.615-621, 2009 (Released:2011-01-14)

After an overdosing incident at our hospital,we developed an upper limit alert system that checks doses of injection drugs for individual patients as the physician uses the computerized order entry system.Based on each patient’s converted body surface area (BSA),the upper limit for an injection is estimated through comparison with the standard upper limit in a patient with a BSA of 1.6 m2.This is done automatically in accordance with a compensation formula provided by our hospital’s safety committee.Standard upper limits for each injection are based on past records of actual injection dosages administered in our hospital and discussion with clinical departments.When a physician tries to enter an order for an injection at a dose over the upper limit,the computer system issues the alert“non-enterable”and the order cannot be placed.In the case of a regimen for which there is a legitimate reason for using a dose higher than the upper limit,the physician must explain this to the pharmacist who will then unlock the alert system using a secret password that he or she has designated.Passwords are only valid for one day.As far as we know,this is the first computerized injection dosage upper limit alert system in the world.On doing a search of our database,we found that there had been 742 overdose alerts (0.47% of all injection prescriptions) during the 3 months following its introduction.Owing to the alerts,physicians altered 155 prescriptions (21.1% of all alerts).Our computerized alert system for checking injection dosages has proved to be very necessary in ensuring medication safety.
石原 和夫 佐藤 彩乃 曽根 英行
県立新潟女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02883686)
vol.45, pp.9-18, 2008

わが国の伝統的な発酵調味料である味噌は、製法や産地によりその風味は異なり、また、種類は多く地域性の高い調味料である。さらに、原料の大豆や発酵・熟成に由来する多くの機能性を持つ優れた食品でもある。味噌は主として、味噌汁として食され、その味噌汁の調理にあたっては、味噌を溶かし短時間沸騰させる。そのことにより、香味が最大限引き出され、おいしさが感じられる。しかし、過度の加熱では、多くの香気成分が揮発、あるいは逆に増加することで風味が損なわれ、おいしさは減少することが知られている。本研究では、味噌汁中の香気成分が味噌の種類や加熱時間の長短によりどのように変化するか香気成分捕集方法として動的ヘッドスペース法を用いて検討した。実験には、越後味噌、信州味噌、八丁味噌、西京味噌の4種類の味噌を用いて、未加熱、加熱時間10〜60分での香気成分の変化をガスクロマトグラフィー(以下、GC)により分析し、比較検討を行った。GC分析の結果検出された総ピーク数は、越後味噌111、信州味噌106、八丁味噌113、西京味噌65であり、越後味噌、信州味噌、八丁味噌の香気成分は西京味噌に比べ、多種類の成分より構成されていた。また、GCパターンを比較すると、越後味噌、信州味噌は類似し、八丁味噌、西京味噌はそれぞれ特有のGCパターンを示した。GCの総ピーク面積は、越後味噌が一番大きく、次いで西京味噌、八丁味噌で、信州味噌は一番少なく、他の味噌の約41〜50%に相当した。標準化合物および文献をもとに、各味噌汁中の香気成分を解析したところ、味噌汁の香気成分として、アルコール13、アルデヒド7、有機酸4、エステル12、合硫化合物2、炭化水素5、ケトン類1の総計44種類の化合物を同定または推定した。これら化合物のうち、94〜99%占めたのがアルコール類で、このうちethanolが一番多く、越後味噌で65.14%、信州味噌で67.05%、八丁味噌で82.82%、西京味噌で93.19%であった。八丁味噌と西京味噌はその発酵・熟成には酵母の関与が比較的少ないにもかかわらず、ethanol量の多いのは上述の「酒精」の添加によるものと考えられる。そして、ethanolのほか、2-methylbutanol、3-methylbutanol 、methanol、2-methyl-1-propanol、n-butanol、n-propanolなどが主なアルコール類として検出された。越後味噌、八丁味噌、西京味噌中の多くのアルコール類は加熱により減少する傾向を示したが、信州味噌では増加またはほとんど変化しないという特徴が認められた。各味噌汁中のアルデヒド類としてethanal、hexanal、benzaldehydeなどが検出され、これらは一般に加熱により増加する傾向にあり、他の香気成分との違いが認められた。アルデヒド類の加熱による増加は一般的にも知られ、その原因は味噌中の遊離アミノ酸からストレッカー分解により生成されるためと考えられる。有機酸のacetic acidは越後味噌、butyric acidは八丁味噌、2-methylbutyric acidと3-methylbutyric acidは信州味噌中で最も多いことが認められた。そして、加熱によりacetic acidは減少、butyric acid は増加、2-methylbutyric acidと3-methylbutyric acidは変化がないという、それぞれの特徴を示した。各味噌汁中で検出された主なエステル類はethyl acetate、ethyl heptanoate、ethyl lactateおよび2-methylbutyl acetate と3-methylbuty lacetateなどであり、量的にはethyl acetateは八丁味噌、ethyl heptanoate は越後味噌、ethyl lactateは信州味噌に多いことが認められた。これらのうち量的に多かったethyl acetateも加熱により増加する傾向にあったが、八丁味噌では加熱10分で一旦急激に減少することが認められた。そして、エステル類はその種類や味噌の違いにより加熱による傾向が異なったが、信州味噌ではethyl dodecanoateのみ減少傾向を示し、その他多くのエステル類は増加する傾向があった。食欲化合物のdimethyl disulfideは加熱により減少し、3-methylthiopropanal(methional)は増加した。また、炭化水素類ではハ丁味噌においてtridecane、hexadecaneに増加がみられた。これらの結果から、味噌汁の香気成分の中には加熱により減少するもの、逆に、増加するもの、また、味噌の種類による違いなど解析することができた。また、前報では香気成分捕集法として静的ヘッドスペース法を用い、味噌汁の香気成分として15化合物を同定または推定したが、本研究での動的ヘッドスペース法では44化合物が同定または推定されたことから、後者の分析法の優位性が認められた。
半田 智子 柳沢 侑子 南 藍子 竹ノ内 敏孝 坂田 穣 村山 純一郎 原 和夫 前田 正輝 加藤 裕久
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.40, no.1, pp.35-46, 2014-01-10 (Released:2015-01-10)

The continual development of mobile technology and spread of mobile devices have led to the use of personal digital assistants (PDAs) in medical fields. In this report, we describe the applications of PDAs, such as smartphones, in pharmaceutical practice.Participants included pharmacists in university hospitals (n = 121), community pharmacies (n = 100), and 6th-year pharmacy students (n = 166) who had already successfully completed their clinical rotations. We conducted questionnaires regarding PDA use frequency and interest in future PDA use, which were evaluated using 4-point scales. These two variables were compared statistically between the university hospital pharmacists and community pharmacists. The data from the pharmacy students were analyzed separately using descriptive statistics.For university hospital pharmacists, the top use for PDAs was as a personal scheduler; for community pharmacists, it was as a dispensing error prevention system. Most university hospital pharmacists reported high interest in future PDA use, mainly for obtaining practice guidelines and obtaining package insert information, while community pharmacists would use PDAs to obtain package insert information. For pharmacy students, PDAs were most often used to obtain package insert information; furthermore, pharmacy students showed high interest in future PDA use during hospital and pharmacy clinical rotations.As six interests regarding the use of PDAs in future pharmaceutical practice differed between the university hospital and community pharmacists (P < 0.05), PDA software applications should be tailored for each medical setting.