倉田 香織 五十嵐 俊 南郷 栄秀 土橋 朗
Japan Society for Pharmaceutical Education
薬学教育 (ISSN:24324124)
vol.3, pp.2019-003, 2019 (Released:2019-11-07)

近年,Evidence-based Medicine(EBM)の実践とその教育の重要性が高まっている.本研究の目的は9ヶ月間に渡るEBM学習プログラムを通じて受講生である薬剤師にもたらされた教育効果を明らかにすることである.2016年4月から12月まで毎月1回,23名の希望者を対象にEBMの実践に必要な知識と技能を学習するためのワークショップ形式の研修会を開催した.EBMの実践に関する自己評価を,研究開始時,研修中,研修終了時および研修後の計4回実施して比較検討した.研修開始後の総学習時間に変化はないが,医学文献の閲覧時間は増加した.EBM教育を受けることで,医学文献に対する抵抗感が緩和されたものと考えられる.さらに,日常業務での疑義照会や処方提案の場面で,エビデンスを共有し意志決定する試みを経験していた.研修終了後も,EBMの実践に必要な知識と技能を維持していることが明らかとなった.
渡邉 文之 篠原 久仁子 土橋 朗 天貝 賢二 原 和夫 倉田 香織 飯嶋 秀郎 島川 清 島田 匡彦 阿部 櫻子 武井 敬司 亀井 美和子
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.9, pp.1243-1254, 2016

&emsp;This study built a protocol for drug therapy management (hereinafter &ldquo;the protocol&rdquo;) that would enable continuous support from the decision making of smoking cessation therapy to the completion of therapy through the collaboration of physicians and community pharmacists, after which we evaluated whether the use of this protocol would be helpful to smoking cessation therapy. This study utilized the &ldquo;On the Promotion of Team-Based Medical Care&rdquo;, a Notification by the Health Policy Bureau as one of the resources for judgment, and referred to collaborative drug therapy management (CDTM) in the United States. After the implementation of this protocol, the success rate of smoking cessation at the participating medical institutions rose to approximately 70%, approximately 28-point improvement compared to the rate before the implementation. In addition to the benefits of the standard smoking cessation program, this result may have been affected by the intervention of pharmacists, who assisted in continuing cessation by advising to reduce drug dosage as necessary approximately one week after the smoking cessation, when side effects and the urge to smoke tend to occur. Additionally, the awareness survey for the intervention group revealed that all respondents, including patients who failed to quit smoking, answered that they were satisfied to the question on general satisfaction. The question about the reason for successful cessation revealed that the support by pharmacists was as important as, or more important than, that by physicians and nurses. This infers that the pharmacists' active engagement in drug therapy for individual patients was favorably acknowledged.<br>