澤木 幸子 蔡 〓 吉田 行輝 武田 徹 猪俣 公宏 小山 哲 石倉 忠夫
中京大学体育学論叢 (ISSN:02887339)
vol.38, no.1, pp.53-58, 1996-10-31

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of an assisting mark, The a cross (a vertical line and a horizon line), which was put on the target to stabilize aiming in archery. Subjects in this study were nine male and one female university archers. They were required to aim at the center of the target for 5 sec. as in archery competition. Dependent valuables were frequency, angle of eye movement and eye fixation time. This study assumed that the presense of a cross on the target makes it easier to aim than under normal conditions. Hypotheses were as follows : (1) Frequency of eye movement for the cross condition is less than that for normal condition in aiming. (2) Eye fixation time for the cross condition is longer than that for normal condition in aiming. (3) Angle of eye movement on cross line condition is smaller than that for normal condition in aiming. The results of analysis indicated that the three hypothesizes were supported and that subjects focused attention on the center of the target when the cross was present on the target.
村井 剛 猪俣 公宏
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.50, no.1, pp.28-36, 2010 (Released:2010-08-19)
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リーダーシップは集団メンバー個々の行動と集団活動に決定的な影響をあたえるものとして一般に理解されている。本研究では,勝利志向型のスポーツチームの理想のキャプテン像の特徴を質問紙調査によって明らかにすることを目的とした。116項目のキャプテンの理想像に関する質問紙を808名,9競技種目のチームスポーツの選手を対象として調査を行った。項目の因子分析の結果,「目標志向性」,「人間関係の維持発展」,「メンバーへの激励」,「競技知識」,「競技能力」の5つの因子を抽出した。これらの結果は概ね先行研究で得られた見解と類似していた。 信頼性を検討するため,Cronbachのα係数の算出と,再検査法によるピアソンの相関係数を算出した。 α係数,再検査法による相関はともに比較的高い値であった。従って今回得られた結果はある程度の信頼性を有していると考えられる。 妥当性は基準関連的妥当性,内容的妥当性について検討した。また,性差の観点から比較を行った。
竹内 高行 猪俣 公宏
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
vol.39, no.1, pp.47-59, 2012 (Released:2012-04-27)
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The purpose of the present study was to examine visual search strategies employed by batters during a pitcher's pre-release motion. Eye movement, response time, and response accuracy were measured and analyzed while subjects were asked to observe images of pitches thrown by a pitcher edited using spatial occlusion techniques and to press a pushbutton switch when they decided to swing the bat. The results showed that the batters gazed at the pitcher's pitching wrist, elbow, and arm during the final period. When the pitcher's pitching arm was selectively occluded, the response time was significantly delayed compared with when the pitcher's other body parts were occluded. The findings suggest the importance of strategies for acquiring visual cues for batting by watching a pitcher's pitching arm during the final period. When the pitching wrist and wrist plus elbow were selectively presented during the final period, the response time was significantly delayed compared with when the pitcher's pitching wrist plus elbow plus arm, upper body, and lower body were shown. These results indicate that experts set their visual pivot on the pitcher's elbow and predict cues of the pitching arm from the whole pitcher's motion.