宮本 勝浩 韓 池 田口 順等
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.17, no.1, pp.45-56, 2007-03-31 (Released:2010-07-27)
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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of the Japanese professional baseball industry on the regional economy. In the 21st century, the shift from political centralization to decentralization seems to be promoted, and local governments are expected to bear a large responsibility for the regional economy. On the other hand, many kinds of sports are regarded as encouraging regional economic growth. This paper shows, by input-output analysis, that the Japanese professional baseball industry makes a significant contribution to the regional economy. In this paper, we investigate four issues in the Japanese professional baseball industry and estimate the effect of each on the economy; the strike, new establishment of team, interleague play between the Pacific and the Central leagues, the economic impact of the victory of Hanshin Tigers. First, the economic loss of the strike is estimated at 3.3 billion yen for two days, and 10.3 billion yen for one month. Second, the economic gain of the new establishment of a team in Miyagi Prefecture is about 13.6 billion. Third, the earnings from the interleague play between the Pacific and the Central leagues is about 5.9 billion in total. According to our calculation, the Pacific league will earn 2.8 billion, and the Central league will lose 0.2 billion. Lastly, the economic impact of the victory of Hanshin Tigers team on the Kansai economy is estimated at 148.1 billion yen in 2003, and 64.3 billion yen in 2005. This economic impact of the Hanshin Tigers team on the regional economy is much bigger than that of other teams. Many local governments are eager to attract many kinds of enterprises to encourage economic growth. Nevertheless, we showed that attracting baseball teams and other kinds of sports clubs is also useful to encourage economic growth in the region.
宮本 勝浩 韓 池 田口 順等
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.17, no.1, pp.45-56, 2007

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of the Japanese professional baseball industry on the regional economy. In the 21st century, the shift from political centralization to decentralization seems to be promoted, and local governments are expected to bear a large responsibility for the regional economy. On the other hand, many kinds of sports are regarded as encouraging regional economic growth. This paper shows, by input-output analysis, that the Japanese professional baseball industry makes a significant contribution to the regional economy. In this paper, we investigate four issues in the Japanese professional baseball industry and estimate the effect of each on the economy; the strike, new establishment of team, interleague play between the Pacific and the Central leagues, the economic impact of the victory of Hanshin Tigers. First, the economic loss of the strike is estimated at 3.3 billion yen for two days, and 10.3 billion yen for one month. Second, the economic gain of the new establishment of a team in Miyagi Prefecture is about 13.6 billion. Third, the earnings from the interleague play between the Pacific and the Central leagues is about 5.9 billion in total. According to our calculation, the Pacific league will earn 2.8 billion, and the Central league will lose 0.2 billion. Lastly, the economic impact of the victory of Hanshin Tigers team on the Kansai economy is estimated at 148.1 billion yen in 2003, and 64.3 billion yen in 2005. This economic impact of the Hanshin Tigers team on the regional economy is much bigger than that of other teams. Many local governments are eager to attract many kinds of enterprises to encourage economic growth. Nevertheless, we showed that attracting baseball teams and other kinds of sports clubs is also useful to encourage economic growth in the region.
森本 光昭 辻 義明 原 靖 古閑 敦彦 牛島 正貴 田口 順 吉村 文博
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.38, no.2, pp.163-168, 2005-02-01

患者は68歳の女性で,主訴は腹部腫瘤.身体所見では左側腹部に弾性硬,可動性良好な約15cm大の腫瘤を認めた.腹部CT所見では胃小彎側前壁に接して11.5×9.0cmの腫瘍を認めた.手術所見では腫瘍は約15cm大,胃体中部小彎側に一部癒着し胃体部前壁に騎乗していた.腫瘍および胃部分切除を行い,腫瘍は完全切除された.摘出標本では腫瘍は13.5×10.0×9.0cm凹凸不整,弾性硬で,大部分は出血壊死を伴う嚢胞性腫瘍であった.病理所見では紡錘形腫瘍細胞が密に錯綜して増殖していた.免疫組織染色にてKIT(CD117), CD34, Vimentinが陽性,Desmin, S-100 proteinが陰性のためGISTと診断した.術後1年たった現在,再発の兆候はない.