新宅 賀洋 宮谷 秀一 岡田 真理子 甲田 光雄 奥田 豊子
大阪教育大学紀要 (0xF9C2)社会科学・生活科学 02 社会科学・生活科学 (ISSN:03893456)
vol.49, no.1, pp.49-59, 2000-08

低エネルギー, 低タンパク質の完全菜食がヒトの健康にどのような影響をおよぼすのかを検討した。対象はある医師の指導のもとで玄米, 野菜, 豆腐を中心とした完全菜食を45日間摂取したボランティア (菜食者) であった。完全菜食摂取前と摂取6週問後に食事調査, 体格, 体組成の測定, 血液検査などを行い, 非菜食者の成績と比較した。完全菜食の栄養学的な特徴は低エネルギー, 低タンパク質ではあるが, ビタミン, ミネラルや食物繊維を多量に摂取していたことである。完全菜食では摂取エネルギーの不足を, 体脂肪を燃焼させて補い, 体脂肪・体重が減少した。完全菜食の摂取脂肪酸組成は非菜食者のものと大きく異なり, 飽和脂肪酸と一価不飽和脂肪酸の割合が少なく, リノール酸の割合が高かった。またn-6/n-3比も高くなっていた。しかし, 血漿脂質の脂肪酸組成は非菜食者と差が認あられなかった。血液性状からみて低栄養状態, 貧血症状は認あられなかった。以上の結果より完全菜食は低エネルギー, 低タンパク質の食事で, 摂取脂肪酸組成も大きく異なっているが, 脂肪酸代謝に大きな影響を与えず, 生理学的な面での問題点は認められなかった。
甲田 光雄 飯淵 康雄 丸山 博
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.39, no.3, pp.54-62, 1973 (Released:2011-10-21)

Beginning on April 15, 1973, at the Yao-Kenko-Kaikan (Director, Mitsuo Kouda) in Yao City, Osaka, at the wish of a myasthenia gravis patient, we applied to him the health-recovery- and-promoting method of eating ?gperfect raw vegetable food?h, taking cold-and-hot bath taken one minute alternately, a special kind of physical excercise, etc., and could ob tain a strikingly good result. About two weeks later the patient started practising the method, ocular symptoms such as blepharoptosis and double vision symptoms, bulbar symptoms such as the weakening of digestive power, and generalized symptoms such as the stiffness of the neck and shoulders and the feeling of general fatigue took a turn for the better daily, and in 40 days all the symptoms peculiar to mysthenia gravis disappeared. He kept taking ?g"perfect raw vegetable food?h for 75 days, and then he returned to nor mal sidedishes with unpolished rice as the staple food. He continued taking cold-and-hot bath taken one minute alternately, a special kind of physical exercise, etc., He is now engaged in his former job. As of August 30, 1973, he enjoys good health and has no symptoms peculiar to myasthenia gravis.
甲田 光雄 飯淵 康雄 川嶋 昭司 丸山 博
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.41, no.4, pp.172-178, 1975

This is a report of the development and results of a certain health method which was applied to the patients, 2 males and 2 females, diagnosed as "gallergic coryza". They stayed at the Health Recovery and Promoting Center at Yao from April 1, 1972, to the end of March, 1975, and practised the health-recovery-and promoting method of fasting, eating only unpolished rice and vegetable foods, and having a cold-and-hot-bath taken one minute alternatively, and so on. All four patients gradually began to take a turn for the better in such symptoms as nasal obstruction, Nasal discharges, sneeze and headache. That is, within 1 or 2 months after their accommodation, above symptoms of them were extinguished or remarkably improved.