畑 浩人
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
vol.51, pp.43-52, 2003-03-28

On the Constitution of Japan, we the people can directly review and dismiss some judges of the Supreme Court at the first general election of members of the House of Representatives following their appointment. But no Justice has ever been dismissed. It is partly because the reveiw process was made in favor of silent assent and easy approval. I contend that the people and the opposition parties should have known of the judiciary and consciously dismissed as many dull or older Justices as could. If so, the new administration, whether it consisted of the ever-ruling party or the former opposition ones, could have appointed much more bright and relatively younger lawyers as new Justices, and then we could have got more chances to take part in the judicature and construct the more democratic Court indirectly. I suggest that at least dissident voters should dismiss all judges appointed by the old Cabinet except bright ones, so that the new government made by the new ruling party can renew the Court partly too. Indirect democracy approaches more direct one through concrete pledges. If only your party gives a pledge on the judicial appointment!
畑 浩人
法社會學 (ISSN:04376161)
vol.49, pp.213-218,246, 1997

In Japan that has the smaller population of the legal profession and its poor specialization, the presence of specialized criminal lawyers has been overlooked. For they are mostly ex-prosecutors and seen as the second rate lawyers in the private practice.<br>But recently a few radical lawyers also take part in the field of the criminal defense of yakuza and illicit drug traffickers. They, new comers, hold the more adversarial style that has sprung from the techniques for the defense of labor union or radical activists.<br>So now there is the division of labor in the territory of the specialized criminal defense. Depending mainly on their carreer and their clients' budgets, each specialist holds his own practical style.<br>This specialization promotes the development of the expertise at the upper level. At the lower level, specialists who deal with a lot of dirty work which general practioners gave up, contributes to the prestige of the legal profession as a whole and the administration of criminal justice.
金丸 純二 木本 一成 中尾 佳行 畑 浩人
学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 (ISSN:13465104)
no.37, pp.417-422, 2008

本年度は昨年度までの質問票調査の結果をさらに詳細に把握して, 生徒指導モデルの形成に充分な事実データを収集するために附属中学校卒業生に対する面接調査を試みている。平等な取扱いの志向などいくつかの特徴を発見しつつあるものの, まだ聴取データが量的・質的に集積していないため, 今回の報告では質問票の記述回答部分を紹介する。総じて, 附属学園内にも一定の逸脱行動(容貌の乱れ, いじめ)は見受けられるが, 他校の方が規模も大きいので荒れの程度は大きかったようである。しかし, 1990年代後半の時期には附属学園でも荒れの程度が高まっており(学内喫煙, 破壊行動), 授業にもよくない影響が及んでいたようである。それが周囲の少年一般と同等なレベルであったのか, つまり当時流行していた非行化に包含されるものであったかのかどうかはさらに検証の必要があろう。生活指導態勢の変化については, 一貫して厳格な教員が少数存在するものの, 教員組織全体としては転属もあるためか, 1990年代前半に変化(教員との見解不一致)があったような印象が残る。また, 団結や仲良しの指摘は小規模学校固有の特徴であろうが, 必ずしも一枚岩ではなかったようである。