石丸 圭荘 関戸 玲奈 咲田 雅一
公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会
全日本鍼灸学会雑誌 (ISSN:02859955)
vol.53, no.2, pp.184-189, 2003-05-01 (Released:2011-03-18)

これまでの鍼通電鎮痛 (electro-acupuncuture analgesia : EAA) に関する研究から、低頻度EAAでは中枢神経系を介する下行性抑制系や内因性鎮痛系が賦活され鎮痛が発現することが報告されている1-7) 。しかし、その鎮痛効果と経絡との関連は未だ明確にはされていない。また、Farberらにより合谷鍼通電によってその所属経絡である手陽明大腸経上に顕著な鎮痛効果が発現することが報告されているが、その機序は不明である8) 。そこで我々は、刺激経絡上で特異的に痛覚閾値が変化するのか否かを知る目的で合谷EAAにおける、合谷の所属経絡 (手陽明大腸経) と他経絡上 (手太陰肺経) および前額、腹部、下腿部の経穴上での痛覚閾値の変動を比較した。また、同時に血漿β-endorphin濃度を測定し、合谷EAA発現における内因性鎮痛物質と経絡との関係について検討した。
渡辺 勝久 北出 利勝 廖 登稔 佐々木 和郎 北小路 博司 石丸 圭荘 大山 良樹 木下 緑 岩 昌宏 山際 賢 大藪 秀昭
公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会
全日本鍼灸学会雑誌 (ISSN:02859955)
vol.43, no.4, pp.154-159, 1993-12-01 (Released:2011-05-30)

顎関節症は開口障害, 顎関節の疼痛, 関節雑音を主症状とする疾患で, 近年, 若年者を中心に増加の傾向にある。顎関節症は髄伴症状として, 鍼灸治療の適応である頭痛, 頸肩部の凝りなどの不定愁訴を有している場合が多い。そこで, 顎関節症に対する認識をより深め, 具体的な鍼灸治療の方法について, ビデオ教材を作成した。ビデオ教材の内容は, 前半は顎関節の解剖, 顎関節症の病態と分類などを解説し, さらに, 顎関節のMRI画像を紹介した。後半は診察の手順と治療を解説した。鍼灸治療は, 局所的常用穴を述べ手技の実際を紹介した。
石丸 圭荘 増山 茂 平松 礼二 了德寺 健二
了德寺大学研究紀要 = The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University (ISSN:18819796)
no.1, pp.117-123, 2007

Our purpose is to evaluate the contribution of oriental medicine to art therapy by paying close attention to the theory of five colors (blue, red, yellow, white and black) in conjunction with the theory of five parenchematous viscera functions (liver, heart, spleen, lung and kidney), which is thought to reflect underlying five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water). Questionnaires were distributed to 160 young paramedical students who had no special knowledge of oriental medicine nor the five-color theory. Subjects' favors or disfavors of five colors (blue, red, yellow, white and black) were compared with his viscera condition determined by Meiji oriental score (MOS) which classifies it by analyzing six representative clinical symptoms of the five viscera theory. Chi-square test among the favorite or disfavorite colors and the viscera conditions revealed a statistically significant relationship between the favorite blue color group (69 out of 160 students) and the liver group (55 out of 160 students) by MOS. These results suggest that one's favor or disfavor of colors possibly reflects one's internal viscera condition and that the five-color theory based on oriental medicine would be applicable to art therapy.
石丸 圭荘 大澤 裕行 福島 英夫 増山 茂 了德寺 健二
了德寺大学研究紀要 = The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University (ISSN:18819796)
no.2, pp.49-54, 2008

Introduction: Our purpose is to evaluate contribution of oriental medicine on art therapy by paying close attention to the five colors (blue, red, yellow, white and black) theory in conjunction with the five parenchematous viscera function theory (liver, heart, spleen, lung and kidney), which is thought to reflect five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water) underlying. Method: Questionnaire studies were done to 160 young paramedical students who had no special knowledge of oriental medicine nor the five colors theory. Subject's favor or disfavor to five colors (blue, red, yellow, white and black) were compared with his viscera function determined by Meiji oriental score (MOS) which classifies it by analyzing six representative clinical symptoms of the five oriental medical theory. Furthermore, a questionnaire was enforced about the color related to the liberation from the stress. Results and discussion: Chi-square test among the favor or disfavor colors and the viscera function revealed statistically significant relationship between the favorite blue color group (69 among 160 students) and the liver group (55 among 160 students) by MOS. These results suggested that ones favor or disfavor for colors possibly reflected ones internal viscera function and that the five colors theory based on oriental medicine was applicable to art therapy. Conclusions: The present survey discloses that the color which eased the stress of mind and body was blue. Furthermore, the theory of the color (five colors theory) of the oriental medicine is important in the harmony of mind and body.