松川 康夫 張 成年 片山 知史 神尾 光一郎
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.74, no.2, pp.137-143, 2008 (Released:2008-03-23)
39 37

我が国のアサリ Ruditapes phillipinarum の総漁獲量は,1960 年には 10 万トンであった。その後,一部に漁場の埋め立てによる減少があったにも関わらず,1982 年には 14 万トンまで増加したが,1984 年から激減して,1994 年にはわずか 3 分の 1 程度(5 万トン)になり,その後もこの水準が続いている。著者らはアサリの生態や資源に関する報告を総括し,1984 年以降のアサリ漁獲量の激減の主要因を過剰な漁業活動,すなわち親貝と種貝用の稚貝に対する過剰漁獲と結論づけた。それ以外にも,周年の過剰操業による底質擾乱は,稚貝の生残率低下を助長した可能性が高いと考えられる。
松川 康夫 張 成年 片山 知史 神尾 光一郎 YASUO MATSUKAWA NARITOSHI CHO SATOSHI KATAYAMA KOICHIRO KAMIO (独)水産総合研究センター中央水産研究所 (独)水産総合研究センター中央水産研究所 (独)水産総合研究センター中央水産研究所 (株)東京久栄 National Research Institute of Fisheries Science Fisheries Research Agency National Research Institute of Fisheries Science Fisheries Research Agency National Research Institute of Fisheries Science Fisheries Research Agency Tokyo Kyuei Co. Ltd.
The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
日本水産学会誌 = Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries (ISSN:00215392)
vol.74, no.2, pp.137-143, 2008-03-15
8 37

我が国のアサリRuditapes phillipinarumの総漁獲量は,1960年には10万トンであった。その後,一部に漁場の埋め立てによる減少があったにも関わらず,1982年には14万トンまで増加したが,1984年から激減して,1994年にはわずか3分の1程度(5万トン)になり,その後もこの水準が続いている。著者らはアサリの生態や資源に関する報告を総括し,1984年以降のアサリ漁獲量の激減の主要因を過剰な漁業活動,すなわち親貝と種貝用の稚貝に対する過剰漁獲と結論づけた。それ以外にも,周年の過剰操業による底質擾乱は,稚貝の生残率低下を助長した可能性が高いと考えられる。The annual catch of the Manila clam Ruditapes phillipinarum in Japan increased from 100 thousand tonnes in 1960 to 140 thousand tonnes in 1982. This increase occurred despite a local decrease in coastal fishing grounds due to land reclamation and helped to balance overall production. Since 1984, however, the catch has decreased drastically to only 50 thousand tonnes and has remained at this low level. The authors reviewed published reports relevant to the ecology and resources of Manila clam and concluded that the main factor responsible for the drastic decrease in catch is over-fishing. Over-exploitation of the adults and sub-adults significantly affected and damaged reproduction and source-sink relationships among localities. Disturbance of the clam habitat throughout the year by heavy fishing gear may also be responsible for lowering the survival rate of the juveniles.
鈴木 守 石井 隆裕 神尾 光一 鈴木 浩 伊庭 健二
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌) (ISSN:03854213)
vol.112, no.10, pp.937-944, 1992-10-20 (Released:2008-12-19)

The idea of unbalanced load flow calculation was proposed many years ago. At that time, however, the needs for such techniques was not an urgent one. Modern power system networks are comprised of long untransposed transmission lines. Therefore, for some kinds of analysis, it is now almost impossible to treat a system as though it were a symmetrical network. The aims of most previous studies were oriented to solve voltage/current imbalance in local or small systems, as local imbalance was a serious concern. This is still an important issue, but more recently our needs have become concentrated on practical bulk power systems, since principal EHV lines are entirely untransposed. In this paper, the development of practical unbalanced load program and practical experience with it are reported. This program was developed for steady state analysis of large-scale practical networks under many possible unbalanced condition. The Newton-Raphson method in polar coordinates is used, since fast and moderate convergent characteristics are suitable for solving solutions. The program was applied to practical case studies. The models contain all of the 500 kV and most of the 275 kV overhead transmission lines in TEPCO. Since the density of the Jacobian matrix is higher than in single phase load flows, the number of non zero elements is extremely large. Convergent characteristics are excellent in all cases. The fear of numerical instability has been allayed.