福島 治
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.33, no.2, pp.73-83, 2017-12-25 (Released:2017-12-25)

Using two consecutive trait judgments on the same trait word for self and other within a relational context, Ishii (2009) found slower responses for initial judgments about the other (e.g., a “friend”) when they were inconsistent with the second judgments about the self (e.g., a “self-with-friend”). This finding suggests that the overlapping representation of self and other (Aron, Aron, Tudor, & Nelson, 1991) could also be true of the relational aspect of the self. However, similar slow responses were observed between trait judgments about the other and the self in an irrelevant relational context (e.g., “father” and “self-with-friend”). The current report presents a replication of Ishii’s findings in Study 1. Study 2 uses stimulus persons within the same category (i.e., “father” and “mother” as parents), and finds slower responses among every combination of trait judgment about the self and the other, suggesting a preference for categorical over person-wise judgments. The distinctiveness of interpersonal relationships and a possible differentiation of self-representation, exerted by different relational contexts, are discussed.
福島 治 岩崎 浩三 青木 慎一郎 菊池 潤考
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.22, no.1, pp.1-11, 2006

この論文は「親の自己愛と子への攻撃 : 自己の不遇を子に帰すとき」(「社会心理学研究」22巻1号, p1-11, 2006.8)を英訳したものであるNarcissists are more likely than non-narcissists to attack a person who threatens their self-evaluation, because of the vulnerability of the self-evaluation (Baumeister, Smart, & Borden, 1996). Based on this model, it was hypothesized that those parents who are more narcissistic would more commit aggressive acts toward their children in cases where they intensely attribute to the child interference with their own ability to demonstrate their work performance (i.e., their self-esteem feels threatened). A hierarchical regression analysis of the self-report data from 626 sampled parents supported the hypothesis: among high attribution (i.e., highly blaming) parents, the more narcissistic reported more aggressive acts toward their children; in contrast, among the middle or the low attribution parents, narcissism did not significantly correlate with reported aggressive acts. The moderator effects of attribution on narcissists' aggression toward their children were discussed.
福島 治
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.12, no.1, pp.20-32, 1996-08-15 (Released:2016-12-06)

The purpose of this study was to find out image types of self which university students wished to present to familiar others and to examine relationships between their self-presentation to these targets and mental health. In the study 1, ninety male students were asked to describe their self-images that they wished to present to familiar others (father, mother, same-sex friend, opposite-sex friend, and teacher). Fifteen different types were detected among the reported self-images. Frequencies of each image type were found to strongly depend on the type of target person. In the study 2, seventy-nine male students were asked to select five types from the 15 images, which they wished best to present to the targets, and to rate the degree of their being successfully presented each image. It was also found that the selection was strongly affected by the type of target person. These findings were explained in terms of Schlenker & Weigold's (1989) self-identification theory. Though most subjects assertively presented themselves in familiar relations, these tendencies correlated with neither the level of self-esteem nor of social anxiety.
福島 治
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.33, no.2, pp.73-83, 2017

<p>Using two consecutive trait judgments on the same trait word for self and other within a relational context, Ishii (2009) found slower responses for initial judgments about the other (<i>e.g.</i>, a "friend") when they were inconsistent with the second judgments about the self (<i>e.g.</i>, a "self-with-friend"). This finding suggests that the overlapping representation of self and other (Aron, Aron, Tudor, & Nelson, 1991) could also be true of the relational aspect of the self. However, similar slow responses were observed between trait judgments about the other and the self in an irrelevant relational context (<i>e.g.</i>, "father" and "self-with-friend"). The current report presents a replication of Ishii's findings in Study 1. Study 2 uses stimulus persons within the same category (<i>i.e.</i>, "father" and "mother" as parents), and finds slower responses among every combination of trait judgment about the self and the other, suggesting a preference for categorical over person-wise judgments. The distinctiveness of interpersonal relationships and a possible differentiation of self-representation, exerted by different relational contexts, are discussed.</p>
福島 治 大渕 憲一 小嶋 かおり
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.22, no.2, pp.103-115, 2006

We examined the effects of multiple goals on verbal responses in an interpersonal conflict situation. Participants who had high or low levels of concern for the personal resource talked with an experimental actor and were made to believe that trained observers would evaluate his or her ability to cooperate or to be assertive based on their conversation. Then, they experienced a conflict resulting from an irrational demand that the actor expressed either politely or impolitely. Participants chose an integrative strategy in the presence of any two of the following conditions: low levels of participants' own concern for the personal resource, observers who would evaluate participants' ability to cooperate, and the actor's use of polite expression. When the opposite conditions applied the participants chose a distributive strategy. In addition, it was found that when a participant's level of concern for the personal resource was high, the use of a polite expression increased the likelihood of a mitigating strategy being adopted whereas the use of an impolite expression increased the likelihood of a hostile strategy being adopted. The results are discussed in light of tactical decision-making processes proposed by the multiple goals theory.
福島 治 福島 治 フクシマ オサム
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.60, no.2, pp.145-166, 2010-03

In spite of his laying a main stress upon using the vernacular language Dante Alighieri still must have recourse to the Latin Language, namely, the parental language of Tuscan in his La Vita Nuova. In the first place there are quite a few Latin verbalizations and quotations in this work. We can easily collect those phrases and passages at random: Incipit vita nova. I. (A new life begins.)/ Ecce deus fortior me, qui veniens dominabitur michi. II.-4 (Look, God, mightier than me, who, coming, will have dominion over me.)/ Heu miser, quia frequenter impeditus ero deinceps! II.-6 (Alas, how sad! For I shall be often impeded from now on!)/ O vos omnes qui transitis perviam, attendite et videte si est dolor sicut meus. VII.-7 (Oh, all of you who are going over along the way, beware and see if there is any grief like mine.)/ Fili mi, tempus est ut pretermictantur simulacra nostra. XII.-3 (My son, it is time that our semblances should be cast aside.)/ Ego tanquam centrum circuli, cui simili modo se habent circumferentie partes; tu autem non sic". XII.-4 (I am, so to speak, the center of a circle, to which the circumferential parts are situated in the similar way; you, on the other hand, are not so.)/ Nomina sunt consequentia rerum. XIII. 3-4 (Names are a necessary sequence of things.)/ Quomodo sedet sola civitas plena populo! facta est quasi vidua domina gentium. XXVIII.-1 (How solitarily the city filled with people takes a seat! The queen of peoples has become as if she were a widow.) Last but not least his final clause of this work is as follows: cioè di quella benedetta Beatrice, la quale gloriosamente mira ne la faccia di colui qui est per omnia secula benedictus. XLII.-3 (that is, that blessed Beatrice, who is gloriously gazing at the face of Him who is blessed during all the centuries.)ダンテは処女作と目される「新生」において、祖語なるラテン語から決別し自国語(vernacular)による創作活動を推進すべく、グイード・カヴァルカンテ、ラーポ・ジャンニ、チーノ・ダ・ピストイア等と共に清新詩体(stilnovistico)を提唱する旗手となったが、さすがにラテン語からの完全な離脱は叶わず、以下のようなラテン語からの引用が随所に見られる。Incipit vita nova. I.(新生はじまる.)/ Ecce deus fortior me, qui veniens dominabitur michi. II.-4(見よ、われより強き神の来たりてわれを支配しますように。)/ Heu miser, quia frequenter impeditus ero deinceps! II.-6(ああ、何と悲しいかな、是から先われはたびたび妨げられんからに!)/ O vos omnes qui transitis perviam, attendite et videte si est dolor sicut meus. VII.-7(おお、通りを行かれる淑女の皆さん、私の悲しみと同じ悲しみがあり得るかどうか注意してみて下さい。)/ Fili mi, tempus est ut pretermictantur simulacra nostra. XII.-3(我が息子よ、見せ掛けの外見を打ち捨てる時だよ。)/ Ego tanquam centrum circuli, cui simili modo se habent circumferentie partes; tu autem non sic". XII.-4(私は言わば円の中心で、周囲のものがこれと同様に私に追随しているのだが、あなただけはそうではない。)/ Nomina sunt consequentia rerum. XIII. 3-4(名称は必然的重要性を有する。)/ Quomodo sedet sola civitas plena populo! facta est quasi vidua domina gentium. XXVIII.-1(如何に侘しく人民に満ち溢れたその都市は存するものか! 多部族の女王がまるで寡婦のごとくに成り果ててしまったかの様だ。)
福島 治
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.12, no.1, pp.20-32, 1996

The purpose of this study was to find out image types of self which university students wished to present to familiar others and to examine relationships between their self-presentation to these targets and mental health. In the study 1, ninety male students were asked to describe their self-images that they wished to present to familiar others (father, mother, same-sex friend, opposite-sex friend, and teacher). Fifteen different types were detected among the reported self-images. Frequencies of each image type were found to strongly depend on the type of target person. In the study 2, seventy-nine male students were asked to select five types from the 15 images, which they wished best to present to the targets, and to rate the degree of their being successfully presented each image. It was also found that the selection was strongly affected by the type of target person. These findings were explained in terms of Schlenker & Weigold's (1989) self-identification theory. Though most subjects assertively presented themselves in familiar relations, these tendencies correlated with neither the level of self-esteem nor of social anxiety.