大渕 憲一
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.6, no.2, pp.119-129, 1991-02-20 (Released:2016-11-30)

The present paper reviewed empirical research on the effects of violent pornography on male audience. Some laborabory research found that violent pornography depicting rape scenes increased male subjects' aggression against female targets, even when they were not angered by the victims. In other studies, the male audience of violent pornography showed more rape-supportive attitudes, that is, they perceived rape as less criminal and accepted more rape myths. These findings implied that it may increase rape proclivity in males. Rapists displayed more sexual arousal than non-rapists to rape scenes in several experiments, but some researchers held the assumption that the non-rapists were also aroused by rape scene but they inhibited their arousal because of a feeling of guilt. The majority of normal men really showed some similarities to rapists in cognitions or beliefs on women's sexuality and rape. In conclusion, it was alleged that sexual aggression is not a personal pathological problem but a socio-cultural issue which has much bearing on male dominant value system.
山本 雄大 佐藤 潤美 大渕 憲一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.2, pp.121-129, 2014 (Released:2014-06-25)

The present study examined the negative evaluations and discrimination against smokers among the Japanese. In Study 1, 52 students rated one of four target-persons differentially depicted in terms of gender and smoking habit using scales to measure coolness, sociability, intellectuality, and earnestness. The results showed that participants rated smokers more negatively than nonsmokers except for sociability. Those who perceived smoking as controllable rated smokers’ earnestness even more negatively, suggesting that the negative evaluations are partially moderated by the perceived controllability of smoking. To examine a hypothesis that negative evaluations of smokers would mediate discrimination, in Study 2 we measured how participants (96 students) responded to target persons asking for a loan or a job, as well as their ratings of the targets on the Big Five personality dimensions. The results support the hypothesis of mediation.
大渕 憲一
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.6, no.2, pp.119-129, 1991
4 3

The present paper reviewed empirical research on the effects of violent pornography on male audience. Some laborabory research found that violent pornography depicting rape scenes increased male subjects' aggression against female targets, even when they were not angered by the victims. In other studies, the male audience of violent pornography showed more rape-supportive attitudes, that is, they perceived rape as less criminal and accepted more rape myths. These findings implied that it may increase rape proclivity in males. Rapists displayed more sexual arousal than non-rapists to rape scenes in several experiments, but some researchers held the assumption that the non-rapists were also aroused by rape scene but they inhibited their arousal because of a feeling of guilt. The majority of normal men really showed some similarities to rapists in cognitions or beliefs on women's sexuality and rape. In conclusion, it was alleged that sexual aggression is not a personal pathological problem but a socio-cultural issue which has much bearing on male dominant value system.
田村 達 大渕 憲一
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.22, no.2, pp.165-171, 2006

Assuming that labels describing a victim as a dehumanized entity reduce a harm-doer's control over aggressive behavior, we attempted to examine the effects of such labels on levels of aggression. A one-on-one fighting video game was used in order to conduct this experiment. During the game, 63 male undergraduates exhibited uncomfortable noises to an opponent who was given either a dehumanizing or anonymous label. We predicted that the dehumanizing label would decrease empathetic concern for, and increase both perceptual and outward hostility towards the opponent (this was measured by high levels of noises during matches). To examine the question of whether the dehumanizing label actually lessens aggressive behavior, or in fact motivates aggressive behavior, we compared the effects of the label on levels of aggression observing whether the opponent showed hostile behavior or not. The results partially-supported our hypothesis. Although the dehumanizing label did not directly increase aggression, further analysis showed that it indirectly increased aggression by lowering empathetic concern for the opponent. Similarly, our results suggested the possibility that dehumanizing labels may in fact increase aggressive behavior in people.
山脇 望美 山本 雄大 熊谷 智博 大渕 憲一
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.29, no.1, pp.25-31, 2013-08-31 (Released:2017-02-24)

The present study attempted to examine whether explicit and implicit measures of aggressiveness would predict aggressive behavior and whether the effects would be moderated by provocation. Seventy-one students voluntarily participated in the experiment, with their explicit aggressiveness measured by the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BAQ) and their implicit aggressiveness measured by the Implicit Association Test (IAT). Aggressive behavior was deduced by the levels of unpleasant noises which the participants gave a partner in the evaluation of his/her drawings either in the provocation or non-provocation conditions. The results showed that only IAT was significantly related with the level of unpleasant noises, independently of provocation, suggesting that aggressive behavior was predicted by the implicit measure of aggressiveness but not by the explicit measure of it.
森永康子 大渕憲一# 池上知子 高史明# 吉田寿夫 伊住継行

社会心理学分野でも学校現場でも,「差別」をなくそうという試みは長い間続いている。しかしながら,「差別」はそうした努力をあざ笑うかのように,時代とともにそのターゲットや形を変えながら,連綿と存在している。このシンポジウムでは,今一度,基本に戻り,そもそも人はなぜ公正になれないのか,そして,なぜ差別がなくならないのかを考え,形を変えた現代の差別の特徴をもとに,「差別」を学校現場でどのように扱うことができるのかを考えてみたい。公正感の起源と差別大渕憲一 心理学では,自己利益を基本的動機付けと仮定する合理的人間観に立って仮説を立て,研究を進めてきたが,人間の感情や行動がこれ以外の関心によっても規定されることを示す証拠は少なくない。例えば,報酬分配の経済行動ゲームにおいて「好きなように分配していい」と言われているにもかかわらず,分配者は自分の取り分を減らしてまでパートナーと半々に分けようとするし,パートナーもまたそれを期待する。こうした行動は,人々が「人は公平に扱わなければいけない」「自分も人から公平に扱われたい」という公正関心を持っていることを示唆している。子どもたちに対して経済行動ゲームを模した実験を実施した発達心理学者たちは,学童期の子どもたちの行動には公正関心の実質的影響が見られることを示してきた(Fehr et al., 2008)。更に,近年は霊長類を被験体にした類似の実験も試みられ,普段から群れを成して暮らし,採食や防御に協力しあう種においては公正感に基づくと解釈される行動が観察されるとの報告がある(Horner et al., 2011)。これらの知見は,仲間を平等に扱おうとし,また自分が不平等に扱われることには反発するという公正関心がかなり原初的なものであることを示唆している。公正関心の起源を探るこうした研究者たちは,これを仲間同士の協力関係の形成・維持のために進化した心的特性であるとみなしている(Brosnan & de Waal, 2014)。人間や霊長類には血族関係を超えた協力行動が見られ,それは個体の生存と種族の保存にとって有益なものである。しかし,協力関係の維持には資源の適正配分が必要で,コストを負担せず利益だけを享受(ただ乗り)しようとする利己的個体は協力関係から排除される。排斥を避け,協力的であるとの評判を維持するために,個体には協力行動が必要とされる場面以外でも仲間を公平に扱おうとする志向性が発達したとされる。この論に従うなら,公正関心は本来,協力関係を形成しうる仲間に対して向けられるものである。実際,Fehrたちによると,スイスの子どもたちは,同じ施設の顔見知りの子どもたちに対しては平等分配を選択する割合が高かった。このことは,子どもたちが仲間以外を不平等に扱うことには余り抵抗を感じないことを示しており,そこに差別的行動を生み出す心理的素地を見て取ることができる。しかし一方で,公正関心は,他者の期待や不満を察知するという認知能力の発達を基盤にしており,それは仲間という社会的範疇を超えて公正関心が拡張される可能性を示唆するもので,差別を乗り越えるこうした観点からの実証研究と議論が期待される。差別はなぜなくならないのか:平等主義のパラドクス池上知子 2016年7月に起きた相模原事件は,社会に遍在するさまざまな差別・偏見問題の解消をめざして,これまで積み上げてきた営みを根底から覆されたような暗澹たる思いをわれわれにもたらした。それは,半世紀を優に超えるはるか以前に明確に否定されたはずの思想,差別の正当化につながりかねない危うい思想を彷彿させる事件であったからであろう。また,人権教育が行き届き,平等主義的価値観が共有されているはずの現代社会においても,ことあるごとに物議を醸す差別的言動が日常的に頻発している。このような現実を前にすると,人間社会から差別をなくすこと,もしくは人々の心の中から差別意識や差別感情を取り除くことがいかに困難であるかを痛感させられる。 社会心理学は,その黎明期より差別・偏見問題にさまざまな角度からアプローチしてきたが,そこで示される知見も総じて悲観論が優勢である。池上(2014)は,これまでの社会心理学が差別・偏見問題にどのように向き合ってきたかを振り返り,なぜ悲観論に傾きがちになるのかを考察している。そこでは,差別・偏見の解消がむづかしいのは,「差別的行動や偏見に基づく思考は,人間が環境への適応のために獲得した正常な心理機能に根差していること,その機能はわれわれの意識を超えた形で働くため,これを統制することがきわめて困難」(133頁『要約』より)であるからだと指摘している。加えて,「それにもかかわらず,社会心理学はそれらを意識的に制御することを推奨してきたことが,問題をさらに複雑にする結果となっている」(133頁 『要約』より)と論じている。換言すれば,偏見や差別は,人間にとって根源的欲求である認識論的欲求や自尊欲求の充足のために,また情報処理の効率化のために編み出された種々の心理機制(社会的カテゴリー化や集団自己同一視,二重処理システム等)の必然的帰結とも言える。このことは,個人の倫理観や道徳感情に訴えかける平等主義教育には限界があり,場合によっては,逆効果すらもたらしかねないことを意味している。本報告では,そうした議論を踏まえつつ,それでもなお,問題の解決に向けて前へ進むためにはどのような手立てがあるかを考えてみる。池上(2014)では,楽観的見通しを与えてくれる研究動向として,潜在認知の変容可能性と間接接触の功用を挙げているが,それらに共通するのは,人間の本性に抗うことなく自然に寄り添う形での介入の有効性を示唆している点である。本報告では,差別・偏見研究が悲観論から楽観論へ転換する契機について,報告者自身がかかわっている研究例を交えながら議論したい。引用文献池上知子(2014)差別・偏見研究の変遷と新たな展開-悲観論から楽観論へ- 教育心理学年報, 53, 133-146.新しい偏見とヘイトスピーチ(差別扇動表現)高 史明 近年の日本では,在日コリアン(日本に居住する韓国・朝鮮籍の人々)など外国籍住民に対するヘイトスピーチ(差別扇動表現)が氾濫し,深刻な社会問題となっている。こうした事態を受けて,2016年には「ヘイトスピーチ対策法」(「本邦外出身者に対する不当な差別的言動の解消に向けた取組の推進に関する法律」)が成立・施行された。この法律は,国および地方公共団体に対して,「本邦外出身者に対する不当な差別的言動を解消するための教育活動を実施するとともに,そのために必要な取組を行うよう努める」ことを課している。こうした状況において,教育に携わる者には,外国籍住民に対する偏見や差別がどのような形で表れるのか,どのように獲得されあるいは伝達されるのかといった知識が今まで以上に求められるようになっている。 そこで発表者はまず,アメリカでの黒人に対する人種偏見の研究の中で提唱された「現代的レイシズム」に特に注目し,現代社会における人種・民族偏見の様相を論じる。このレイシズムは,①差別は既に存在しない,②したがって黒人が低い経済的地位に留め置かれているのは差別のためではなく本人たちの努力不足によるものである,③にもかかわらず黒人はありもしない差別に対する抗議を続け,④不当な特権をせしめている,という4つの相互に関連する信念にもとづいている。こうしたレイシズムは,人権教育の場面でおそらく想定されている種類の露骨なレイシズム(「黒人は劣っている」といった信念にもとづくもの)とは異なるものである。 また,「現代的レイシズム」は黒人に対する偏見を捉えるために提唱された概念であるが,その後,女性や性的マイノリティに対してもそれに相似する偏見が存在することが示されている。「現代的偏見」と総称されるこれらの偏見は,低い地位に置かれてきた様々なマイノリティの権利が伸張したときにマジョリティが抱く反感と,それにもとづく差別的言説を捉える上で非常に有用である。 これらの現象についての先行研究を踏まえた上で,ヘイトスピーチの問題に対して学校教育は何ができるのかを論じる。
山本 雄大 佐藤 潤美 大渕 憲一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.85.12044, (Released:2014-06-01)

The present study examined the negative evaluations and discrimination against smokers among the Japanese. In Study 1, 52 students rated one of four target-persons differentially depicted in terms of gender and smoking habit using scales to measure coolness, sociability, intellectuality, and earnestness. The results showed that participants rated smokers more negatively than nonsmokers except for sociability. Those who perceived smoking as controllable rated smokers’ earnestness even more negatively, suggesting that the negative evaluations are partially moderated by the perceived controllability of smoking. To examine a hypothesis that negative evaluations of smokers would mediate discrimination, in Study 2 we measured how participants (96 students) responded to target persons asking for a loan or a job, as well as their ratings of the targets on the Big Five personality dimensions. The results support the hypothesis of mediation.
熊谷 智博 大渕 憲一
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.24, no.3, pp.200-207, 2009

In intergroup conflict a third party sometimes intervenes aggressively into the interactions between the concerned parties, escalating the conflicts. We hypothesized that the third party will become aggressive if they perceive that a fellow member of their group, with whom they strongly identified themselves, is harmed by the other group and that the perception of harm is more definitely determined by unfairness than by the objective severity of the harm. Group identification was manipulated by cooperative ingroup activities. Half of the participants observed that an ingroup fellow member was harmed by an outgroup member based on unfair evaluation, while the others observed that the harm was given based on fair evaluation. They were then given a chance to retaliate against the harm-doer by creating unpleasant noises. The results indicated that both aggressive motivation and behaviors were increased by unfair harm only when participants strongly identified with the ingroup. The group identification did not affect the perception of unfairness. These results suggest that symbolic or psychological harm affects third-party aggression.
高田 奈緒美 大渕 憲一
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.24, no.3, pp.208-218, 2009

In distinguishing internal forgiveness and forgiving behavior, we attempted to identify different motives for these two modes of forgiveness and to examine the effects of interpersonal relationships with offenders and the motives behind forgiveness. Participants recalled personal episodes in which someone hurt them and rated the episodes in terms of the closeness between them and the offender, forgiveness, and the motives for forgiveness. A factor analysis of the motives produced 6 dimensions: need for acceptance, maintenance of relationship, pervasiveness of negative event, maintenance of social harmony, non-commitment, and consideration. We regarded consideration and pervasiveness of negative events as altruistic and the others as egocentric motives. Noncommitment did not correlate with either forgiveness or forgiving behavior. Need for acceptance correlated only with forgiving behavior. Other motives were positively correlated with both internal forgiveness and forgiving behavior. Our results showed that the maintenance of a relationship was highest in conflicts with high-close others. They also showed that need for acceptance, pervasiveness of a negative event, and maintenance of social harmony were higher in conflict with high-close and middle-close others than with low-close others.
小松 さくら 大渕 憲一
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.24, no.1, pp.45-49, 2008

The aims of this study were to examine with a Japanese sample the idea that the expectation of slack in the future is larger for time than for money and to examine the relationship between this expectation and optimism as a personality trait. The results showed that Japanese participants estimated slack with regard to both time and money, and it was larger with regard to time than to money, consistent with research done on American samples. Inconsistent with our hypothesis, however, the expectation of slack did not correlate with optimism. The low correlation between the estimated degrees of slack between that with regard to time and that with regard to money suggests that there is no consistent tendency across different resources.
川嶋 伸佳 大渕 憲一 熊谷 智博 浅井 暢子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.27, no.2, pp.63-74, 2012

Although public concern about social inequality has increased, Japanese people generally do not appear to be actively engaged in activities for social reform. We hypothesized multiple levels in the perception of unfairness-micro-unfairness based on personal experiences and macro-unfairness based on evaluation toward the whole of society-and predicted that micro-unfairness would lead to more protests compared to macrounfairness (H1). We also hypothesized that three psychological variables-immutability belief, low social efficacy, and estimated costs of social changes-would regulate the positive relationship between multiple levels of perceptions of unfairness and protests (H2). The results of the social survey held in Japan in 2009 (n = 1398) not only supported H1 but found that the effects of micro-unfairness on protests varied depending on the strength of macro-unfairness. In addition, the results of immutability belief and the estimated costs of social changes basically supported H2, but the results of low social efficacy did not.
上原 俊介 中川 知宏 森 丈弓 清水 かな子 大渕 憲一
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.27, no.3, pp.161-173, 2012

A core relational norm regulating social interaction is the idea of responsibility for needs (RN). Assuming that anger is a signal indicating a violation of RN, we attempted to test the mediation model that the perception that one's needs are frustrated by a close other (romantic partner) would generate a perceived RN violation, which in turn would increase anger. Further, we attempted to examine whether mediation also works in relationships with friends. In a role-taking study providing participants with a series of scenarios depicting the other (either romantic partner, friend, or mere acquaintance) as responding or not responding to one's needs, we asked them to rate the intensity of anger and the perceived RN violation. The results showed that in the romantic partner condition, the frustration increased the perception of RN violation, which in turn intensified anger. Further, this mediation was also confirmed in the friend condition, suggesting that RN also operates within friend relationships.
引地 博之 青木 俊明 大渕 憲一
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集D (ISSN:18806058)
vol.65, no.2, pp.101-110, 2009 (Released:2009-04-20)
4 4

大渕 憲一
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.45, no.1, pp.65-76, 2005 (Released:2006-04-29)
8 8

山本 雄大 佐藤 潤美 大渕 憲一
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.2, pp.121-129, 2014

The present study examined the negative evaluations and discrimination against smokers among the Japanese. In Study 1, 52 students rated one of four target-persons differentially depicted in terms of gender and smoking habit using scales to measure coolness, sociability, intellectuality, and earnestness. The results showed that participants rated smokers more negatively than nonsmokers except for sociability. Those who perceived smoking as controllable rated smokers' earnestness even more negatively, suggesting that the negative evaluations are partially moderated by the perceived controllability of smoking. To examine a hypothesis that negative evaluations of smokers would mediate discrimination, in Study 2 we measured how participants (96 students) responded to target persons asking for a loan or a job, as well as their ratings of the targets on the Big Five personality dimensions. The results support the hypothesis of mediation.
中川 知宏 仲本 尚史 國吉 真弥 森 丈弓 山入端 津由 大渕 憲一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.90.18012, (Released:2019-07-10)

The aim of this study was to investigate why certain youths identify with delinquent groups by examining specific factors that increase identification with them, such as intergroup relationships. Specifically, we hypothesized that the permeability of group boundaries would moderate the effect of group discrimination on identification with a delinquent group. In total, 96 male youths were recruited from four juvenile classification homes. The results revealed that youths who perceived group boundaries with lower compared with higher permeability cognitively identified with delinquent groups more strongly when perceiving group discrimination from teachers or the police; this finding supported our hypothesis. No other significant interaction effect was observed. Conversely, in terms of affective identification, we found an unexpected interaction between the permeability of group boundaries and group discrimination from peers. Overall, the findings did not support our hypothesis. However, some of the results suggest that delinquent youths may be able to decrease cognitive group identification by having friends outside of the delinquent group, even if they experienced discrimination from conformity groups such as teachers and the police.
山脇 望美 山本 雄大 熊谷 智博 大渕 憲一
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.29, no.1, pp.25-31, 2013

The present study attempted to examine whether explicit and implicit measures of aggressiveness would predict aggressive behavior and whether the effects would be moderated by provocation. Seventy-one students voluntarily participated in the experiment, with their explicit aggressiveness measured by the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BAQ) and their implicit aggressiveness measured by the Implicit Association Test (IAT). Aggressive behavior was deduced by the levels of unpleasant noises which the participants gave a partner in the evaluation of his/her drawings either in the provocation or non-provocation conditions. The results showed that only IAT was significantly related with the level of unpleasant noises, independently of provocation, suggesting that aggressive behavior was predicted by the implicit measure of aggressiveness but not by the explicit measure of it.