竹下 徹 山下 喜久
日本乳酸菌学会誌 (ISSN:1343327X)
vol.27, no.1, pp.3-9, 2016-03-15 (Released:2017-04-26)
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口腔には膨大な数の常在微生物が他の微生物や宿主と相互作用しながら複雑な生態系を構築し生息している。近年の細菌 DNA を利用した網羅的細菌群集解析手法の確立と発展によりその全体像を容易に把握することが可能になり、様々な健康状態における口腔常在微生物叢(マイクロバイオータ)の構成の特徴が報告されてきている。本総説では我々の研究成果を中心にこれまでに得られた知見を紹介しながら、口腔マイクロバイオータの捉え方について検討するとともに口腔マイクロバイオータと健康との関連について概説する。
竹下 徹 平島 崇男 植田 勇人 岡本 あゆみ 木下 周祐 辛 ウォンジ 幸田 龍星 安藤 瑞帆 中山 貴仁
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.124, no.7, pp.491-515, 2018-07-15 (Released:2018-08-18)
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神居古潭変成岩は古くから典型的な低温高圧型の変成岩として良く知られ,数多くの研究が行われて来た.また,北海道白亜系蝦夷層群は,日本列島の中では極めて大規模な前弧海盆堆積物であり,空知層群(空知オフィオライト)を挟んで神居古潭変成岩の構造的上位に分布している.この神居古潭変成岩-空知オフィオライト-蝦夷前弧海盆堆積物は太平洋を挟んで, 北米西岸白亜紀のフランシスカン・コンプレックス-コーストレンジ・オフィオライト-グレートバレー・シーケンスにも対比出来る.本巡検は,かつて北海道の白亜紀の海溝深部から浅海域に位置していたと推察される 地質体を,1泊2日の短期間で巡ることが出来るよう企画された.神居古潭変成岩についての研究は2000年以降,暫く途絶えていたが,新たな視点での研究が再開された.特に,本巡検では2つのテーマに焦点を当てる. 一つは神居古潭変成岩を構成するメンバーの中で最も初期に形成されたと考えられる蛇紋岩メランジュ中の角閃岩・青色片岩テクトニックブロック で,本岩石を構成する変成鉱物(ざくろ石, 角閃石, 緑簾石など)の組成累帯構造に基づき,テクトニックブロックが顕著な冷却の履歴を被ったことが推察されることである.今日,この冷却の履歴は世界の沈み込み帯起源の青色片岩やエクロジャイトから報告されており,海洋プレート沈み込み開始初期から定常状態の沈み込みに至る冷却を示すと考えられるようになった.もう一つは,神居古潭変成岩上昇時のおそらく前弧域における著しい高温流体活動である.最近,いくつかの試料について炭質物ラマン温度計が適用されたほか,緑色黒雲母の産状が明らかとなるなど,変成岩上昇時に青色片岩を緑色片岩に置き換えてしまうほどの高温流体移動による接触変成作用が生じていたことが明らかになりつつある.この事実は,今後,前弧域テクトニクスを解明していく上で大きな示唆を与える.
山田 恵敏 竹下 徹斎 田中 順太郎
The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.40, no.4, pp.268-284, 1982-04-01 (Released:2009-11-13)
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Phenols, quinones, chromans, and chromens which have polyprenyl units as the side chains in aromatic compounds, are widely distributed in the natural products and many of these compounds are known as biologically active compounds. This review deals with recent advances in the syntheses of Vitamin E (α-tocopherol and α-tocotrienol), Ubiquinones (Coenzyme Q) and Vitamin K (K1 and K2).
大橋 聖和 竹下 徹 平内 健一
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.129, no.4, pp.473-489, 2020-08-25 (Released:2020-10-02)
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Knowledge of the strength of faults in the continental upper crust is critical to our understanding of crustal stress states, coseismic faulting, and lithospheric deformation. In this paper, we investigate time- and displacement-dependent fault-zone weakening (softening) over geological time caused by the hydrothermal alteration of rock, the development of faulting-related structure and fabric, and changes in the relevant deformation mechanisms. In the shallow portion of the continental seismogenic zone (< 5 km), hydrothermal alteration induced by comminution and fluid flow along fault zones progressively enriches weak phyllosilicates. The development of phyllosilicate-aligned fabric with increasing shear strain leads to an effective weakening with increasing cumulative fault displacement. In the deep portion of the seismogenic zone (> 5 km), frictional–viscous flow occurs in combination with friction contributed by phyllosilicates and the dissolution–precipitation of clasts after the introduction of water, phyllosilicates and anastomosing fabrics all increasing with greater fault displacement. In addition, the water weakening of quartz and feldspar is an important softening process in the deeper portion of the seismogenic zone (> 10 km). The smoothing of fault-zone topography by the shearing of irregularities and asperities, as well as the thickening of the fault zone, leads to a reduction over time in the bulk frictional resistance of a fault as displacement increases. These time- and displacement-dependent weakening processes of fault zones give rise to diverse strength and stress states of the crust depending on its maturity and may provide clues to reconciling the stress–heat flow paradox of crustal faults.
竹下 徹 奥平 敬元
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.47, no.4, pp.453-467, 1995-01-24 (Released:2010-03-11)

Dynamics and thermal modeling in low-pressure/high-temperature metamorphic belts (LPMs) are reviewed. LPM found in the world is formed under such P-T conditions that the pressure is lower than that of the aluminosilicate (Al2SiO5) triple point (about 400MPa), and the peak temperature ranges between 500 and 700°C. Such anomalously high temperatures at relatively shallow depth indicate that the geothermal gradient in the upper crust exceeded 50°C km-1 at the time of LPM formation. Although the steady state geothermal gradients in the upper crust necessary for the formation of LPM could be reached by continuously supplying a huge amount of magma in the upper crust [OXBURGH and TURCOTTE (1971)], such a steady state model is unlikely because of no observation of entire melting of the lower crust which is the outcome of the steady state model. Rather, transient heat sources such as the intrusion of magma, circulation of hot fluid, subduction of young oceanic plate or spreading ridge and convective thinning of the mantle lithosphere have been proposed to be the possible heat sources for LPM. Based on the heat transfer calculations, the duration of high-temperature condition by the intrusion of magma which is several kilometer wide, is less than 1Ma, and that by the circulation of hot fluid is poorly constrained. Even in the thermal model where the highest-temperatures in the country rocks attained by the intrusion of magma are assumed to be recorded as the metamorphic temperatures, the volume of magma necessary for the formation of LPM is more than 50% of the total volume of the crust [HANSON and BARTON (1989)]. Among these thermal models of LPM, subduction of young oceanic plate or spreading ridge is a likely model of LPM, not only because there are many occurrences of LPM evolved from accretionary sedimentary piles at trench, but because the ridge subduction can cause volcanism in the forearc [e. g., DELONG et al. (1979)] in addition to the anomalous heat supply to sediments from the asthenosphere. In order to further constrain the dynamics and thermal model of LPM in future, the P-T path and the duration of low-pressure type metamorphism must be accurately estimated petrologically, and the relative timing between metamorphism and deformation must be thoroughly investigated.