竹村 文彦
vol.1990, no.34, pp.183-195, 1990

En la primera persona narrativa en general, el protagonista (el &ldquo;yo&rdquo; que actua en los episodios) y el narrador (el &ldquo;yo&rdquo; que los relata retrospectivamente) poseen puntos de vista distintos: el narrador, ya lejos de los sucesos que cuenta, puede mirarlos y valorarlos con cierta objetividad. Por eso, el mundo presentado por &eacute;l tiende a ser relativamente est&aacute;ble y estatico. En cambio, el protagonista se encuentra en el momento actual de los acontecimientos y tiene que percibirlos y juzgarlos con su propio criterio subjetivo. Necesariamente el mundo captado por &eacute;l ser&aacute; ambiguo y oscilante como la vida rel.<BR>Algunos de los episodios del Lazarillo est&aacute;n presentados estrictamente a trav&eacute;s de la percepcion y el juicio del protagonista. Por ejemplo, en el encuentro de L&aacute;zaro con el Escudero (Tractado 3), gracias a esta t&eacute;cnica narrativa, el lector tambi&eacute;n queda enganado por la apariencia noble del tercer amo de L&aacute;zaro, y al lado de &eacute;ste va comprendiendo poco a poco su miserable realidad. El resultado es la sensaci&oacute;n de hallarse frente a una persona real y compleja. El punto de vista del protagonista se acent&uacute;a mediante el uso del articulo indetermidado y frases como &ldquo;mi amo se paro, y yo con &eacute;l&rdquo; o &ldquo;top&oacute;me Dios con un escudero&rdquo;, etc.<BR>Al contrario, en el Busc&oacute;n predomina el punto de vista o la percepci&oacute;n del narrador. En la venta de Viveros (Libro I, Capitulo 4), el protagonista Pablos y don Diego quedan estafados por otros hu&eacute;spedes, pero el narrador lo revela ya desde el principio del episodio ( &ldquo;la siempre maldita venta de Viveros&rdquo;), y descubre al lector el verdadero car&aacute;cter de los personajes antes de que &eacute;ste pueda juzgarlos por su propia cuenta. Esta manera de narrar los convierte en simples &ldquo;figuras de gui&ntilde;ol&rdquo; (F. L&aacute;zaro), faltos de complejidad humana, haciendo que los episodios carezcan de sorpresa.
竹村 文男 矢部 彰
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.64, no.623, pp.2168-2173, 1998-07-25 (Released:2008-03-28)
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The gas dis solution process of a spherical rising carbon dioxide bubble in water was investigated experimentally and numerically. We developed an experimental system that use a CCD camera coupled with a microscope to follow the rising bubble. By measuring the bubble size and the rising speed from the bubble motion data captured by a personal computer, we could precis ely estimate the drag coefficients and the Sherwood number for the dis solution of gas bubbles at Reynolds numbers below 100. The experimental results show that the drag coefficients of the carbon dioxide bubble in water show the same value of solid particle even when we use relatively clean water. We also numerically estimated Sherwood number for dis solution of gas bubbles in an infinite liquid by directly solving the Navier-Stokes equation and diffusion equation. The experimental and numerical results are in good agreement. Moreover, we compared the experimental results with a proposed equation for estimating the drag coefficients and Sherwood number and clarified the applicable region of the equation.
竹村 文男 矢部 彰
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.63, no.613, pp.2909-2914, 1997-09-25 (Released:2008-03-28)
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Drag coefficients of a spherical rising gas bubble were estimated experimentally and numerically. We developed an experimental apparatus in which a CCD camera with a microscope follows the rising bubble and used it to precisely estimate the drag coefficients of the bubble below Reynolds number of 100 by measurement of the bubble size and the terminal velocity. We also estimated numerically drag coefficients of a gas bubble in an infinite liquid by directly solving a Navier-Stokes equation. The experimental results agree well with the numerical results. Moreover, we compared the experimental results with several proposed equations for estimating drag coefficients and determined the region of applicability of each equation. Finally, we proposed an equation for estimation of drag coefficient by correlating with experimental results.
竹村 文 河野 憲二
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.70, no.2, pp.95-103, 2011 (Released:2011-06-01)

In everyday life, self-movement of an observer causes the image of the visual scene on the retina to slip. Visual acuity is severely impaired when the retinal image of interest moves excessively. Naturally, the vestibular-ocular reflex (VOR) compensates for the observer's own movements through a short neural pathway from the vestibular organs to the eyes. The amplitude of the VOR is almost equal to the observer's head movement, but not perfect, and the residual retinal image motions are compensated for by visually driven ocular tracking systems.Recent behavioral studies on primates have revealed that there are three visual tracking systems that function to stabilize the gaze of the moving observer as visual back-up. One of these systems, the ‘ocular following response’, helps to stabilize gaze when the observer looks off to one side. The other two systems generate ‘vergence eye movements’ to help maintain binocular alignment on objects that lie ahead when the observer looks in the direction in which he or she is heading. One responds to the change in binocular parallax (disparity) and the other to the radial patterns of the optic flow. All three operate in a machine-like fashion to generate eye movements with ultra-short latencies.We conducted electrophysiological and chemical-lesion studies to determine whether the medial superior temporal (MST) area of the cerebral cortex, which is known to participate in visual motion processing, plays roles in eliciting these tracking eye movements or not. Despite their ultra-short latencies, electrophysiological studies in monkeys revealed a close relationship between ocular and neuronal responses in the MST, and lesions of the MST in both hemispheres significantly reduced the initial part of the tracking responses. Overall the results strongly support the hypothesis that the MST area is a primary site for producing the three visual tracking eye movements at ultra-short latencies.
竹村 文 井上 由香 五味 裕章 川人 光男 河野 憲二
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NC, ニューロコンピューティング (ISSN:09135685)
vol.99, no.131, pp.77-84, 1999-06-18

"追従眼球運動"の発現に、頭頂連合野の一部であるMST野(Medial Superior Temporal Area:MST)、背外側橋核(Dorsolateral Pontine Nucleus:DLPN)、小脳腹側傍片葉(Ventral Paraflocculus:VPFL)を含む経路が関与していることが示唆されている。そこで、この3つの領域の単一ニューロンの発火パターンが時間的に感覚情報と運動情報をどのようにコードしているかについて解析し、情報処理の異なる段階にあると考えられる脳内領域間の比較を行った。その結果、VPFLのプルキンエ細胞の発火パターンは出力信号である「眼球運動」の位置、速度、加速度の線形和で表現でき、MST、DLPNのニューロン活動は入力信号である「網膜上の像のブレ」の位置、速度、加速度の線形和で表現できた。本研究から、MST野では視野の動きが検出され、その発火パターンに視野の動きの情報がコードされ、背外側橋核を通って、その視野の動きの情報が小脳腹側傍片葉のプルキンエ細胞上で収束し、眼球を動かすのに必要な運動指令へと変換されている可能性が考えられる。