霜触 智紀 笠巻 純一
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.32, no.4, pp.4_433-4_452, 2022-10-01 (Released:2022-10-14)

This study aims to examine the structure of the corporal punishment-related factor and to explore predictors of corporal punishment behavior through a nationwide survey. A questionnaire survey was administered to teachers of athletic club activities working at Japanese junior high and high schools (337 valid responses from 39 prefectures) . Items of the corporal punishment-related factor scale, basic attributes, experiences of corporal punishment behavior, and experiences of feeling likely to use corporal punishment comprised the survey’s content. The scale’s items were scored from 1 to 5 points; the higher the scale score, the greater the awareness of the corporal punishment-related factor. An exploratory factor analysis (maximum likelihood method, Promax rotation) was conducted to examine factor structure. Covariance structure analysis was then conducted to examine the relationship between extracted corporal punishment–related factors and the experiences of corporal punishment behavior. (1) Results of factor analysis revealed 26 items associated with five factors: I) “teacher’s policy and beliefs”, Ⅱ) “unachieved goals of students and team”, Ⅲ) “teacher’s view of victory’s importance”, Ⅳ) “pressure to win the game” and V) “negative attitudes of students”. Reliability examination and Cronbach’s alpha coefficients confirmed the scale’s internal consistency. Additionally, subscale items’ factor loadings confirmed the simple structure, and factor validity was generally confirmed based on categories of corporal punishment–related factors from previous studies. (2) Results of analysis of covariance structure indicated that “teacherʼs policy and beliefs” and “teacher’s view of victory’s importance” might predict corporal punishment behavior. Additionally, this study found that pressure to win the game may be the cause of corporal punishment behavior. The results of this analysis could be used to assess corporal punishment–related factors that teachers perceive in athletic club activities.
笠巻 純一 宮西 邦夫 笠原 賀子 松本 裕史 西田 順一 渋倉 崇行
Health and Behavior Sciences (ISSN:13480898)
vol.19, no.2, pp.45-56, 2021 (Released:2022-03-31)

This study aimed to clarify the correlation between snacking behavior and psychological stress in female university students and thereby contribute to health support measures. A questionnaire survey was conducted to examine household living arrangements, snacking behavior (consumption of confectionery and snacks), and psychological stress stemming from interpersonal relationships or the demands of study, etc. of students from four universities in Japan. The survey was conducted yearly for 3 years (following multiple sections of the population from the first to third year), and 81 female students were valid respondents. Interpersonal stress scores were positively and significantly correlated with several items of snack frequency scores by time of day and snack frequency scores by situation (i.e., snacking alone, with friends, before/after classes or other events, and instead of a meal). In their first year, the students with high interpersonal stress showed a high total frequency of snacking in the morning, in the afternoon, or at night or snacking alone, which was more common among students living alone. In their second year, the students with high interpersonal stress showed a higher frequency of snacking alone. In their third year, the students living alone and with high interpersonal stress showed a high total frequency of snacking in the morning, in the afternoon, or at night; before or after classes or other events; and instead of a meal. It was found that the higher the degree of personal stress among female university students, the higher the frequency of their ingestion of confectionery and snacks.
笠巻 純一 笠井 直美 杉本 英夫
日本健康教育学会誌 (ISSN:13402560)
vol.14, no.2, pp.96-106, 2006-09-30 (Released:2010-03-19)

目的本研究の目的は, 健康教育における基礎資料の検討である.新潟市の公共体育施設利用者で社会人である者2, 104人を対象とした質問紙による生活実態調査 (食事, 飲酒, 喫煙, 心理的ストレス, 体格など) から, 性, 年齢階級別の生活行動パターンを示し, 生活習慣病の危険因子について検討した.分析方法因子抽出法として, 主成分分析を用いた.有意性の検定には, 1元配置分散分析, 多重比較検定, F検定, スチューデントのt検定, ウェルチのt検定を用いた.結果と考察生活習慣に係わる因子構造が明らかとなった.欠食, 栄養摂取, 喫煙の関連因子は, 若年層ほど主成分得点が低いことが示された.中高年層における男女の因子構造及び主成分得点に着目すると, 中高年層の男性は, 女性よりも職業上の運動量, 心理的ストレス, 肥満度, 飲酒率の関連因子における主成分得点が低いことが示された.女性における特徴的な因子は, スナック・間食や菓子の摂取などの関連因子であり, 男性と比較して主成分得点が顕著に低いことが示された.これらの因子は, 生活習慣病の危険因子と成り得る生活行動パターンと考えられるのではなかろうか.結論本研究で示唆された若年層の食生活の乱れと喫煙の関連行動, 中高年男性の肥満とストレス, 過度な飲酒・運動不足の関連行動, 女性の間食行動などの生活行動パターンは, 生活習慣病の危険因子を検討する上での一指標となり, 健康教育に活用できるものと考えられる.
笠巻 純一
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.68, no.1, pp.33-45, 2013 (Released:2013-01-25)
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Objectives: This study was conducted to elucidate the correlation among dietary intake, dietary preferences, and social-psychological factors in the youth and to examine the factors that affect such dietary behaviors as snacking, skipping breakfast, and taking a biased nutrition. Methods: A survey was carried out using a questionnaire with closed questions on multiple items such as dietary behaviors, psychosocial stress, dietary externalization, information and consciousness about health. The survey was conducted on 1,056 high school students and 1,323 university students in Japan. Results: As a result of the factor analysis among the groups of male/female and high school/university students, relationships were found between the items of “preferences for snacking” and “snack food intakes” among all these groups. Those who like sweets and snacks tended to snack between lunch and dinner or after dinner by themselves more often than those who do not. In contrast to men, intermediate correlations were found between the item of “a meal as a diversion” and each of the items of “snack food intake,” “preferences for fried foods/sautéed foods/meat dishes,” and “preferences for snacking,” among women who do not live alone, regardless of their being high school or university students. The item of “stress over human relationships/academic performance” was shown to have similarly weak correlations with the items of “reasons for skipping breakfast” and “nutrition intake” in the groups of male and female high school students. The less they value nutrition intake, the more they tend to be conscious of stress over human relationships/academic performance.