熊原 秀晃 西田 順一 坂井 洋子 金平 真由美 金平 桂一郎 進藤 宗洋 田中 宏暁
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.14008, (Released:2014-05-22)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of acute exercise mimicking boxing on affect and mood states. In a randomized crossover design, sixteen adults (35.8±6.6 yrs) underwent both a boxing exercise program based on shadow boxing (Boxing) as well as a boxing program combined with a focus mitts workout (pad work) (Boxing+Mitts). The Waseda Affect Scale of Exercise and Durable Activity (WASEDA) and the Profile of Mood States-Brief Form (POMS-Brief) were administered before and after both exercise programs. There were no gender differences in any psychological scales before and after the programs as well as in heart rate during exercise. The Boxing+Mitts program tended to show a lower exercise intensity, defined as the percentage of the average heat rate reserve (HRR), than the Boxing program (40.4±13.3 vs. 50.4±17.5%HRR, p<0.10). However, both programs were considered to give a moderate level of exercise intensity on average, which is regarded as the minimum intensity required to improve individual cardiorespiratory fitness. The Boxing program significantly improved all three scales of negative affect, positive engagement and tranquility assessed by the WASEDA. Moreover, the POMS-Brief showed an iceberg profile after the program, which was followed by significant decreases in the scores of tension-anxiety, depression-dejection, anger-hostility and confusion, and a significant increase in the vigor score. In addition, a composite score of total mood disturbance calculated by summing the subscale scores changed in a positive direction. The Boxing+Mitts program was shown to lead to similar changes in the WASEDA and POMS-Brief. However, no significant program×time interactions (by two-way ANOVA) were observed in any of the scales. These results indicate that acute boxing-style exercise programs would improve negative psychological variables and enhance both feelings of pleasant activation, as well as relaxation. A further study is warranted to explore whether any long-term (chronic) effects on mental health exist, and to compare these programs with other modes of exercise.
笠巻 純一 宮西 邦夫 笠原 賀子 松本 裕史 西田 順一 渋倉 崇行
Health and Behavior Sciences (ISSN:13480898)
vol.19, no.2, pp.45-56, 2021 (Released:2022-03-31)

This study aimed to clarify the correlation between snacking behavior and psychological stress in female university students and thereby contribute to health support measures. A questionnaire survey was conducted to examine household living arrangements, snacking behavior (consumption of confectionery and snacks), and psychological stress stemming from interpersonal relationships or the demands of study, etc. of students from four universities in Japan. The survey was conducted yearly for 3 years (following multiple sections of the population from the first to third year), and 81 female students were valid respondents. Interpersonal stress scores were positively and significantly correlated with several items of snack frequency scores by time of day and snack frequency scores by situation (i.e., snacking alone, with friends, before/after classes or other events, and instead of a meal). In their first year, the students with high interpersonal stress showed a high total frequency of snacking in the morning, in the afternoon, or at night or snacking alone, which was more common among students living alone. In their second year, the students with high interpersonal stress showed a higher frequency of snacking alone. In their third year, the students living alone and with high interpersonal stress showed a high total frequency of snacking in the morning, in the afternoon, or at night; before or after classes or other events; and instead of a meal. It was found that the higher the degree of personal stress among female university students, the higher the frequency of their ingestion of confectionery and snacks.
西田 順一 大友 智
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.58, no.3, pp.285-297, 2010 (Released:2012-03-07)
10 2

運動・身体活動の実施により, 生理的・社会的恩恵と同様に心理的恩恵が得られることが示されている。本研究では, 学校教員の運動・身体活動実施程度および学校ストレス経験がメンタルヘルスにどの程度影響を及ぼすかどうかについて, 個人的特性を考慮した上で検討した。管理職を除いた常勤の小・中学校教員を対象にメンタルヘルス, 運動・身体活動, そしてストレス経験の質問紙調査を実施し, 255名の有効回答を分析対象とした。個人的特性の違いから分析した結果, 女性に比べ男性のメンタルヘルスが良好であることが示された。従って性差を考慮し, メンタルヘルスヘの影響を構造方程式モデリングにより分析した結果, 男女共に「運動・身体活動」は「生きがい度」に有意な正の影響を及ぼし、「ストレス]度に有意な負の影響を及ぼすことが示された。「運動・身体活動」は, 男性では「運動・スポーツ」が影響を及ぼしていたが, 女性ではこれに加え「時間の管理」が影響を及ぼしていた。また, 男女共に「ストレス経験」が「運動・身体活動」を介しメンタルヘルスに影響するという過程は示されず, 運動・身体活動の実施によるメンタルヘルスヘの直接的影響のみが示された。
熊原 秀晃 西田 順一 坂井 洋子 金平 真由美 金平 桂一郎 進藤 宗洋 田中 宏暁
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.1, pp.251-261, 2014 (Released:2014-06-13)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of acute exercise mimicking boxing on affect and mood states. In a randomized crossover design, 16 adults (35.8±6.6 yrs) underwent both a boxing exercise program based on shadow boxing (Boxing) as well as a boxing program combined with a focus mitts workout (pad work) (Boxing+Mitts). The Waseda Affect Scale of Exercise and Durable Activity (WASEDA) and the Profile of Mood States-Brief Form (POMS-Brief) were administered before and after both exercise programs. There were no gender differences in any psychological scales before and after the programs as well as in heart rate during exercise. The Boxing+Mitts program tended to show a lower exercise intensity, defined as the percentage of the average heat rate reserve (HRR), than the Boxing program (40.4±13.3 vs. 50.4±17.5%HRR, p<0.10). However, both programs were considered to give a moderate level of exercise intensity on average, which is regarded as the minimum intensity required to improve individual cardiorespiratory fitness. The Boxing program significantly improved all 3 scales of negative affect, positive engagement and tranquility assessed by the WASEDA. Moreover, the POMS-Brief showed an iceberg profile after the program, which was followed by significant decreases in the scores of tension-anxiety, depression-dejection, anger-hostility and confusion, and a significant increase in the vigor score. In addition, a composite score of total mood disturbance calculated by summing the subscale scores changed in a positive direction. The Boxing+Mitts program was shown to lead to similar changes in the WASEDA and POMS-Brief. However, no significant program×time interactions (by two-way ANOVA) were observed in any of the scales. These results indicate that acute boxing-style exercise programs would improve negative psychological variables and enhance both feelings of pleasant activation, as well as relaxation. A further study is warranted to explore whether any long-term (chronic) effects on mental health exist, and to compare these programs with other modes of exercise.
西田 順一 橋本 公雄 山本 勝昭
公益社団法人 全国大学体育連合
大学体育学 6.1 (ISSN:13491296)
pp.43-54, 2009-03-15 (Released:2018-01-09)

柳 敏晴 西田 順一 橋本 公雄 藤永 博 堤 俊彦 松本 裕史 榮樂 洋光 手島 史子 中島 俊介

平成 22 年度は、効果測定尺度作成を、対象者別項目収集及び整理検討と予備調査、プログラム別仮プログラム作成・実施と要因探索から、プログラム開発・モデル構築を試みた。平成 23 年度は、効果測定尺度作成を、対象者別本調査実施と尺度の信頼性・妥当性の検討から進め、プログラム別修正プログラムの実施し、因果モデル作成を試み、プログラム開発とモデル構築を進めた。平成 24 年度は、対象者別プログラム評価への使用と妥当性検討から、効果測定尺度作成を試み、プログラム開発とモデル構築に挑戦した。