笠巻 純一 宮西 邦夫 笠原 賀子 松本 裕史 西田 順一 渋倉 崇行
Health and Behavior Sciences (ISSN:13480898)
vol.19, no.2, pp.45-56, 2021 (Released:2022-03-31)

This study aimed to clarify the correlation between snacking behavior and psychological stress in female university students and thereby contribute to health support measures. A questionnaire survey was conducted to examine household living arrangements, snacking behavior (consumption of confectionery and snacks), and psychological stress stemming from interpersonal relationships or the demands of study, etc. of students from four universities in Japan. The survey was conducted yearly for 3 years (following multiple sections of the population from the first to third year), and 81 female students were valid respondents. Interpersonal stress scores were positively and significantly correlated with several items of snack frequency scores by time of day and snack frequency scores by situation (i.e., snacking alone, with friends, before/after classes or other events, and instead of a meal). In their first year, the students with high interpersonal stress showed a high total frequency of snacking in the morning, in the afternoon, or at night or snacking alone, which was more common among students living alone. In their second year, the students with high interpersonal stress showed a higher frequency of snacking alone. In their third year, the students living alone and with high interpersonal stress showed a high total frequency of snacking in the morning, in the afternoon, or at night; before or after classes or other events; and instead of a meal. It was found that the higher the degree of personal stress among female university students, the higher the frequency of their ingestion of confectionery and snacks.
豊嶋 英明 林 千治 宮西 邦夫 若井 静子 榎 佐和子 熊谷 秀子 上村 桂
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.44, no.2, pp.659-666, 1989
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Serum retinol and tocopherol concentrations in 419 males and 478 females, aged 10 to 49 years, were determined by an HPLC method. Then their relationships to serum lipid concentrations and smoking and drinking habits were examined. Retinol levels were higher in males than in females but tocopherol showed little difference by sex. The sex differences in age-related serum levels of retinol and triglyceride (TG) were similar to those of tocopherol and total cholesterol (TC), respectively.<BR>Retinol had a significant correlation with TC and TG, with coefficients of 0.20-0.29 (p<0.001). These were smaller than those of tocopherol (R=0.32-0.52, p<0.001) both in males and females, suggesting that it had a higher susceptibility to factors other than serum lipids than tocopherol did.<BR>Both the retinol and tocopherol levels were significantly higher in the groups with smoking and drinking habits than in the groups without them among the males aged 30 years and over. Furthermore, the retinol level was positively dependent on the daily consumption of both cigarettes and alcohol, whereas tocopherol was dependent on the consumption of alcohol. Multiple regression analysis showed that smoking and drinking habits had statistically significant effects on the serum retinol level independent of other factors and that their effects were greater than those of TC and TG. Tocopherol was affected most by TC and TG and then by drinking habit. Less significant but similar results were obtained for the females of the same age group.<BR>Since smoking and drinking habits, known to be carcinogenic, was related to increases in the serum levels of retinol and tocopherol, it would appear to be necessary to study the relationship of these serum levels with tissue levels of vitamins A and E to examine their protective effects against carcino- and atherogenesis.
宮西 邦夫 笠原 賀子
小児保健研究 (ISSN:00374113)
vol.65, no.1, pp.41-48, 2006-01-30
岡田 玲子 太田 優子 宮西 邦夫 豊嶋 英明

本研究は、青年期女子を対象に保健行動の変容をめざして、指導型・学習参加型を含む健康教育システムを設定し,その有用性を1年間の介入効果によって検証したものである。本システムは、健康教育セミナー(受講後に感想・自己評価記録の提出)(6回)、健康・生活習慣・食事の診断(3回)、診断成績の個人別記録;「Health Paassport」の懇切な説明による還付(4回)等によって構成された。その成績は以下のように要約される。1)BMI、肥満度、体脂肪率への影響は殆どなく、歩数、消費エネルギー、運動量は僅かながら低下した。2)TC、LDL-C、TCが介入前に比べて高かったものの、同時にHDL-Cも有意に上昇し、その程度は寧ろ前3項目の変化に比べて大きいことが認められ、特にHDL-Cの改善には効果的であった。また、Lp(a)はHDL-Cの増加に伴って高くなる可能性が示唆された。なお、HDL-C値の改善にはカロリーカウンターによる運動量の影響は認められなかった。3)自覚症状訴え数が有意に減少した。このことは本セミナー出席率の高い群において特に顕著に観察された。自覚症状改善度上位者からは、健康教育による食行動の改善とその維持を窺わせる応答が得られた。4)食事の評価においては、(1)緑黄色野菜の摂取頻度・充足率の有意な増加、(2)本セミナー出席率の高い群ならびにHDL-C改善度の高い群において、食事診断得点の改善度が有意に大きかった。(3)介入後に穀類エネルギー比の有意な増加、動物牲脂質比、Na/K比、食塩摂取量(g/l,000kcal)、飽和、一価・多価不飽和脂肪酸摂取量の有意な減少がみられたが、これらの変化量との血清脂質値の変化量との相関性を見いだせなかった。(4)LDL-C低下の大きかった群ほど近代型食事(豊川の食物消費の二次元空間図による)の傾向が弱まる方向への変化が有意に認められた。5)エゴグラムにおいては、保健行動の変容に自我状態の関与を示唆する所見が得られた。以上より、本健康教育システムは健康意識の啓発の動機づけやその維持に効果的であったと考えられる。今回は多様な要因の中で、より望ましい方法を模索した研究デザインであったが、健康教育セミナーへの継続的参加を促すためには、対象者の生活時間の変化を配慮した開催日時の調整、保健行動の変容にマイナスの自我状態を有する対象者への対応等についてさらに詳細な検討を重ねる必要がある。本研究により得られた知見と反省を活かして、より実践可能な健康教育システムの開発に今後とも努力したい。