南 さやか 薮田 伸 富永 克弘 山本 夕菜 中之内 亜紀子 壹岐 香代 石川 大太郎 石黒 悦爾 箱山 晋
日本作物学会紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.89, no.4, pp.277-284, 2020-10-05 (Released:2021-05-20)

熱帯・亜熱帯に広く適応し高い生産性を持つキャッサバを,バイオマス資源作物として温帯地域へ導入・利用が可能か否かを知るため,2007~2009年にブラジル国育成のデンプン含有率が高い品種 IAC-576-70を鹿児島で圃場栽培し,その生育,乾物生産の推移と収量を調査した.年平均気温18.3℃,年平均降水量2280 mm,冬期に降霜もある鹿児島の気象条件で,栽培可能期間は4月下旬~12月上旬までの7~8ヶ月間に限られた. 3ヵ年間における最大生産量は全乾物重が 1793 g m–2,塊根乾物重が 524 g m–2,生鮮塊根収量が2000 g m–2であり,熱帯地域の植え付け8ヶ月後における収量と同程度の生産であった.
箱山 晋 田中 日吉 縣 和一 武田 友四郎
日本作物學會紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.46, no.2, pp.219-227, 1977-06-30

To make clear the weed vegetation of paddy fields left off cultivation on account of government paddy acreage-control policy, the investigation were carried out in autumn of 1975. The 25 surveyed plots were located at the north-western parts of Fukuoka prefecture. Coverage and height of plants in their paddy fields were measured and Summed Dominance Ratio (SDR2), which was proposed by NUMATA, was calculated from those two factors. All the species appeared were classified into the following four plant groups from their habitat type: that is, A; perennials in lowlands, B; annuals in lowlands, C; perennials in uplands and D; annuals in uplands. And then, the relations between the SDR_2 of these plant groups and the difference of soil moisture, and years of fallow were compared with each vegetation. Results are as follow. 1. At the beginning one or two years after left off cultivation, species number and SDR_2 of annuals were dominative. With increase of years of fallow, species no. and SDR_2 of perennials became dominative. 2. In the former case, the dominant species were annuals such as Aster subulatus, Aeschynomene indica, Panicum bisulcatum, Echinochloa spp., Leptochloa chinensis, Digitaria adscendens and so on. In the latter case, they were perennials such as Aliscanthus sinensis and Solidago altissima under upland condition, or Isachne globosa, Phragmites communis, Leersia japonica and Paspalum distichum under lowland condition. 3. The vegetation consisting of four groups were largely affected by the difference of soil moisture and years of fallow. The vegetation of paddy fields left off cultivation for many years were mostly composed by the specics of C group under upland condition and by the species of A group under lowland one. On the other hand, that of paddy fields left off cultivation for few years were composed by the species of D group under upland condition and by the species of B group under lowland one, although the relationships were not so clear as in the former. 4. The increase of number of species and SDR_2 of perennials were controlled by means of managing methods such as plowing, cutting of weeds and herbicide application. The repressive effects of management against weeds varied depending on the kind of managements and the characteristics of weed species.
角 明夫 森 彩恵 村田 和代 朝比奈 愛 郡山 朋子 下敷領 耕一 矢ヶ崎 和弘 箱山 晋
日本作物學會紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.74, no.3, pp.344-349, 2005-09-05

乾物生産量と蒸発散量の測定を介して共生窒素固定量を評価する可能性を探るために, 根粒着生に関するダイズの同質遺伝子系統, T201(根粒非着生系統)とT202(根粒着生系統)をそれぞれ3段階および5段階の窒素(N)施用条件下で栽培した.T201の葉緑素含量(SPAD値)はT202より低く推移し, また両系統の差は無Nから多N区へと順次拡大した.さらに, 根粒重(Ndw)とSPAD値における系統間・処理区間差が大きくなるにつれて, 乾物生産量(DM)と蒸発散量(ET)の間の量的関係における違いが拡大した.生育期間中のDMとETとの間には1次回帰式で表せる関係が認められ, DMが0のときを仮定したET (ET_<w=0>)はT201よりもT202で大きく, またT201におけるET_<w=0>は地面蒸発量(E_0)にほぼ一致した.一方, N施用量によりT202のNdwとET_<w=0>はともに変動し, 両者には密接な関係が認められた.T201とT202の間のET_<w=0>差(δET_<w=0>)から推定したDM差(δW)と両系統間のN集積量の差から評価した固定N量との間に有意な正の相関関係が認められた(P<0.001).これらの結果はN固定のエネルギー・コストに着目した共生窒素固定量の推定が可能であることを示している.