多田 ゆりえ 細羽 竜也
人間と科学 : 県立広島大学保健福祉学部誌 = Humanity and science : journal of the Faculty of Health and Welfare (ISSN:13463217)
vol.18, no.1, pp.51-58, 2018-03

本研究では就労継続支援A型事業所を利用している精神障害者が一般就労への移行にどの程度関心を持っているかの実情を検討した。方法として,A型事業所を利用している精神障害者3名に,A型の利用目的と利用状況についてインタビューを行った。厚生労働省の方針である「一般就労への移行」を支援するA型の機能を中心に,調査協力者の就労ニーズを検討した。3名中2名はA型の利用にあたり一般就労への移行に関心を持っていたが,家庭の事情や今の職場の人間関係のよさから離れがたい気持ち,また新しい環境への不安などの理由から一般就労への移行を躊躇しているケースもあった。一般就労への移行としてのA 型の機能に重点を置く際には,利用者個々人の事情に対して,より細やかな支援が必要になると考えられる。This study conducted a preliminary examination to measure the interest toward facilitating regular employment for workers who use continued support for employment Type A. To conduct this examination, three mentally disabled workers who use continued employment support for employment Type A were interviewed about the purpose of their Type A employment, work space, and condition. With a focus on the function of employment Type A, which is to support "facilitating regular employment" according to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the three interviewees' employment needs were examined. Two of the three showed interest in the facilitation of regular employment; however, they were hesitant because of some private issues, the good human relations present in their current work spaces, and anxiety about working in a new place. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare wants to advocate the importance of facilitating regular employment; however, only promoting it is not enough. It may be necessary to support workers in tackling their individual issues as well.報告
細羽 竜也 岩永 誠 生和 秀敏
一般社団法人 日本認知・行動療法学会
行動療法研究 (ISSN:09106529)
vol.27, no.1, pp.1-12, 2001-03-31 (Released:2019-04-06)

細羽 竜也 金子 努 越智 あゆみ

細羽 竜也 内田 信行 生和 秀敏
Memoirs of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University. IV, Science reports : studies of fundamental and environmental sciences (ISSN:13408364)
vol.18, pp.53-61, 1992-12-31

The 30-items Maudsley Obsessional-Compulsive Inventory (MOCI) was developed as an instrument for assessing the existence and extend of different obsessional-compulsive complaints by Hodgson & Rachman (1977). MOCI is composed of two major types of complaint, checking and cleaning compulsions, and two minor types, slowness and doubting. Rachman & Hodgson (1980) considered the complaints of checking and cleaning as the representative coping behaviors of prevention and provocation. These types of coping behavior could be observed in daily stressful situation. This study was to explore the Japanese version of MOCI available to evaluate the degree of obsessional-compulsive tendency observed in non-clinical persons. The Japanese version of MOCI was administered to 600 normal students to re-investigate the factor structure of this scale. Principal factor analysis and varimax rotation were adopted to extract the significant factors from 30×30 correlation matrix. Three factors, checking, cleaning and doubting-ruminating were extracted independently, but the complaint of slowness was not found as a significant factor. Additively to explore in their correlations with obsessional-complsive complaints, trait anxiety and time anxiety, MOCI, STAI-T form and TAS were administered to 213 normal students. TAS is composed of three subscales, namely, time confusion, time irritation and time submissiveness. The results were as follows. (1) Checking, cleaning and doubting were positively correlated with trait anxiety, but slowness was negatively correlated. (2) All obsessional-compulsive complaints but slowness were positively correlated with time confusion. Slowness and cleaning were positively correlated with time irritation, and negatively correlated with time submissiveness. These results indicate that slowness and cleaning complaints are somewhat different from other obsessional-compulsive complaints.
大西 英雄 網島 ひづる 金井 秀作 近藤 敏 今泉 敏 細羽 竜也 古屋 泉 細川 淳嗣 ONISHI Hideo AMIJIMA Hizuru KANAI Shusaku KONDO Satoshi IMAIZUMI Satoshi HOSOBA Tatsuya FURUYA Izumi HOSOKAWA Atsushi オオニシ ヒデオ アミジマ ヒヅル カナイ シュウサク コンドウ サトシ イマイズミ サトシ ホソバ タツヤ フルヤ イズミ ホソカワ アツシ
人間と科学 (ISSN:13463217)
vol.9, no.1, pp.111-120, 2009-03

報告Reports本研究の目的は,ICT(information communication technology)を活用した効果・効率を高めた教育-学習システムを構築しその評価を行う。そのシステムは,教員が授業内容として作成したコンテンツをインターネット上にあるサーバーにuploadを行い,コンテンツを教員・受講生ともに各自のPCからインターネット経由でサーバーにアクセスを行う。同時にSkypeTMによるWebカメラとヘッドホーンを利用した双方向のリアルタイム音声・画像システムを利用して,対面授業を行う。授業内容は大学院(保健福祉学専攻)レベルとした。研究参加に同意した受講生を対象に本システムを活用した模擬授業を行い,その有効性及び特異性などについて質問紙調査を実施した。その結果,遠隔地からでも受講可能であること,対面授業による学生と教員のコミュニケーションの効果や受講生が自由にインターネットでコンテンツにアクセスすることで予習や復習ができることなどから学習意欲が高まるなどの評価が高かった。しかし,SkypeTM使用における通信スピードの低下などによう画像劣化や音声の劣化など今後の対策が求められた。The purpose of this study was to construct and evaluate a Web-based education and learning system, which enhances the effects and the efficiency of learning by the use of ICT (information communication technology). The system allows class contents to be uploaded to an Internet server, and to be simultaneously accessed by both the teacher and students using PCs. An interactive lesson could be held by means of a real-time audio and visual system using Skype™ with Web cameras and headphones. The class contents in our study were graduate-school level (Faculty of Health and Welfare). Having obtained consent for our research from the participants, we conducted a class utilizing the system and conducted a questionnaire survey about its efficacy and specific qualities. The results indicated a high evaluation of the system in that learning was facilitated by the capability of the system which allowed students to prepare and review lessons, to access contents even from distant locations, and to participate in interactive lessons with the teacher. However, future measures to deal with problems including image distortion, poor sound quality and slowness in Skype™ communication speed are required.