草薙 邦広 水本 篤 竹内 理
Language Education & Technology (ISSN:21857792)
vol.52, pp.105-131, 2015-12

The purpose of the present study was to examine the quality of statistical testing in foreign language teaching research in Japan. We reviewed t-tests, X2-tests and ANOVAs reported in the articles published in Language Education & Technology (LET) from vol. 38 to vol. 49, and calculated the post-hoc statistical power of each test. The findings of the present study were summarized as follows: (a) the sample size of most of the studies in LET ranged from 20 to 60, (b) the median of the effect sizes (in the case of t-tests) showed middle to large levels (d = 0.40–0.80), but (c) the statistical powers of many studies signified severely low levels (almost the 80% of the two-sample t-tests failed to show the statistical power greater than .80). The tendencies were quite likely to have originated chiefly from the inappropriate designs of the experiments or surveys, especially, mismatches between the targeted effect size and the actual sample size. We assert the importance of setting proper sample sizes based on a priori power analysis and precision analysis.
草薙 邦広 山下 淳子
ARELE : annual review of English language education in Japan (ISSN:13448560)
vol.24, pp.205-220, 2013-03-31

The present study investigated effects of agreement type and morphosyntactic regularity on L1-Japanese learners' acquisition of explicit and implicit grammatical knowledge of the English plural morpheme. We adopted a timed grammaticality judgment task (TGJT) to measure implicit knowledge and an untimed grammaticality judgment task (GJT) for explicit knowledge in order to observe differences between learning difficulties in each type of knowledge. Twenty six participants completed the two tasks, and the scores were submitted to a three-way ANOVA (task types, agreement types, and morphosyntactic regularity). Only the main effect of morphological regularity was statistically significant in TGJT, while the interaction between agreement type and morphosyntactic regularity was observed in GJT. This result indicated that the two linguistic factors affect the acquisition of explicit and implicit knowledge in different ways.
田村 祐 原田 結以 加藤 大幾 原 和久 草薙 邦広
The Japan Society of English Language Education
全国英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:13448560)
vol.27, pp.169-184, 2016 (Released:2017-04-05)

Among foreign language teachers and researchers, it has been widely acknowledged that grammatical knowledge of a foreign language comprises two types of mental storage. One of the two, explicit knowledge, is quite likely linked to adjectives such as “slow” and “conscious,” whereas the other, implicit knowledge, is associated with words such as “fast” and “unconscious.” The present study challenges this conventional and popularized view, by addressing the consciousness and speed dimensions of Japanese EFL learners’ (N = 24) knowledge about tough movement. We conducted a grammaticality judgment task adopting two experimental paradigms: (a) a subjective measure of consciousness known as the meta-knowledge criterion, and (b) response time modeling. The participants judged the grammaticality of the stimuli under the two conditions, (a) control and (b) tough movement, and described their mental state during judgments (explainable vs. intuitive) trial by trial. We analyzed the dynamics among the recorded judgment responses, reaction times, and responses on the subjective measure. The results supported the hypothesis that the consciousness and speed dimensions intersect obliquely. This means that unconscious knowledge does not entail faster grammatical performance. Some pedagogical implications, particularly in light of English grammar teaching in Japan, are also discussed.