等々力 正文 近谷 英昭 菊池 孝 保川 忍 金子 力
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.8, no.2, pp.164-171, 1972-04-30 (Released:2009-03-27)

One of the most significant problems in automatic ticket examination is to check the validity of the route written on a ticket. This problem is due to the service regulation that a passenger with a season ticket can get on or off at any station en route as many times as he likes.The problem can be divided into three subproblems; (1) coding the railways network, (2) describing the route onto the ticket and (3) checking the validity of it. The item (1) and (2) are concerned with representing the route on the ticket with as little amount of information as possible, and the item (3) is concerned with realizing the judgement function of an apparatus as simply and as inexpensively as possible.We propose a method to examine the validity of the ticket by describing the route with line-sequence codes. Two kinds of tickets are treated with one mechanism. One is a season ticket and the other is an ordinary ticket for short distance passengers.Microprogramming technique is employed for the checking circuit of the apparatus. With the same algorithm, an automatic fare adjustment is possible.The distinctive features of the proposed method are(1) to cover the nationwide network, (2) to handle two kinds of tickets with one mechanism both in automatic ticket examination and in automatic fare adjustment, (3) to cope easily with alteration and(4) to be able to utilize the same machine at different stations.
菊池 孝高 木綿 隆弘 河野 孝昭
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.86, no.887, pp.20-00132, 2020 (Released:2020-07-25)

The present paper describes the performance of a micro undershot water wheel for the power generation in a snow drainageway with the Froude number of 2 to 3. In order to optimize the installation conditions of the undershot water wheel and its arc blade, the effects of blade inlet angle β and the submerged blade height hc on the performance of the undershot micro water wheel has been investigated by field test at Shiramine district in Ishikawa Prefecture. Furthermore, two-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been performed using ANSYS Fluent to be shown clearly the flow of inside and outside of the undershot water wheel and its power. The water wheel has a diameter of D = 600 mm and a width of W = 410 mm. In the snow drainageway, the Froude number is Fr = 2.15 to 2.42. The CFD result of the change of the maximum power coefficient CPmax with the blade inlet angle of β agrees with the experimental one qualitatively. In the case of the submerged blade height hc/D = 0.10, the blade inlet angle β has little influence on the power coefficient CP. In the case of hc/D = 0.20 and 0.29, the peak value of the maximum power coefficient is CPmax = 0.37 and 0.27 at β = 18° and 24°, respectively. The relation between the flow in the water wheel and the generation of torque has been clarified by CFD. The negative torque generates at the rotation angle of water wheel θ = 0 ~ 40° because the separated flow from the tip of blade collides against the back of the blade. The positive torque generates at θ = 45 ~ 110° to apply the drag force by the main flow. The positive torque also generates by the water flow passing through the blades for θ = 135 ~ 210°.
菊池 孝之
教育情報研究 (ISSN:09126732)
vol.3, no.3, pp.54-62, 1987-12-25 (Released:2017-06-17)

太田 浩一 菊池 孝信

マイクロアレイ法による炎症関連遺伝子の検索1)ラットの足底にリポポリサッカリド(LPS)を投与し、投与後2,6,12,24時間めに、虹彩・毛様体組織(各時間8匹16眼)を切り出し、total RNAを抽出した。2)total RNA中のpoly(A)+mRNAより、2本鎖cDNAを合成し、gel matrix上のDNAオリゴヌクレオチドプローブ(UniSet Rat I Expression Bioarray chip ; Motorola Life Sciences)をハイブリダイズさせ、洗浄、streptavidin-Cy5による染色を行う。Axon GenePix Scannerでスキャン後、発現量を解析(CodeLink ; Motorola社)解析した。3)9,911遺伝子中、1,930遺伝子(約20%)の発現 がいずれかの時間において2倍以上に増加、または0.5倍以下に減少した。4)いずれかの時間において3、5、10倍以上の増減した遺伝子数はそれぞれ、(991,748),(402,327),(140,95)であった。5)増減遺伝子数は6時間、24時間後に多く、経時的な発現変化のクラスター解析中である。6)既報同様、その遺伝子発現が確認されている炎症性サイトカイン(interleukin(IL)-1beta, IL-6)ケモカイン(RANTES)、iNOS等に関しては、別個体のmRNAを抽出し、リアルタイムRT-PCRを行い、マイクロアレイの結果と同様、2ないし6時間後の発現の著増(正常眼に比し、20から500倍)が確認された。新たにimmediate early genes(Jun B,c-Fos,and c-Jun)の発現が明らかとなり、特にJunBの発現は免疫組織化学染色にて確認された。