落合 知帆 ワン ジンイン
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.58, no.3, pp.759-766, 2023-10-25 (Released:2023-10-25)

本研究では、旧志賀町17ケ村のうち、比良山麓地域に位置するの9ケ村(現在は地区となっている)を対象として、以下の3点を目的とした。1) シシ垣に関する絵図を確認しながら各地区におけるシシ垣の配置を明らかにし、2) 現存するシシ垣の配置、形状、石積み方法および現在の状態を比較分析することで、地域に残されたシシ垣遺構の特徴や実態を示す。また、3) これらの解体要因を明らかにする。
成田 茉優 落合 知帆
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.55, no.3, pp.761-768, 2020-10-25 (Released:2020-10-25)

サンドラ・カラスコ 落合 知帆 岡崎 健二
一般社団法人 地域安全学会
vol.28, pp.61-68, 2016

<p>The massive destruction caused by typhoon Washi triggered a large scale resettlement program in the city of Cagayan de Oro, which was based on a top-down approach for decision-making and implementation. As a result there was a limited understanding of the beneficiaries' needs and the local conditions. After beneficiaries' were allocated into the new houses, they expressed willingness to compensate the shortcomings of the provided houses starting with the construction of modifications. The aim of this study is to examine the influence of the designs of the original houses in the way residents built modifications, considering their initial motivations, actual use of modifications, location, and the type of materials used for their construction in four selected villages in Calaanan site.</p><p></p>
落合 知帆
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.55, no.3, pp.1151-1158, 2020-10-25 (Released:2020-10-25)

熊野川沿い集落は古来より洪水常襲地域であったため,伝統的な水防建築の一様である「アガリヤ」を建て,水害時に備えた.本研究では,和歌山県田辺市,新宮市,三重県紀宝町の熊野川沿い集落での調査により,アガリヤの分布を確認し10の集落において現存を確認した.また,田辺市本宮町を対象とした詳細調査において,アガリヤは住居式,倉庫式,住居倉庫式に分類され,地区によって倉庫式または住居倉庫式が多数を占める違いがあった.また,その配置は,住宅の裏に石段を築き整地した上に建てられた敷地内盛土型と,住宅のある敷地から離れた高台に建てられた敷地外高台型に分類した.アガリヤの減少または消失の要因は, 昭和28年以降大規模な水害の減少,公共事業や治水対策の実施,二階建住宅の普及に伴う住民の水害危機感の減少,公的避難所の整備による自己対策から避難所避難への意識変化が挙げられる.現代社会において地域に残る伝統的な水害対策の知恵の継承が重要である.
宮地 茉莉 岡崎 健二 落合 知帆
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.737, pp.1871-1880, 2017 (Released:2017-07-30)

Bangladesh is prone to cyclones due to its social and geographical conditions. In recent years, coastal areas of Bangladesh suffered from the serious damages caused by two devastating cyclones; Sidr in 2007 and Aila in 2009. The government and international cooperation agencies have been tackling with mitigating cyclone disasters, mainly through construction of cyclone shelters, which can accommodate 500-2,500 people per shelter in case of cyclones (Paul et al, 2002). As a result of the construction of approximately 4,000 cyclone shelters, the death toll has been drastically decreasing. However, although these cyclone shelters are used as elementary schools in normal time, not enough consideration are given to be used as temporary living quarters during and after cyclones. At this point, there are only some researches mentioned the use of cyclone shelters during cyclones, whereas they did not focus on how the local people used cyclone shelters as temporary living quarters during post-disaster reconstruction. Dealing with these problems, BRAC University constructed a new type of cyclone shelters in the form of houses named ‘mini shelters’ in order not to evacuate to cyclone shelters when cyclones come. The objective of this research is to contribute the government's cyclone mitigation schemes, especially in terms of the proper utilization during cyclones and the construction of cyclone shelters which can be used in all cyclone prone areas. This research was conducted based on the literature reviews and the field surveys. The literature review revealed the damage of cyclone disasters and the mitigation program in Bangladesh. Field surveys were conducted from August to September 2015 in Padmapukur Union and Hatiya Isaland, which were affected by Cyclone Aila in 2009 and Cyclone Komen in 2015 respectively. Questionnaire and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 70 households in Hatiya Island and 66 households in Padmapukur in order to collect detailed information on the use of cyclone shelters during cyclones and post-cyclone reconstruction and actual issues of cyclone shelters. The research findings show that most of people in Hatiya Island made decisions to evacuate to cyclone shelters immediately after they have received cyclone waning signals, while most of people in Padmapukur Union did not evacuate immediately. Most of the evacuees spent their long-term evacuation period for several days to several months in cyclone shelters even after cyclones. It is proven that the cyclone shelters are used as temporary living quarters during post-cyclone reconstruction, although they were designed as evacuation centers only for a few hours during the inundation. Moreover, most of cyclone shelters are used as elementary schools in normal time hence some rooms such as storage rooms and staff rooms are locked during cyclones due to the poor management which led to the low of consideration of these cyclone shelters to be used as evacuation centers or temporary living quarters. Most of people in Hatiya Island are well-prepared for evacuation. The preparation includes packing dry foods and other daily necessities in advance of every cyclone season. Therefore, they are able to properly manage their long-term evacuation period at cyclone shelters. Another finding shows ‘mini shelters’ might be used not only as evacuation centers but also as livestock stores during cyclones. Local people doubt the safety of ‘mini shelters’ because the second floor is made of wood and the height from the ground level to the second floor is only 3.3m lower than the water level of the biggest cyclone's storm surge. In addition, the cost of construction of ‘mini shelters’ are too expensive to construct as houses. On the other hand, ‘mini shelters’ might be useful in remote coastal areas where limited space for cyclone shelters is.